Rangers_justice ago

Ashton Kutchers and his wife Demi Moore both practice Kabbalah and shes the "mistress of chamber" to the elite PUGS gentlemens club. It's so elite even Tony Blair and Jay-Z couldn't get into it. Check it out. This guy is a cover upper for the Hollywood pedophile ring.


Rangers_justice ago

Ashton is not to be trusted because his ex-wife Demi Moore was "mistress of chamber" at PUGS the exclusive gentlemens club. Not only that but even his most recent child born with Mila Kunis are involved in Kabbalah rituals and had one for his baby and even Demi Moore attended the gathering. Do NOT trust this weasel of a man. He's covering up anything pizzagate/pedogate Hollywood related. I'm under the impression that Bill Maher is also involved and that's why he's on record promoting and defending pedophilia. Bill had a lot to do with the fall of MILO. If anyone wants to look into the Ashton link a little more I`ll quote some and link to the stringing cheese along post from steemit.

"I began researching Bernie Ecclestone's connections to Epstein. What immediately came up was an unusual club called "Pugs." Pugs, referred to as "the World's Most Exclusive Gentleman's Club," only allows up to 21 members. Epstein and Ecclestone both tried to become members and were blackballed. Jay-Z tried to become a member and was blackballed as well. Naomi Campbell is also involved with the group, failing in her bid to become "Mistress of Chamber" - a title she lost to Demi Moore.

But how involved was Epstein with this mysterious group? I referred back to his book. Sure enough, five out fifteen members were listed in his book. Relatives of other Pugs members had their information in Epstein's book as well. Several of the "rejects" were also in Epstein's book, such as Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson.

I began to investigate the Pugs members listed in Epstein's book. Reading articles by Pugs founder and syndicated columnist, Taki Theodoracopulos, I found not only did he know Epstein, but he knew that Epstein was bisexual and into young boys, in addition to girls - almost as if Theodoracopulos had seen Epstein's sexual proclivities for himself, since no other source has ever mentioned this fact."


samhara ago

Check it out: Demi Moore is french kissing a child and then defends her actions? I couldn't bear to watch this at normal speed, too disgusting. Have to get the unpleasantness over faster than that. She is totally gross

THORN's Demi Moore (MK Ultra Slave) Molesting Child


strix-varia ago

Yup. I have to say beware of any hollywood celebrity who is running a charity anywhere.

Infopractical ago

Yesterday Reason Magazine published an article with some strange contradictions regarding Ashton Kutcher's claimed numbers for Thorn:


HolyMoly0 ago

Who knows how much he knows. Point is, Thorn is connected with NCMEC, Clintons, etc. Kutcher has likely at least been checked and cleared by the power structure, and is now being used as the face of their coverup. Maybe he's a useful idiot, maybe not--but regardless, this seems like the deep state at work, given the timing and the people involved.

And don't be fooled by an actor's emotions. It often seemed to me like he was hamming it up.

strix-varia ago

Useful idiot indeed. If true, why would they pick him. Do people idolize this guy. Would they be interested in what he has to say. They also have heavy hitters in the charity business like bono, sean penn, george clooney, elton john, the list goes on.

micha_ ago

Kutcher said in his hearing that McCain was a hero. Soros is a sponsor of McCain.

micha_ ago

In his hearing he mentioned Soros funded McCain as hero.

FriesischShipping ago

You're supposed hide and keep ur cock sucking mouth shut! Wtf is he thinking!?!? I didn't even know he was involved until now!!! Why would he do this?!?!!

sore_ass_losers ago

Interesting, AK once got into controversy for a tweet supporting Joe Paterno, later deleted and backpedaled saying he didn't know he was fired related to sexual misconduct.


Mooncutter ago

He could be a good guy. Or not. We don't know. But if he is, he's being tricked by cooperating with Branson's org.

carmencita ago

Hollywood has been getting a bad wrap on here, and rightly so. They have to send a good will ambassador out to warm our hearts. Aw! Isn't that nice? I was on the fence about Kutcher but the evidence is mounting in the wrong direction.If he is hooking up with Branson in any way he is highly suspect.

Mooncutter ago

He is suspect, and he DID endorse John Mccain big time. But I just kind of want to believe he's a good guy who's smart but a little naive and they trick him =)

carmencita ago

I know. It is hard. I too want to believe, sometimes I don't know what to think anymore. Do we just throw they all under the bus, we can't. So many have tainted the pool for the others.

Azagthoth ago

They all go under the helicopter

WhoWhatWhere ago

So he said he watched a video of a 2 year old being abused, isn't that against the law?

gangpressorliber ago

It's all a front... they are turning in on their selves. Only those who can keep the Cult alive the best are allowed to remain in the surviving cult this dupe was selected for the survivors who cannibalize the rest.