jv209 ago

It was a video shot in a dark bathroom with the camera closeup frantically panning around while a husky prepubescent boy only in a pair of white tighties rubs what seems to be feces on his body while laying underneath a running shower.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

We need to be utilizing donotlink waaaay more, people. We're helping them out by giving them traffic.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

What in all the fucks in the universe is this website!?

TheApocapplypse ago

It has been reported to the authorities NYPD/FBI that recovered that stuff from Wieners laptop

juhos ago

My gut tells me this whole worldcorp is distraction or a troll. Many pizzagate investigators are now shouting "proof Podesta is pedo" etc.

What you think is gonna happen when worldcorp comes out and shows it's just an art project? It's like giving a free weapon for shills and pedos.

Sure, you can investigate this but please be careful with your statements, people!

TheApocapplypse ago

Child abuse is not art.

juhos ago

Say that to Tony Podesta.

But seriously I ment video being fake if art, of course.

notArobott ago

Yes they can

klondike1412 ago

Definitely filmed in a tropical area! Lots of palm trees! Looks a bit like the CheesyBay stuff that was being investigated in Hawaii. But the guy is also known to be connected to all kinds of places where kids are sourced from like Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam etc. which look similar. I believe the guy in the videos was identified as a Dr. Gary Lee Munroe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7mj4Oroc&feature=youtu.be

burnerdrone04 ago

Something that occurred to me whilst browsing the worldcorpo.net site, is that many of the images/videos seem ripe for stenography. They are so noisy and off color that hiding steno images/videos in them should be easy. However, that said, I have no reason to believe any of this is tied to Pizzagate. It seems a distraction. Also I haven't seen any citizen investigator efforts to uncover stenographically hidden images/videos amount to a hill of beans.

Pechal ago

People have reported and also no one needs to report. You realize how many people and how much this is now plastered over social media now right, Voat is not the only community talking about this there are many other websites? They know about this 100%

Pechal ago

Well you can't really post examples. But websites that would host child abuse videos would be taken down as soon as authorities would find out about. At this point it is without question that authorities know about it, since it has become so popular.

Question is are they not taking it down because it is just a LARP or snuff film RP? Or is it because they are in on this website and could be a honeytrap as the OP commenter mentioned? Or a third option is that it is part of a "leak" to raise awareness.

We must ask ourselves if this is real, why have authorities not taken this website down?

Blacksmith21 ago

"Hot dog stand in Hawaii" anyone?

Shitseverewhere ago

Maybe, but this has Florida man all over it.

Blacksmith21 ago

I just about shot my morning beverage out my nose and across my keyboard. You are right. Long live FLORIDA MAN!

BackToBlack ago

what if these are leaks? maybe they were leaked by someone from NYPD that had access to Weiner's computer? Might as well be fake, but let's be open to consider all possibilities.

wehaveyouremails ago

I don't know what to think but this analysis:


makes it pretty clear that at least the Fatherhood and Each videos are some kind of fucked up. You can clearly see the kid once you have it pointed out and either that's some Oscar worthy screaming in terror from a little kid or this is at least worth looking into whether it's actually related to Podesta or not or whether the other videos are just distractions.

Catchthem ago

This guy (the owner of Worldcorpo) has been identified already longtime ago.. https://www.facebook.com/worldcorpenterprises/posts/684509664934827 Gary Lee Munroe Barney https://youtu.be/nWW7mj4Oroc

Pechal ago

The question to ask ourselves here is: if the other video is indeed Podesta then what is this guys relation to Podesta and why would he post it?

Other question is since this guy has several videos of weird stuff and this is his website, why do we think the other videos have nothing to do with him? Why would we think this guy is a "leaker"?

I mean really just all of this makes little sense, can't wrap my head around it.

EDIT: Reading some of his posts, the broken English is really hard to interpret:

I was introduced Dr. Barney doctoral against my will by 2 governments Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and the United States of America.International rape. Your use there international offices Embassy of government and others inside the country as a way to spy on you.

So I don't understand is this guy claiming to be a leaker raising awareness on this, but at the sametime he is posting extremely strange fetish videos of himself? What the hell is going on with this guy?

EDIT2: It has been claimed that this guy died in 2014 http://web.archive.org/web/20150211053025/http://www.glmb1949.com/

moreAkin ago

So, that's the bearded guy in the video?

Catchthem ago


BarryOSeven ago

Maybe somebody is releasing hacked files?

ploppy ago

I don't get this. Why would this site still be operating after all this publicity? Some kind of IP honey trap? Usually, when this sort of thing happens, the sites get taken down or wiped.

pschemmo ago

I missed the moment these Worldcorpo videos came to light, but so please explain: - are those videos pre-Pizzagate dated? If not - are we sure they were not fabricated and planted as a lead into this investigation, eg. to reveal later it was a hoax undermining all other results of this research. It's really weird this website remains active, not taken down after Pizzagate outbreak or at least after the discovery of the website itself. I advise some reasonable level of skepticism here unless I missed the fact that you guys confirmed authenticity of those leads before.

islandofdelight ago

FBI leak. They are mixing the sources of the footage shown so that only the most perceptive can find the clues.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

What do you think their motive for doing so would be (in regards to making the leak for the most perceptive only)? I mean, if you're going to leak some crazy shit, why bother veiling it/making the sources hard to come by..?

TheApocapplypse ago

Hello, I saw your post on Reddit. "NYPD/FBI that recovered that stuff from Wieners laptop"

wehaveyouremails ago

What if they're setting us up to get used to downloading whatever they put up and they dump a bunch of CP up there with an IP honey trap?

It doesn't make sense for it to still be up and still be being curated (Dad.mp4 was removed, this one was added (and may have been there before so it may have been removed and re-added))...

Be careful everyone!

jv209 ago

ya, I'm really worried about that "dad" video and its disappearance. I really hope I didn't accidentally view some sick fuck's CP/scat fetish. I'm almost in tears thinking about it. I don't really watch snuff/weird shit on the internet so I wasn't prepared for that. I think that's enough internet for me for at least a day...

jv209 ago

that was there earlier. there was a video on there that I can't find anymore that looked like a kid being forced to rub shit on his body while only wearing underwear inside of a bathtub/shower that was way more disturbing. I honestly hope it's all fake unless that is the most despicable and disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life.

wehaveyouremails ago

what really? Sorry, this one wasn't clicked on and I checked archives of the video page and it wasn't listed on the ones I looked at. Also I remember the one with the kid forced to rub shit on himself in the shower, it was called Dad.mp4 and it's not there anymore...

why are videos being added and deleted right now? They have to know we're watching.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Disgusting! Vomit! Poke my eyes out! Now someone needs to find out who that lard ass sick MFer is!

ConcernedParent2 ago

OP, can you post a screen shot of his face for those of us that can't view videos?

wehaveyouremails ago

Added photo of his face! He crawls from the camera to the tree and back and then he tries to say something but they edit his voice to just be a quick grunt stutter and then the worldcorpo logo comes up and in the bottom of the screen it says some words ("WAIT..." then "Update 3 times per 2 days::temporary homepage")

ConcernedParent2 ago

Thanks OP.

This sick fuck needs to be identified and arrested already.

neurofluxation ago

~~I can't see it.. Timing out :/~~ Seen it... Errr... Riiiight....