hojuruku ago

the OTO is a jewish pedophile cult - coming from frankism. see the censored posts from john's blog in archive.is http://www.dailystormer.com/radio-stormer-narrations-the-jewish-roots-of-the-ordo-templi-orientis/ The Jewish Board of Deputies run the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board with the OTO who founded it. they have the only board member there who never missed a meeting.

hojuruku ago

It's a hate crime to disrespect those who anal fuck screaming Russian infants - all the while going on ABC TV and saying it's homophobic to oppose us getting little boys (http://archive.org/details/TwoDadsAreBetterThanOne)) - here's the proof - because i published this john sunol in Australia was arrested by the special gay child sex police and sued by the OTO https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html - report of the gay child sex police raid - the first of two recent ones leading to arrests: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/08/federal-mp-george-christensens.html

Why is it against the law to hate child sex? Well not all child sex. If the infant rapist like Mark Newton and Peter Troung say the magic words "i am gay" before doing the hard core baby anal sex exposed in the US Justice Department Edward De Seer's indictment linked to here: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2013/07/the-story-the-abc-doesn-t-want-you-to-see/ - YOU MUST SAY GOOD BABY ANAL SEX - BECAUSE IF YOU SAY BAD BABY ANAL SEX done by gay marriage activists like I did - you'll be sued for hate speech of homosexuals. The court ruled homosexuality is inclusive of baby rapists, and therefore baby rapists must be respected. This is proof in case law the slippery slope is real. put "abcplugspedos" into www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au and look at the link in the case law and what it was a crime to link to. The comments weren't directed against homosexuals cited in the case law - they were directed against baby rapists, but the gay judge said if you insult a baby rapist, you insult a homosexual because they are one and the same and need to be respected equally under homosexual vilification laws.

SturdyGal ago

Hi Op. I have friends in Australia, and it is as bad, if not worse as it is here. I have scanned the blog and your comments and while you have some very interesting and valid points, it is really hard to read a wall of text. You may know all the facts, but we new readers don't, so if you don't get a lot of responses, it may be because it is hard to digest so much material that is in a kind of blob.

gardenofbacchus ago

I'm from Australia. This entire country is infested at every level of government and media. In order to succeed or "make it" in this country you have to be a part of this cult.

gangpressorliber ago

There's no movie script written for historical purposes yet. This is as it is in RL... Crime everywhere all over with connections all over erratically. Just keep digging... You'll find some talking points and you will get a voice that makes a difference... Digg outside of voat, and you can make some connections and discoveries to contribute yourself..

hojuruku ago

Breaking the NSW Attorney General is appealing Bernard Gaynor's decision IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA so they don't get sued for jailing people without a day in court for a law that doesn't exist in NSW for religious vilification of the gay baby anal sex cult known as OTOAustralia.org.au founded by Alister Crowley the BEAST 666 as he calls himself. The man who wrote the history of the OTO cult of baby sex in Dr Gregory John Tillet and the history of OTO child rapist for his PHD in Child sex thesis online at http://www.leadbeater.org founded the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board's homosexual vilification laws and the special gay child sexer protector police aka facebook.com/policeglbti

here is is letter about his muse of his thesis being done for little boy anal sex

In a recent posting ³Brian² (whoever he or she may be) announces that he has acquired records of the ³court hearings of the child molestation charges² against Leadbeater. These should, indeed, be interesting documents, since no such hearings ever occurred. The allegations against Leadbeater occurred at several points in his career: 1. During his time as an Anglican clergyman there seem to have been some allegations (hitherto not published) which may have partially explained his sudden departure from England to follow Madame Blavatsky. No criminal charges or court hearings occurred. 2. The 1906 allegations, which led to Leadbeater¹s resignation from the Theosophical Society, were never subjected to any judicial inquiry. There is a very interesting legal question as to whether Olcott and the members of the TS committee that conducted the internal inquiry into the matter were guilty of the British crime (which no longer exists) of misprision of felony: a serious allegation of child sexual assault had been made to them, the alleged offender made sufficient admissions to suggest that a felony had been committed, and they did nothing to report the matter to the police. It is, however, arguable that, since the alleged offenses occurred outside the British jurisdiction (i.e. in the USA), no offense had been committed under British law. Serious discussion of the dangers of misprision of felony arose in British Theosophical circles in relation to admissions of homosexual offenses relating to James Wedgwood in the 1920¹s. 3. A further allegation against Leadbeater arose in 1912 in connection with the case brought by Krishnamurti¹s father, Narayaniah, to regain custody of his son. Narayaniah alleged that he had seen Leadbeater ³committing an unnatural offense² with Krishnamurti. This allegation was fairly quickly abandoned by Narayaniah, and was found to have no substance in the court¹s final judgement. The details of the 1906 case were considered to some extent by the court; Leadbeater denied ever having had any physical contact with his boy pupils (which he had admitted to the 1906 committee), but, very strangely, stated that he had helped one boy to ³overcome the necessity of circumcision² by means of ³indicative action². The court did not pursue this curious statement. The court determined that Leadbeater was unfit to associate with children, not on the basis of proven misconduct, but because of his ³immoral ideas². 4. The so-called ³Sydney troubles² began with allegations made to the Sydney Police from the Point Loma Theosophists in 1917. There was an initial, very superficial Police investigation in 1917, and a detailed inquiry in 1922. Although the Point Loma allegations related essentially to the events of 1906, the Police inquiry considered possible current sexual offenses. The inquiry took evidence and statements from a number of people, including Krishnamurti and his brother, Nityananda, although Leadbeater refused to be interviewed. The substantial records of this inquiry make very interesting reading. The Police clearly concluded that there had been a sexual relationship between Leadbeater and some of his boys, but that there were no real prospects for obtaining a conviction, given the unquestioning loyalty of the boys to their teacher. The matter did not, therefore, lead to charges before any court. The ³inner side² of what had been occurring between Leadbeater and his boys (as disclosed by some of his disciples) was finally revealed in my PhD thesis in 1986, although some details had been given in ³The Elder Brother². 5. Public allegations were made in Sydney newspapers in 1926 (with headlines like ³Leadbeater¹s Illicit Lessons Lead Boys Astray²), and one of Leadbeater¹s close disciples, Gustav Kollerstrom, initiated a law suit against one of the newspapers concerned. The paper was delighted and announced its intentions of calling Leadbeater as a witness, and producing the records of the Police inquiry. Kollerstrom sought to withdraw his action, the newspaper refused to agree, and when the case reached the court Kollerstrom failed to present a case, and was ordered to pay the full costs of the newspaper. The court did not consider the allegations against Leadbeater at all. So: Leadbeater was never charged with or tried for any sexual offenses, no charges were ever laid or tried, and no judicial decisions ever made with regard to allegations of sexual misconduct (with the exception of Narayaniah¹s abandoned claim in the 1912 custody case). I therefore await with great anticipation the production of the records of the ³court hearings of the child molestation charges² against Leadbeater.

Dr Gregory Tillett

hojuruku ago

hojuruku ago


Please ask Bernard about how his case can be used to expose the kidnapping of TWO NSW Citizens in Coffs Harbour Vivivanne Legg and Dyson Devine under religious vilification laws that don't exist in NSW where VCAT has no jurisdiction as Bernie proved in his recent court victory. They were thrown i jail for not respecting the satanic religion that worships Bathomet founded by the man who openly called himself the BEAST 666 Alistair Crowley. The OTO is the only "religion" that believes those who do sodomy have "magickal" powers above all others, which is how the NSW Anti-Discrimination laws are drafted only giving the right to be victims of vilification to gay, lesbian, HIV+ and ethno-religious groups. Dr Gregory John Tillett who founded the laws as Australian Human Rights Commission consultant and Anti-Discrimination Board Conciliation/Education manager, the very same Clover Moore 1993 Homosexual vilification bill used against Bernard Gaynor by her Staffer Garry Richard Burns wrote the history of the OTO in Australia as well as the history of an infamous Australian OTO Member into gay child sex with young boys known as C.W. Leadbeater (his 1986 thesis is online) Bernard Gaynor's victory should allow Legg and Devine to sue the NSW Police for kidnapping and jailing them without a day in court all for a satanic pedophile cult. Put "Legg Devine" into the Australian Legal Information Institute Case Law Database and see this is case law not conspiracy theory. VCAT / Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission are so proud they locked people in jail without a single day in court for religious vilification of satanic pedophile cults they even included it in one of their submissions to the federal government supporting 18C that has been redacted from their website, but a backup download link was found. http://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/.../6060...http://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/.../779... The OTO believes children should be included in their sex magic ceremonies and says so in videos I have. The OTO has it's highest level being the Master of the Hermit TRIAD XI rituals in gay anal sex black magick to open the gates of hell as they say themselves. It's the only religion people are jailed for not respecting in Australia - the religion of satanism. When Pizzagate was exposed in Australia by Dr Riena Michleson of the CSAPP net, the OTO has began their campaign to sue every anti-pedophile organization in Australia, including CSAPP - Truth News Radio Australia LoveforLife com au, LukeArmy dot com and many more. The Anti-Discrimination Board is a pedophilia cult. Those backing it are dangerous! Public Interest Advocacy Centre is a slush fund for elite philanthropy groups to pay for "pro bono" paid for legal services like working pro-bono for Satanic pedophile cults and Garry Burns, and demanding Christian Adoption Agencies like in OW & OV Vs Wesley City Mission hand over newborn babies to gay dads who get first pick of the litter because only they can sue for homosexual discrimination law. @KateHumanRights on twitter also works for PIAC and sued Christian Brethren Conference Centre in Wayout vs Bretheren when the church refused to allow gay men to sleep in Bunk beds with under 16 year olds and teach them the joy of anal sex on church land. Then Kate worked against PIAC defending Wesley City Mission. PIAC Lawyers often switch sides when doing a shake down, such as Chris Ronalds SC who worked for Jeff Kenett when she formally worked with PIAC And Garry Burns when Jeff Kenett was sued by Garry Burns for not respecting Ken Campagnolo who is exposed in case law giving child porn and grog to under 16 football players, whilst he was suing the football club to use discrimination law to say parents of the club have no right to stop him seeing their children's sex organs in the change room where he works as a "child massuse". Chris Ronalds SC worked for PIAC and represented Garry Burns vs John Laws previously - switching sides to work against her former employer and client, is not odd is it? Ken Campagnolo got top 25 gay activist award from SAME SAME gay magazine and the SMH newspapers and Victorian Schools textbooks are force to praise him, even though he's a court confirmed pedophile by VCAT judge Anna Dea. Jeff Kennett then sent money from his beyond blue charity to pay off Chris Ronalds SC and employ her full time under the Brand New Venture of PIAC's Mental Health Legal Assistance program that started a month after she sued Jeff Kennett with Garry Burns and PIAC. Jeff Kennett was named in a pedophile in the dossier that Legg and Devine shared on their website about the O T O. The corrupt dealings of all those involved with the anti-discrimination board and their links to organized peodphilia normalization is scared. My father in law is being sued for disrespecting Gay Marriage Activists Mark Newton and Peter Truong who with Australian government assistance were able to human traffick and rape a Russian Infant in Drake Newton - all whilst being praised by the ABC's Ginger Goreman. Put "abcplugspedos" into case law. It's a crime to disrespect these child rapists because they identified as gay before and after the child abuse, and by law you must never vilify someone who identifies as a homosexual no matter what they do to an innocent infant says the ADB/@NCATNSW, and also it's a crime to link to Robert Oscar Lopez's phd thesis "same sex marriage is child abuse" according to gay judge who specializes in representing pedophiles as he says on his own law blog and wants all child sex cases to go through his arbitration society rather than the criminal justice system, a gay judge who uses a fake name in court [Alexander] John Wakefield. NSW GLLO Gay police were also founded by Gregory Tillett and have ordered me not to speak to John Sunol who was arrested on order of the special gay police even though I'm scheduled to be John Sunol's witness this Thursday. The special gay court and the special gay police with satanic pedophile cult origins need to go. ThíchHiển thị thêm cảm xúc · Trả lời · Hôm qua lúc 14:50 · Đã chỉnh sửa Church And State with Dave Pellowe

Church And State with Dave Pellowe Bernard ThíchHiển thị thêm cảm xúc · Trả lời · Hôm qua lúc 15:06 VCAT teaches the Human Rights charter a few days ago, the same charter they broke to jail Vivianne Legg and Dyson Devine for religious vlification of the satanic pedophile cult the OTO without a day in court when they had no right to enforce Victorian law on NSW citizens as bernard gaynor recently proved in the NSW Supreme Court of Appeals. Here's the law they broke. https://charterblog.wordpress.com/.../the-rights-of.../https://charterblog.wordpress.com/.../13/lost-in-transition/ CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ACT 2006 - SECT 25

Rights in criminal proceedings (1) A person charged with a criminal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.

(2) A person charged with a criminal offence is entitled without discrimination to the following minimum guarantees—

(a) to be informed promptly and in detail of the nature and reason for the charge in a language or, if necessary, a type of communication that he or she speaks or understands; and

(b) to have adequate time and facilities to prepare his or her defence and to communicate with a lawyer or advisor chosen by him or her; and

(c) to be tried without unreasonable delay; and

(d) to be tried in person, and to defend himself or herself personally or through legal assistance chosen by him or her or, if eligible, through legal aid provided by Victoria Legal Aid under the Legal Aid Act 1978 ; and - See point (d) - they were denied their human rights so the satanists could jail them without a day in court. This is justice from the leftists. They also praise on twitter a man who gets paid to punch women in the face on Foxtel Pay Per View Fallon Fall a "transgender" mixed martial arts fighter, whilst also supporting white women's day violence against women. They are hypocrites.

hojuruku ago

In case the NSW GLLO Special gay child sex police (facebook.com/policeglbti) partnered with twenty10.org.au rent boy child prostitute dormitory exposed on kidsrights.org.au and by George Christensen MP censors it ( and they will ) with joint OTOAustralia.org.au legal action ongoing against John Sunol (along with gay gang stalking) here is the archive.is link: http://archive.is/Lgu2U