Don-Keyhote ago

Lol he went to Penn state roo

Mellowmountain ago

shits getting weird

gardenofbacchus ago

jesus fucking christ

cakeoflightylight ago

Um fuck They're planning to wipe us all out with highly contagious flu vaccines
Dammit is there an island we can send these people to to let them all eat each other?

carmencita ago

This is sick.

Mellowmountain ago

I think the point is that this is a public investigation. it would be great If we could put podesta on the stand and ask what the coded emails mean, but we can't. So we investigate every option because we don't know which one will crack it open into hard evidence. We all know what we think at this point, it's just a matter of finding what will open it up.

Mellowmountain ago

you're probably right, I think he meant they are certainly related

Don-Keyhote ago

Somehow it occurs to me that involving every criminal enterprise imaginable in our accusation of simple missing children is less than wise. Of course if I need to know if a bioagent is lethal I'm definitely gonna spray it over a village since that's the only inconspicuous way but.....

islandofdelight ago

Another article about Tim Alefantis, next-gen vaccine technology:

Mellowmountain ago

Holy shit.... it's him:

this is getting crazy. Watch the Webb video I listed. After a topel, Tim's on bioweapons and James connects the customers to children. Family business.

DarkMath ago

"Holy shit"..........Holy shit is right Mellowmountain.

I thought child rape and harvesting organs was as bad as it was going to get. Nope. We now have to worry about getting "vaccinated" by people who thought raping children and harvesting organs was no big deal.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong now? A 6 mile wide meteor? You know that's pretty much the next thing.

Kawksnahch ago

you're into the occult and esoteric, ain'tcha?

DarkMath ago

"you're into the occult"...........Is that a joke? I don't get your point.

Kawksnahch ago

not the occult that everyone is into, silly billy.

the ones that talk about "the end" and how it happens :)

DarkMath ago

"not the occult".....You're making fun of the Sweet Meteor of Death? I still don't get it. Some people in our government decided they'd use Haiti to grow children and organs and organs from children and you're implying I'm an occultist for making a joke about SMOD.

That doesn't make sense to me. If there is a God they no doubt have a list of offensives that would unleash the SMOD. I'm just speculating here but raping poor black children of Haiti is one of them.


Kawksnahch ago

Sounds a lot like the Lucifer Experiment. Be so shitty that you force god's hand to appear.

And don't worry, no one's joking. Here's a question: What do you think is in the Kabba?

DarkMath ago

Ummmm, air?

Kawksnahch ago

Try again!

DarkMath ago

I give up. I honestly don't know what it's the Kaba.

Kawksnahch ago

A meeeeeetorite

DarkMath ago

Cool! I don't think it's the SMOD though. The SMOD is like 6 miles across. God placed it over the head of humanity as a Sword of Damocles to remind us were we to fuck up too badly can figure out the rest.

Kawksnahch ago

the one in the Kabba? No. But they're worshipping it. Care to guess why?

DarkMath ago

The SMOD isn't real just in case you thought it was.

And yes, why?

Kawksnahch ago

Cuz it's a meteor death cult. The Masons say it's a meteor, also, hitting "to the east".

equineluvr ago

JA's brother is Louis John. Webb is wrong yet again. Tim is JA's cousin.

Father: Achilles Louis Alefantis (age 71) Mother: Susan Reid Shoemaker (age 70) (Achilles and Susan divorced 2008) Brother: Louis John Alefantis (age 46) married to Sharon M. Dow (I think recently from the pictures posted). Sharon has a daughter Paige, freshman in high school. Sharon works for Soros' Open Society Foundation.