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gardenofbacchus ago

Anonymous hacked the Worldcorpo site, if you guys haven't heard. They got the coordinates for the place that the site is registered to.'30.5%22N+72%C2%B030'55.1%22W/@44.5084379,-72.5175573,17.34z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d44.508477!4d-72.515316

It's in Elmore, Montpelier, which matches up with Robert Robinson, the "procurer" of this site. If any Canadabros are game....

k9walker ago

Blazefierce ago

I'm 3h40m from there. I'm in canada though.

l23r ago

It's just over on the US side of the border. Really close to Quebec though.

Forgetmenot ago

Wasn't there some arrests in Quebec?

l23r ago


VieBleu ago

Be careful of that source - has been shown to be non-credible in the past.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Do you have a link to the original place anonymous shared this info?

RedGreenAlliance ago

Fuck. To think there could be a kid or kids there right now. We need to contact local Vermont police as well as the FBI as someone said above. Im in the UK and limited. Arghh this is horrific