zzvoat ago

Well, color me shocked! /s (Great work!)

4warned ago


pizzaequalspedo ago

Seems to be a big Greek influence in these Pedo rings.

4warned ago

I meant to add this link. http://globalsustain.org/en/story/11494 Quote from the article, "The parliamentarians of Greek descent, headed by President Thomas Katsiantonis, State Representative of New Hampshire, USA showed particular interest in the direct work of the Organization, 52.200 children and their families having been supported in the first semester of 2016 alone through nationwide actions on a 24/7 basis and 365 days/year."

dksogo358 ago

Thanks. Got it. So much going on!

4warned ago

Thank you!

brokencookie ago

Of course he does...

4warned ago

....and so do the Clintons @ShockDoctrine posted this on VOAT months ago!
And this. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1439876 It's being connected.

4warned ago

Pizza / Politics/ Philanthropy?
A Smile FoR A CHILD operates 14 homes in Greece that houses 348 children, Hope they are well supervised. http://www.hamogelo.gr/1.2/home/ They are partnered with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Smile_of_the_Child

Here's another article here.
http://globalsustain.org/en/story/11494 It's amazing how busy our politicians are.