Ok so this topic was deleted by Millennium Falcon for some reason. I guess it's too "META". I'll repost this topic in the META subverse.

nomorepepperoni ago

My questions to Seaman include:

-Why, if true, did he claim Voat was his source in the hours before the Sandusky arrest, when it didn't appear he got good info?

-Why was he calling people asking about his source "shills" when he hinted at leaking said source if it didn't pan out?

-What happened to the Antarctica story? Was threatening to discuss it a way to drive off those about to drop a distraction bomb?

-Have he or his source been in touch with Ben Swann or have info beyond speculation as to why his social media was nuked?

-Have he or his source been in touch with George Webb?

-Have he or his source been in touch with IsThisGameOfThrones/PizzaGateGear, and have any info about that situation?


Good questions. I'll ask him all of these in a bit.

nomorepepperoni ago

Thanks. Even if you can only get a few in there, it'd be appreciated all the same.


All I tried to do was offer a direct line of communication between the Pizzagate researchers here on Voat with David Seaman. Why downvotes and bullshit responses? Stop being cunts. I get there's a lot of hate for Seaman. I'm not asking you to dickride him. Don't downvote and spam a topic for other members here to inquire about potential leads and developments.

Forgetmenot ago

Only shills hate him the people here who care about the victims are grateful for his support to the cause!

Gammi ago

I appreciate what you have done here.....some people are just jerks, and seem to be as immature as the radical left.


Thanks. I'm limited in how much more I can contribute to efforts here. I felt the need to give folks here the chance to explore this option.

Gammi ago

I think it is a very helpful thing to do, and hopefully you will get some good responses soon.

Gammi ago

I have been following David on you tube since the pizzagate story broke.......he mentioned on his latest video a time for a protest is coming, and I agree, I read where someone said a silent protest with signs would be great, I like that idea..... I would like to know his thoughts on this, as well as who has influence and, a big following that could organize it, and through what method would it get out to the people to make it become a reality?.....we can not wait much longer for Trump or Sessions to act, if we get out in huge numbers they can't ignore us.....and if the numbers are huge neither can the media.


Alrighty I'll ask him about it.

CipherPuppet ago

The newest video has a girl who claims she is a victim of satanic abuse. Then she has a go fund me account and videos as well. She could be a fisher, if you know what I mean. Notice David Zublick's video on Napa Valley Pizza Gate The victim does not ask for one cent. She just tells her story and does not cyber beg anyone. Much more credible, frankly.

Gammi ago

Thank you!

Flat_Truth ago

Yeah, ask him if these are real photos of our earth , or is there some sort of fraud going on? Can you also ask him if this is really a scientist up on a space station? or did Astronaut Scott Kelly (his identical twin married to Gabrielle Giffords, a gunshot victim in a news story) really spend a whole year up in outer space on that same space station while his identical twin stayed here on earth? ? Or is our news really just a bunch of lies from satanic pedofiles? . Please don't attack with the thumbs down....these are legitimate questions that if anyone here would like to answer....that would be great too :)

Antonius ago

Scott Kelly is not husband of Giffords...he is brother in law of Giffords.

Flat_Truth ago

Thumbs down all you want....but again.....Do you really think those are real photographs of our earth??????? Answer.


There is absolutely no room for flattardery here go poison another well ; I just cannot believe how incredibly stupid your question is and as a reflection thereof, just how astonishingly stupid you are. You are stupidity squared. Stupid at the power of infinity X infinity stupid. I mean new paradigm annihilating never seen before uber level stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so dense that even the neutrons have collapsed stupid. Stupid so dense that no intelligence can enter stupid. Singular cerebral neuron stupid. If you had 2 brains you'd be twice as stupid. Blazing hot, mid-day sun in July, Laredo Texas parking lot stupid. So stupid you emit more stupid in one millisecond than our entire galaxy emits in a century stupid. Kept under the porch by the dogs stupid. As welcome as a shithouse breeze stupid. Stupid to Avogadro’s Number stupid (6.022 x 1023 ). A Mandelbrot set of stupidity. Stupid to infinity^3 stupid. Fatally stupid. Irreversibly stupid. Incurably stupid. Terminal brain cancer stupid. Microencephaly stupid. Foaming at the mouth rabies stupid. Ebola stupid. SARS stupid. Zika stupid. Smallpox stupid. Mad Cow stupid. Diarrhea gonorrhea and pyorrhea stupid. KURU stupid. Jock itch stupid. Crotch crickets stupid. Fingers, toes, nose, ears and genitalia falling off from leprosy stupid. Monkeys in a feces flinging fight stupid. Super saturated trans fat stupid, 100% hydrogenated fat stupid, Metaphysically-stupid. Ten pounds of stupid in a five pound bag stupid. Multi generational stupid. Genetically stupid. Intrinsically stupid. Terminal velocity stupid. Fractally stupid. Holographically stupid. Vertically stupid. Horizontally stupid. Diagonally stupid. Spirally stupid. Centrifugaly stupid. Centripetaly stupid. Exponentially stupid. Mathematically stupid. Geographically stupid. Scientifically stupid. Physically stupid. Spiritually stupid. Maniacly stupid. Stupid beyond mega stupid by a factor making you yotto stupid. Stupid achieving a plasma state that nothing intelligent can penetrate it stupid. Stupid so dense it's impregnable by a 25 lb. depleted uranium projectile fired from a 155 howitzer at point blank range stupid. Extinction level meteoric strike stupid. 10 on the Richter Scale stupid. Mount Krakatoa X Mount St Helens volcanic eruption stupid. Fujita Scale F6 tornado stupid. Booger eating stupid. Spitoon chugging contest winner stupid. Lead based paint chip eating stupid. Stupid exceeding the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale stupid. Fukushima Radiation pollution stupid. Needing to have everything explained to you with crayola wax crayons and construction paper stupid. Win Place and Show stupid. Exacta, Trifecta AND Superfecta stupid. All four tires flat AND the spare tire also flat stupid. Stupid higher than a 1000 foot sewer lagoon shit tsunami stupid. 2 stupid girls 1 stupid cup stupid. Goatse stupid. Stupidity level; >EXPERT< stupid. I still just cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. Global warming tax grab hoax stupid. Stupid so thermally fatal to be capable of instantaneously melting polar ice caps stupid. Flat Domed Earth believing stupid. Black hole stupid. An hour long solar eclipse stupid. Singularity stupid. Absolute, ceasing-of-all-molecular-activity, Zero Degree stupid. ALL IN CAPS STUPID. Stepping on a rake stupid. Quasar stupid. Event horizon stupid. Exploding supernova stupid. Galactic jet stupid. Even bigger stupid than Big Bang Stupid. Stupid so stupid that a new language has to be developed to adequately define it stupid. Stupidity such that a map of such stupidity would extend past the limits of our known universe stupid.— you are even more stupid in parallel universes stupid in addition to being in this universe stupid. God actually having to admit that your stupidity is even beyond His creativity pay grade to produce stupid — so great a stupidity as he/she/it scratches head in befuddlement as to how it was created stupid. Disaster stupid, bigly stupid and YUUUUGE stupid. And that’s just for today. This will be the starting point to even more of your tomorrow’s stupid. An uninformed, misinformed, fucktard; a mentally, morally, philosophically and culturally bankrupt cum and shit stain on humanity. You are a perfect example of the Dunning Kruger Effect in action!

Flat_Truth ago

Care to engage in any form or academic or IQ testing? You call me stupid? The images are not photos.....period. So please, watch the name calling.


You and your puerile fantasy don't belong here FUCKOFF

Flat_Truth ago

Looks like I might have hit a nerve.....sorry tard.

Flat_Truth ago

Are you trying to say that's a real scientist up in outer space? Show me some proof....honest proof. Not magic and make believe.

Flat_Truth ago

Whoa! Dogmatic much? Name calling? Simple question...are you saying those are real photographs?

Flat_Truth ago

Are you saying those are real photos then? Are you saying there are really people up on a space station? Are you sure they're not on a studio set here on earth? Are you sure Gabrielle Giffords was really shot in the head? Funny how when she and her husband do their traveling road speak on the need for gun control laws....they always use the same script where to indicate her brain damage from the gunshot wound seen on TV, she says she started "yogurt classes"....and her husband gently corrects her on cue everytime "yoga honey" always gets a laugh from the audience. Freakin' charades@!!! lol

Flat_Truth ago

By the way, if anyone is perplexed if those are real photographs....simply look at the areas lit by the sun....then check and see if there's ever a time when those areas are lit at the same time while other parts of the world are night. Might also note in the recent photo taken on the 30 million mile trip up to sure looks like it says "SEX" in the clouds...upside down, bottom left. Classic Disney right there.....important to note Disney worked closely with the former fiction writer for a Rockefeller magazine, turned NAZI SS officer Wernher Von Braun, who was brought over after the war to start our space program.....might also look at Disney's club in the 1930's called "The Uplifters". That club produced a play called "The Uplift of Lucifer" and worked to start several youth clubs and youth services.....fellow member of his Uplifter club, the sheriff from LA county....custom designed their badge with the pedo logo in 1939, a badge design which has since been adopted by several police agencies across the country.

derram ago :

#Pizzagate on Twitter: "'sup @D_Seaman. #Pizzagate be lit, amirite?"

This has been an automated message.

Don-Keyhote ago

How did he meet his supposed source when his journalistic credentials are essentially nil.

And tell him we might have forgiven voting for Obama once, but not twice

TruthTrumps ago

George Webb also voted for Obama twice.I was recently disturbed to read (but haven't seen this on his video yet) that he was suggesting blanket pardons. Can't help but wonder if he has been selected to somehow make us more accepting of the ugly truth. If TPTB wanted to silence him, me thinks they certainly would.


I will ask him.

Antonius ago

How do we know Hillarybytch has not fled the country yet? All she has to do is say she is going to visit Canada, and then take a flight from Toronto to Bahrain. Then we are screwed big time...

SeanBox ago

Ask if his refrigerator is running