ZunarJ5 ago

Ashton Kutcher pizza/Orbit commercial - he's one of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLtpjlAeHRM

Kingrealboss ago

Yes I've seen That on tv many times, he would have to be completely obvious to everything, he could be a legit stooge tho that actually does't know ie a frontman

2impendingdoom ago

the UN is not so clean. You got to wonder what John Ashe was going to say in Preet Bharara's Seng Lap trial to have his throat crushed by a barbell.

2impendingdoom ago

I watched part of his hearing and he seemed sincere but he is an actor. At least he is talking and bringing attention to the issue, that is helpful and if it gets better laws and more enforcement that is good. He talked about the importance of help for the victims, mental health help and the necessity for places for them to go, that the laws criminalizing under age victims wasn't to childrens' benefit, that statutory rape laws are not being used to prosecute the johns and should be, I thought he made a lot of good points.

There was talk about how businesses need to be more proactive to make sure that trafficking and child labor are not used in their supply chains, and how political / trade agendas and policies should not override the enforcement of these crimes.

It was the Foreign Relations committee, so that was their focus.

Kingrealboss ago

His job is professional lying if you think about it kinda makes sense why politicians love to roll out celebs (actors) when they want some bs done

pnwpatriot97 ago

Oh was it falcon or grilled cheese? Both those pedo enablers were blocking my submissions earlier through out the week for the same bs.

Kingrealboss ago

I've sent a smoking gun to falcon before because I was too scared to post it myself, you think if he was legit he would have posted it immediately, guess not

IPleadThe2nd ago

focusing on human trafficking in other countries gives the general public the perception that this is a problem that occurs "other places". I'm all for humanitarian work in other countries, but when we know human trafficking is a massive problem here in the us, with 240,000 American children at risk of trafficking each year according to the department of state, why aren't any "celebs" dealing with these issues closer to home? Too close to their own backyard maybe?

shoosh ago

He mentioned the US. He also said that FBI came to him asking for his tech and he had to tell them he had nothing. I wondered if he knew that FBI was not to be trusted.
I'm glad he's bringing awareness to the Hollyweird types. He may have gotten into acting without knowing the full extent of the pedo-ring and upon finding out decided to pushback in a way that was subtle, like THORN,
I'm hoping.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Thanks for the input, I didn't know those details. I hope you're right!

shoosh ago

He mentioned the first 2 points in his speech.
It's hard to say with these people.

21yearsofdigging ago


strix-varia ago


chordwonder ago

The guy is giving his software away to law enforcement agencies all over the world. He's not making any money on this at this time. Not everyone in Hollywood is a greedy pedo.

derram ago

https://archive.is/IMdRB :

Actor Ashton Kutcher Is Trying to End Modern-Day Slavery - NBC News

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