n080d33 ago

Great work!! The BW gamma corrected version really gets rid of the annoying lights, again great work! I am amazed you got away with posting this under pizzagate too, I tried to post some of my work on the "Each" video, but there is a mod who keeps deleting within minutes of publishing...Anyway, I thought I'd share here!!

I took a few frames from the "each" video and aligned them, stacked them and tweaked some values to bring out facial features, no painting / reconstruction though... This is what came out:


hacktheplanet ago

the thing you took the screen shot of is the silhouette from the mop type object that the filmer from the outside of the shower is using the shit the shower doors and scare the kid. the silhouette is clearer and not blurred like the child is behind the shower door, so you know its in front of the shower door. it definitely looks like a mop of some kind. but i definitely think there is someone in the shower with him. see my comment above

hacktheplanet ago

you can also definitely hear other noises that sound like moans of pleasure from one or more other adults, especially in the beginning.

catladies ago

Nope in the beginning the sounds are chants maybe from a tv. Ran the audio several times trough ableton.

hacktheplanet ago


hacktheplanet ago

my last comment got deleted so ill write it again. in response to those who think its a dog or a snake: you can def see the thing moving around in there with the kid so its not a snake. you can't hear any dogs barking. it could be that the dog is debarked, but i think part of the scare tactic of using a dog is the bark, so that doesn't really make sense. i think its either another child and they are fighting, OR its an adult. perhaps the adult is strapped in (see pic references in OP) and the appeal is that he is trying to get to the child while he is strapped in. so the child is trying to keep the adult away.

Hug-a-Root ago

This is even more disturbing than the original. It looks like someone or something is in the shower with the child. Please Jesus, help these babies.

Dabarina ago

I never even thought of that! It could definitely be hot water! I know it's awful listening to the child screaming like that but after reading your comment and listening to it again it sounds like the kid is screaming "the waters hot the waters hot! At around :35.

Also, in the beginning it sounds like people are moaning (pleasurably) but it turns to painful moans/screams a little way through and that's when the guy starts screaming SHUT UP! - SAY IT AGAIN.

He's clearly having two different "conversations" at that point.

catladies ago

The sounds in the beginning 3 sec are mos def. chanting/or singing. (Oh ohooohoo)door closes?) i dont think its water. my guess are insects. beacuse at 14 sec. you can clearly see him hitting the floor. feet level. you can see him prepare for the punch one sec earlier.

ArthurEdens ago

What a sack of shit this podesta is.

catladies ago

stop it. its not proven to be him, it weakens the case. dont be emotional.

ArthurEdens ago

Hard to be emotionless seeing a boy being tortured. Btw none of us weaken anything, this speaks for itself

catladies ago

i agree on that conclusion tho i think clearly is a overstatement.

hacktheplanet ago

it looks like there is another person in the shower with the kid. that he is fighting with or trying to keep away from him. maybe its two kids that are forced to fight? or a drunk perv dude in the shower trying to get at the kid? also in the 2nd video, it looks like there is one person filming/hitting shower door with mop thing, and then it looks like there is another large person on on the outside as well who comes up to the door at some point

ArthurEdens ago

Someone pointed out there is a snake or animal in there with the boy, common practice in mkultra

catladies ago

could be. the boy seems to be hitting something on the floor.

hacktheplanet ago

video 2 now works.

hacktheplanet ago

And video 2 now works

hacktheplanet ago

video 1 works now

hacktheplanet ago

video 1 works for me now. this is great thanks

catladies ago

no problem!

albinobunny ago

Yeah the first dailymotion link works. The other one still takes time to process.

Mtnchan ago

Thanks for doing this

Mtnchan ago

Not getting it either

catladies ago

getting what?

Mtnchan ago

Can't view or download

catladies ago

what link did you use? do you get any form of message?

catladies ago

No problem. the file is from file.io and its absolutely clean. But its up to you. About the processing, hope it works out, really dont want to send a mail to the vid.me folks.

catladies ago

yes. odd. maybe it goes trough some kind of approval? did the dl work?

catladies ago

I fixed the links. I now use dailymotion. Try it pls.