joey4track ago

Good God. Sickening that MSM, govt and Hollywood are all covering it up. This is the type of shit that starts revolutions and gets the people and the pitchforks in the street.

zzvoat ago

Covering it up.... yes but/and they are IN it. They are covering their own asses.

joey4track ago

No, I'm talking about all the people who know about it but keep their heads down or look the other way and stay silent. You know at least half the people in media govt film/music etc must know about it and they don't do shit about it. That's what burns me up the most. All the police, judges etc.. that turn the other way when these people get caught. They might not be doing it but they are certainly ENABLING it and that might as well be worse imo.

fartyshorts ago

It was very interesting to hear the story of Michael Dowd ("The Seven Five") on the Joe Rogan Experience. He talked about being a cop in the cocaine days and basically being forced to STFU and go along with things.

Not that there's any excuse.

ploppy ago

This is a really good idea. We should all do this.

banenya ago

Thank you. Also filter on: 'Pedophile ring', 'Clinton foundation', 'suicide', or any text that might appear in a news story that might be relevant. Filtering "pizzagate" however generally just compiles snark put-down fake news hit pieces.

Primus_Pilus ago

Horrifying but apparently necessary to look and see.