Kingrealboss ago

His organisation is called "thorn" anyone open to combing through it

strix-varia ago

So do you know what kabbala is? Obviously not.

VieBleu ago

again, a condescending holier-than-thou attitude of superior knowledge. And yes I know what Kabbala is.

If your approach ever changes, perhaps we can have a conversation.

strix-varia ago

Did I say I had superior knowledge? I can't see anywhere where I've said that. Did I say you were a devil-worshipper....not at all. Does living in LA mean something to those of us who don't or won't or didn't? Would I ever want to have a conversation with you? Well it appears I am and it will be the last.

Kabbala in snottywood has been handed down by the former insurance salesman turned scholar who in turn watered it down and made it inclusive and popular for many followers like:

"Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashton Kutcher, Elizabeth Taylor, Britney Spears and Demi Moore soon followed Madonna, and Rabbi Berg’s center became internationally known. The center, a nonprofit religious organization, raked in money through merchandise sales and cash donations. Its assets are now believed to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Bergs enjoyed a lifestyle of private jets, designer clothes and gambling trips. Rabbi Berg was at a Las Vegas hotel in 2004 when he suffered a stroke that left him unable to speak clearly or walk.

Karen Berg and the couple’s sons, Yehuda and Michael, took over operation of the center, and their stewardship has been accompanied by questions about its finances.

The IRS and federal prosecutors in New York opened a tax-evasion investigation in 2010. Madonna subsequently removed her African charity from the center’s control. The current status of the federal investigation is not known."

"hollywood" is the breeding ground of everything vile and is why the country much of the country is in the state it's in. People eat up that crap like candy and continue to do so and kutcher is part of that crap. Just watch his latest flop called "The Ranch" and now apparently his new bromance with John McCain.

May GOD have mercy on us all.

VieBleu ago

snottywood - exactly. Holier than thou. I am sure you don't believe any "real" people live on the West Coast at all, much less Hollywood, West Hollywood, Santa Monica or Los Angeles, right?

Just know, that Oral Roberts was apparently actually a bona fide Satanist with a basement or ritual sacrifice right under his own church - so why don't we go around saying that the mid-west is the source of all things evil and a breeding ground for all things vile? Because that is a stupid generalization.

IPleadThe2nd ago

If he's such a warrior for child trafficking and stopping molestation then why doesn't he do something about what goes on in Hollywood? He's high up in he industry and HAS to know about it yet he says nothing? I don't trust him!

strix-varia ago

I don't trust the hollywood "actors" either..not at all, not for a minute.

VieBleu ago

Your argument seems very emotional and really doesn't make sense. Just like you have decided to do your fight by coming to a website and making comments, he has decided on what his effort is going to be - funding high tech people and probably hackers and coders to work with law enforcement. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GOING TO ARGUE THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH BECAUSE HE LIVES IN HOLLYWOOD? If so, then why aren't you helping law enforcement bust traffickers in your neighborhood, instead of commenting here? See it works both ways, and it isn't a great argument at all.

And who knows, maybe some of the 6,000 are right there in Hollywood. Do you KNOW they are not?

He has set a worthy goal, he is accomplishing it. You are not the person that sets his goal. Just because he lives in Hollywood doesn't mean that what happens online all over the country and world isn't important. He is bringing the message to congress, are you?

Look I'm not trying to bust your nuts, but your comment deserves what it gets. You don't need to trust him, but as long as he is doing this job, you at least owe him the respect to stop naysaying him. We need every resource on our side we can get.

IPleadThe2nd ago

You sound like his flipping publicist! I'm entitled to have my opinion and don't need to defend that, but for some reason you put a lot of effort into defending a person you do not know and making a lot of assumptions of him in the process. I don't owe him shit! If he actually did speak out about the pedo problem in Hollywood I would, but instead of him taking advantage of the position he has by speaking out and protecting kids in Hollywood, he gives feel good photo ops to sucker people like you into thinking he's so wonderful! He can say all day long he has "saved" 6000 kids but where's the proof? Hillary says she's the champion of women and I'm sure you believe that too!

derram ago :

Ashton Kutcher: My organization helped find 6,000 human trafficking victims - NBC News :

'We were the last line of defence': Watch Ashton Kutcher give an emotional testimony on modern slavery | Business Insider

This has been an automated message.

gangpressorliber ago

yea and don't mind the Pizza party with Nancy Pelosi afterwards.... They just brain storming on the subject together...

VieBleu ago

I'm all for Pelosi getting any justice due to her right now, today.

But what exactly has turned up about her, except that she owns Goat Hill pizza and yes it had that logo on the one page and a photo of Hillary, so Pelosi is a suspected person. Has anything else actually ever been turned up on her? Links appreciated.

strix-varia ago

How's this if you need a good laugh....

VieBleu ago

This insulting, snide way to demonize people is such a sophomoric bore. i don't find it a laugh or entertainment. "oh looky looky she had a mind fart, let's RUN with it ahahahhhahahah because the internet and I'm so smart" More like jr high bs.

Meanwhile, my real question goes unanwered.

strix-varia ago

Then ignore it

Whizwit21 ago

His audience was everyone that's gonna be investigated so he was kind of wasting his breath. I'm glad the MSM covered it though a lot of people saw it.

VieBleu ago
