99worldcorp99 ago

Up your support ass you people who have violations and charges filed under the international Interpol Internet crime division and with the official offices with inunited nations Internet crime department

99worldcorp99 ago

This is words from Dr Munroe Barney PhD. If you have questions please ask your ass hole then be advised that all of those who live a comment are part of a international investigation under way by the international Interpol and united nations Internet crime department Hope to see you're names and addresses on the international Interpol list of Internet most investagted THINK BEFORE YOU REACT. World Corp Enterprises a Facebook news site. http://Www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.com

99worldcorp99 ago

999999999Some people who just look at this information may think in part may have some truth. But when someone puts public and private information on a website or other. Please remember that person may find that the local and international law offices can track the sight. And charges can be filed. Not only on the person who put this information on a website. But as well charges can be filed on the people who have been making comments regarding the website. As presadent of world corporate Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney PhD, also for over 44yrs working with the United Nations. I would recommend that you look at all the national and international documents. That is if you can understand, English. Spanish. And other languages. The documents, and,letters are all regesterd. Copy's. Have fun trying to think you are making The people around the world think your information is valid regarding. Would Corp, and or Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney PhD. / holysagemunroe. We will see you all in court soon http://www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.con Tel:+59173572500 Email: [email protected]

99worldcorp99 ago

Some people who just look at this information may think in part may have some truth. But when someone puts public and private information on a website or other. Please remember that person may find that the local and international law offices can track the sight. And charges can be filed. Not only on the person who put this information on a website. But as well charges can be filed on the people who have been making comments regarding the website. As presadent of world corporate Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney PhD, also for over 44yrs working with the United Nations. I would recommend that you look at all the national and international documents. That is if you can understand, English. Spanish. And other languages. The documents, and,letters are all regesterd. Copy's. Have fun trying to think you are making The people around the world think your information is valid regarding. Would Corp, and or Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney PhD. / holysagemunroe. We will see you all in court soon http://www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.con Tel:+59173572500 Email: [email protected]

99worldcorp99 ago

If you care about children then do not believe everything you see above someone that is on the web.get a life and do something in your community

99worldcorp99 ago

Every human has the right of multiple passports if you are born out side of the country of your parents, or have children who have been born in another country, use your international rights

99worldcorp99 ago

He has changes aginst Canada and the mormon church, never has he worked for them show the documents that gives you this information ..wake up and get a life

Breadleaf ago

Right on man. Thanks for taking the time to look at my post

Breadleaf ago

I have noticed HUGE differences in the appearance of the fat old white dude in the videos and this Gary Lee Munroe Barney.

The beards are nothing alike in SHAPE, and the facial structure is somewhat noticeably different.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8HqME0nS2SQSmJoUy1vTExCRnc A picture of the man from the worldcorpco videos

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/344513261573815725/a5ea75ad79ad2f6995290a0a1335360b.jpeg - A picture of gary lee munroe

Notice the different beards, notice that gary lee munroe doesnt have the disgusting bags under his eyes that the other guy has, and notice that gary lee munroe has wider cheekbones than the other man.

What does voat think?

99worldcorp99 ago

ThE international Interpol office of YouTube Internet crime division and the United Nations human rights sector of crime division has given the opportunity and information to order the YouTube server to help track it

99worldcorp99 ago

You ask look at http:www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.com

99worldcorp99 ago

Truth http:www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.com

99worldcorp99 ago

truth http:www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.com

99worldcorp99 ago

??? The world is full of sickos like. Mr Dee who is the type of person who is published this untrue information on this site. He is a mormon with no life of his own, so you can see know what type of person Mr Dee is. He takes other people'ssite information the makes up untrue things about the person. Mr Dee is one sick person. Taking information of of 2 websites and adding it on a private YouTube video recording the governments of Canada and the United States department of state in the world violation of implants of a spy chip transmitter sending device implement into a human that is unwillingly being used as a spy. Think and understand more about the NSA SERVICE and the mormon spy center location in Utah.

99worldcorp99 ago

People who are putting this untrue information about Would Corp enterprise guatemala S.A.and Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney PhD, who live in Canada, Bolivia Bulgaria, will be found by the proper international, and national security personnel. Your YouTube and other Google. Pizzagate. Live a server Internet information trail. This person is in a couple of violations and can be found. By many people who look down upon people like Mr Dee and others. Spiritually

99worldcorp99 ago

Mr. Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

99worldcorp99 ago

sickos like. Mr Dee who is the type of person who is published this untrue information on this site. He is a mormon with no life of his own, so you can see know what type of person Mr Dee is. He takes other people'ssite information the makes up untrue things about the person. Mr Dee is one sick person. Taking information of of 2 websites and adding it on a private YouTube video recording the governments of Canada and the United States department of state in the world violation of implants of a spy chip transmitter sending device implement into a human that is unwillingly being used as a spy. Think and understand more about the NSA SERVICE and the mormon spy center location in Utah.

99worldcorp99 ago

Mr Dee who is the type of person who is published this untrue information on this site. He is a mormon with no life of his own, so you can see know what type of person Mr Dee is. He takes other people'ssite information the makes up untrue things about the person. Mr Dee is one sick person. Taking information of of 2 websites and adding it on a private YouTube video recording the governments of Canada and the United States department of state in the world violation of implants of a spy chip transmitter sending device implement into a human that is unwillingly being used as a spy. Think and understand more about the NSA SERVICE and the mormon spy center location in Utah.

99worldcorp99 ago

This man you see namd is a sick person who has nothing in his life Mr R Dee is a mormon who does not understand his life. As well looking at the way that has been done regarding the making of the video on YouTube you can see where the information came from this site is a violación of the good people who use the Internet for the right way. Mr Dee is a true sick person

99worldcorp99 ago

Why dwould Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

99worldcorp99 ago

Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

99worldcorp99 ago

Dr.Gary Lee Munroe Barney.PhD. world Passport International violation Spy Chip implant. Government and Embassys of Canada and the United States of Americas. Have located spys in Bolivia,Guatemala,Cuba,Russa,Venasuels,Brasil,Mexico,Iran,China.international Violation on Foreign Governments.United Staes Department of States./ Ottawa Ontario Canada as of 1982 1:http://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/privacy/Reports/2012-data-mining-report-to- 2:http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/privacy/dhsprivacy_2011dataminingreport.pdf 3:http://mind-computer.com/2012/05/13/nsa-building-a-2-billion-quantum-computer-artificial-intelligence-spy-center/B:Below you can find information about chip implants. 4:http://www.mindcontrol.se/?page_id=623 5:Everyone has to chip in 2013 6:https://www.google.com.gt/#sclient=psy-ab&q=https:%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2Fsite%2F+mcrais%2Fbrain6&oq=https:%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2Fsite%2F+mcrais%2Fbrain6&gs_l=hp.12...3893.3893.0.6463.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.dmQ&fp=6236ba34f4d66b8b&biw=1024&bih=677 7:Radio-frequency_identification http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio frequency_identification Dr.Gary Lee Munroe Barney. implented in 1982 by the Government of Canada.agenst my will. HOW HUMAN WITH CHIP INPLANT my be located need to use the INSTERMENTS Below to fight world of espionage. Radio waves are called "frequency shift" signs and may flow in a certain wavelength area. Not occur at a frequency determined, but rather through a special modulation, the radio wavesidentity. The bandwidth was 150 Hz and the effect on all measurements ranged from 1 to 10 microvolts. C:The measurements were performed with the following electronic devices: 1: http://www.home.agilent.com/en/pc-1000000520%3Aepsg%3Apgr/spectrum-analyzer-signal-analyzer?nid=-536902453.0&cc=GT&lc=eng&s_kwcid=TC|6885|spectrum%20analyzer||S|p|17376052696 2: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Real-Time-Audio-Spectrum-Analyzer-Sound-Level-Meter-RTA-/111084752122?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19dd2accfa 3: http://www.ebay.com/sch/sis.html?_kw=PAIR+of+Spectral+Dynamics+SD375+Dynamic+Analyzer+II+%28FFT+Real+Time+Spectrum%29 United States of America, and Canada.worldwide embassy offices of the FBI, RCMP, National Sacuerty with in all embassys ues people agenst there will. then lie to all governments.regarding international violation. D:the names of two international missionary services working with the governments of Canada and the United States of America around the world 1. Name of the person known as Jamie Waller or as James Knox Wailer United staes,Mexico,Guatemala.Knoxville Tennasse2.Works with CHILDREN ADOPTED then sent back to the homeland chip implanted to spy for united states and canadaMissionary Institute Guatemala »Guatemala Missions News1:http://guatemalamissionaryinstitute.org/ History of American Religion: Timeline/MORMON Church LDS International http://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/religion/blrel_amrel_chron.htm is the other that is also behind espionage and spy chip implanted in the world of children wayed by adopting children then shipping back to the homeland for children to spy Mormon Mormon Adoption Records 0.http://forums.adoption.com/lds-adoption-records/ 1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleon_Skousen 1-0.http://www.expertwitnessradio.org/site/tag/cia/ 2:http://www.opednews.com/articles/NSA-SPYING-FILES-ON-AMERIC-by-Douglas-A-Wallace-091127-529.html 3:CANADA OTTAWA ONTARIO Location of Spy Chip Implant 1982 a 2013. Your Appointment - The Ottawa Hospitalwww.ottawahospital.on.ca › ... › Eye InstituteAddress. University of Ottawa Eye Institute The Ottawa Hospital - General Campus Critical Care Wing - 3rd Floor 501 Smyth Road Ottawa ON K1H 8L6 (Canada).http://www.harmlesswise.com/0706-implantable-chipsDoctors who Implant Spy Chip working in Canada and around the world below you can see the names and locations in CanadaCLICK BELOW FOR NAMES and LOCATIONS in CANADA11.jpg465K View Download United Nations PHP Document regarding Dr.Gary Lee Munroe barney PhD.Information and documents can be seen at www.glmb1949.com email [email protected] phoe +50252016077

99worldcorp99 ago

mr.Dee Mr. Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

99worldcorp99 ago

Truth about mr.Dee Mr. Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube

99worldcorp99 ago

Mr. Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

99worldcorp99 ago

Mr. Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

99worldcorp99 ago

This is one of the people who are putting this untrue information on the website. This woman is also doing this. . She has 3 certificates of birth. In Bolivia. And 2 marriages. To men who are not of bolivia. The Dr Gary Lee Munroe. Was married to her, at this time this woman is upon changesof bigamy. So for those who are putting this untrue information on the website for people to look at should know that you are also being looked at by the law officesof the international and local federal government of bolivia


Fateswebb ago

Again, uh, yoga master, the video makes no claims it just browses the internet. What part wasn't true, and good luck with that, because it's just a forensic examination. It literally cannot be proven false since it leaves the viewer to decide. Anyway have a nice day holy sage...

99worldcorp99 ago

The YouTube video part

99worldcorp99 ago

So you are one of the people who are putting together ilegal accounts good luck

99worldcorp99 ago

Please look at this information to understand http:www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.com

Fateswebb ago

I already know everything on there.

99worldcorp99 ago

You just think you knew, get a life

Fateswebb ago

Okay yoga master holy sage...

99worldcorp99 ago

This person and the mormon church and the United States of America embassy and embassy of Canada work together in the violations of good people. Leny Miranda Guzmán and friends who think you can tell untrue things about people. Who ever looks at the website of Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney PhD can see and understand that the person who made this site regarding Dr Barney has been telling lies.

99worldcorp99 ago

The person who put this information on the website is. 1Por la final de Octubre http://www.redbolivision.tv.bo/actualidad/18006

99worldcorp99 ago

This are the people who are putting this untrue information on the website. 1...Por la final de Octubre http://www.redbolivision.tv.bo/actualidad/18006 2.http://eju.tv/2010/05/belga-que-tuvo-condena-por-desviar-insumos-para-drogas-asesora-a-evo/

99worldcorp99 ago

See in local and international law court

99worldcorp99 ago

Some people who just look at this information may think in part may have some truth. But when someone puts public and private information on a website or other. Please remember that person may find that the local and international law offices can track the sight. And charges can be filed. Not only on the person who put this information on a website. But as well charges can be filed on the people who have been making comments regarding the website. As presadent of world corporate Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney PhD, also for over 44yrs working with the United Nations. I would recommend that you look at all the national and international documents. That is if you can understand, English. Spanish. And other languages. The documents, and,letters are all regesterd. Copy's. Have fun trying to think you are making The people around the world think your information is valid regarding. Would Corp, and or Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney PhD. / holysagemunroe. We will see you all in court soon http://www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.con Tel:+59173572500 Email: [email protected]

Fateswebb ago

It has been their response was we're aware and have been monitoring it or something like that.

Sheilaaliens ago

I bet this is the kid being abused in the videos: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1026111427441314&set=a.122913741094425.28115.100001273998213&type=3&theater

too bad researchers around here care more about busting only elite pedos, rather than helping any and all children who are victims of ANY pedophiles.

99worldcorp99 ago

99worldcorp99 0 points (+0|-0) 15 days ago Why dwould Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

k9walker ago

99worldcorp99 ago

Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court .every person who looks at this type of information on this site should always look deep into the background of Mr R Dee

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

99worldcorp99 ago

A person such as you can see is the type of person who is published this untrue information on the website 1Por la final de Octubre http://www.redbolivision.tv.bo/actualidad/18006

99worldcorp99 ago

Truth about mr.Dee Mr. Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

google_is_useful ago

the guy in the video doesn't even look like him.

also that was the most incompetently made youtube video i've ever seen, jesus

k9walker ago

I agree it doesnt look like him, doesnt mean they dont know each other

TakeShitSeriously ago


GARY LEE MUNROE IS HEAD OF UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH, THE CHURCH WAS FOUNDED BY AN OCCULTIST. Kirby Hensley was the founder of Universal Life Church, a money scheme, also a place where OTHER OCCULTISTS can get the title of minister!!

Kirby Hensley was very much active in the occult. The church is a FRONT, why would they be working along the UNITED NATIONS?

99worldcorp99 ago

You should not believe what a sick women Tells you also you have been found in Bolivia. See in Court soon after the end of the case you are involved in at this year.the DNA will also help to put you and the others in prison, and the uncle who helped the liying woman

99worldcorp99 ago

This is one of the people who are putting this untrue information on the website. This woman is also doing this. . She has 3 certificates of birth. In Bolivia. And 2 marriages. To men who are not of bolivia. The Dr Gary Lee Munroe. Was married to her, at this time this woman is upon changesof bigamy. So for those who are putting this untrue information on the website for people to look at should know that you are also being looked at by the law officesof the international and local federal government of bolivia


Fateswebb ago

I can prove this guy is the producer of these videos and have decided to do so with a video that I urge others to share and make videos discussing if you so choose. Here is the video https://youtu.be/nWW7mj4Oroc

99worldcorp99 ago

99worldcorp99 0 points (+0|-0) 15 days ago Why dwould Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License, who ever thought that the person who put this information on the Google website would end up in jail for information and website crime.

Fateswebb ago

The videos don't make any claims and don't even say a single word. All he does is browse the web and record it. Good luck with that oh holy yoga sage.

surgeson ago

While this is all very odd, it's most likely not connected to the other world corp enterprise. It doesn't match at all with the edgy(edgy 7 years ago) vaporwave vibes on worldcorpo.net. It's something a 20-something would do, rather than a confused old guru. I have too looked into this guy yesterday and found zero connection in style or content.

rwb ago

I concur with surgeson. Mistaken identity.

99worldcorp99 ago

world is full of sickos like. Mr Dee who is the type of person who is published this untrue information on this site. He is a mormon with no life of his own, so you can see know what type of person Mr Dee is. He takes other people'ssite information the makes up untrue things about the person. Mr Dee is one sick person. Taking information of of 2 websites and adding it on a private YouTube video recording the governments of Canada and the United States department of state in the world violation of implants of a spy chip transmitter sending device implement into a human that is unwillingly being used as a spy. Think and understand more about the NSA SERVICE and the mormon spy center location in Utah.

Fateswebb ago

I do think he found the connection. So here is why. If you go to the worldcorp site there is a hidden video I found that nobody is talking about. It's a disgusting video of a man drinking his own urine that he just then urinated into a toilet, showing his penis and all.... but in that video you do see him take his hand to his face and drink the urine. The man had a beard that looks exactly like this mans beard,


As well as this mans beard (same man I think)


Based on this observation I feel that he has found a connection and this Barney guy is at least responsible for some of the content being provided on the worldcorp site.

99worldcorp99 ago

The world is full of sickos like. Mr Dee who is the type of person who is published this untrue information on this site. He is a mormon with no life of his own, so you can see know what type of person Mr Dee is. He takes other people'ssite information the makes up untrue things about the person. Mr Dee is one sick person. Taking information of of 2 websites and adding it on a private YouTube video recording the governments of Canada and the United States department of state in the world violation of implants of a spy chip transmitter sending device implement into a human that is unwillingly being used as a spy. Think and understand more about the NSA SERVICE and the mormon spy center location in Utah.

Fateswebb ago

Gary? Wtf? So he published untrue information? Weird because he didn't say a single word. Just browsed the internet. And you're claiming somehow he lied. What was the lie?

99worldcorp99 ago

Regarding the YouTube video

99worldcorp99 ago

Thank you now this person is a HE

Fateswebb ago


99worldcorp99 ago

Private enfomtion from Internet

99worldcorp99 ago

Please look at this information to understand more http:www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.com

Fateswebb ago

I already know everything on there how is the homeless shelter and how did aiding panama go?

Antonius ago

The only 2 words I need to see to discover guiltiness is UNITED NATIONS

99worldcorp99 ago

Why would Mr Dee who is the type of person who is published this untrue information on this site. He is a mormon with no life of his own, so you can see know what type of person Mr Dee is. He takes other people'ssite information the makes up untrue things about the person. Mr Dee is one sick person. Taking information of of 2 websites and adding it on a private YouTube video recording the governments of Canada and the United States department of state in the world violation of implants of a spy chip transmitter sending device implement into a human that is unwillingly being used as a spy. Think and understand more about the NSA SERVICE and the mormon spy center location in Utah.

99worldcorp99 ago

This are the people who are putting this untrue information on the website. 1...Por la final de Octubre http://www.redbolivision.tv.bo/actualidad/18006 2.http://eju.tv/2010/05/belga-que-tuvo-condena-por-desviar-insumos-para-drogas-asesora-a-evo/

TheTuringTest ago


TheTuringTest ago

Quite. Having been abused by someone with a Coloboma like Soros, I would say it's a plot thickener.

Beaucephus ago

I suppose I have, but my experience wasn't that bad because I only allowed it to happen once. He later went on to kidnap another kid that was found left for dead in a nearby alley since he only served a couple months for what he did to me.

My understanding is WCE was discovered on one of the Chanz and they are well known for shiposting. This video could have been ripped from anywhere on the deep web and posted up there. We've conducted frame by frames on it and there is nothing to see that would give anything away. The audio (to me) doesn't really sound like Pedo-sta. Something just doesn't feel right with this whole thing.

99worldcorp99 ago

This is one of the people who are putting this untrue information on the website. This woman is also doing this. . She has 3 certificates of birth. In Bolivia. And 2 marriages. To men who are not of bolivia. The Dr Gary Lee Munroe. Was married to her, at this time this woman is upon changesof bigamy. So for those who are putting this untrue information on the website for people to look at should know that you are also being looked at by the law officesof the international and local federal government of bolivia


OpenSoulOpenMind ago

i agree 100%...not convinced at all this is podesta

Forgetmenot ago

I heard the audio and it sounds EXACTLY like podesta. In fact if I was serving on a jury I would vote guilty. That's how close the voices were. I was a skeptic when I heard it but the audio convinced me.

Beaucephus ago

Listen to the way the guy pronounces his R's. The guy in the video speaks with soft R's and Pedosta uses hard R's.

Forgetmenot ago

Podesta may have an alter ego and maybe even multiple personality disorder, I did not hear a difference with the r's. I did hear different emotion but the nasal, wheezy whine is very distinctive. Should be easy to debunk but I am sure they will try to create a diversion such as a flood to divert attention from this. Their tactics are so predicatable, I wonder if we can order the playbook from amazon. Lol

Beaucephus ago

I upvoted because you used A LOT as two separate words.

As for the rest... How exactly did World Corp Enterprises get discovered? Is it possible the whole thing is a troll on us? I only say this because the only footage we see doesn't show anything and the audio is wayyyyyy over the top despicable. Just seems... off.

99worldcorp99 ago

Everyone should know about this person Mr Dee is a very sad person. To understand the truth about Would Corp enterprise de Guatemala S.A. and Dr Gary Lee Munroe /Barney PhD. You can go to his private website and the copy's of world documents can be found. You should also understand that the international Interpol office has been given a charge request from Dr Munroe Barney PhD. And the international Interpol and united nations Internet crime department are now looking into the case regarding the intent crime regarding the website of Mr Dee and as you should know every one who has made a comment will also be under the international Interpol and united nations investigation. For Internet crime Regarding would Corp enterprise guatemala S.A.and Dr Gary Lee Munroe Barney you can see true information at http://www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.com Truth hearts some people. Lies some people will pay with the law Thank you

99worldcorp99 ago

Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

99worldcorp99 ago

This is one of the people who are putting this untrue information on the website. This woman is also doing this. . She has 3 certificates of birth. In Bolivia. And 2 marriages. To men who are not of bolivia. The Dr Gary Lee Munroe. Was married to her, at this time this woman is upon changesof bigamy. So for those who are putting this untrue information on the website for people to look at should know that you are also being looked at by the law officesof the international and local federal government of bolivia


99worldcorp99 ago

This is one of the people who are putting this untrue information on the website. This woman is also doing this. . She has 3 certificates of birth. In Bolivia. And 2 marriages. To men who are not of bolivia. The Dr Gary Lee Munroe. Was married to her, at this time this woman is upon changesof bigamy. So for those who are putting this untrue information on the website for people to look at should know that you are also being looked at by the law officesof the international and local federal government of bolivia


99worldcorp99 ago

This are the people who are putting this untrue information on the website. 1...Por la final de Octubre http://www.redbolivision.tv.bo/actualidad/18006 2.http://eju.tv/2010/05/belga-que-tuvo-condena-por-desviar-insumos-para-drogas-asesora-a-evo/

pizza_merc ago

I dunno.. the music in the music section seems to be legitimate. I would consder listening to it if it weren't acquired from such a strange source...

Fateswebb ago

Bear with me here, because I do think he found the connection. So here is why. If you go to the worldcorp site there is a hidden video I found that nobody is talking about. It's a disgusting video of a man drinking his own urine that he just then urinated into a toilet, showing his penis and all.... but in that video you do see him take his hand to his face and drink the urine. The man had a beard that looks exactly like this mans beard,


As well as this mans beard (same man I think)


Based on this observation I feel that he has found a connection and this Barney guy is at least responsible for some of the content being provided on the worldcorp site.

99worldcorp99 ago

This is the type of person who is published this untrue information on the website. 1Por la final de Octubre http://www.redbolivision.tv.bo/actualidad/18006

Fateswebb ago

Unfortunately I cannot understand the webpage or video. :(

99worldcorp99 ago

This Web site is a troll

Fateswebb ago

You own the website oh holy sage. So of course you're saying that.

99worldcorp99 ago

Truth about http:www.holysagemunroe.tumblr.com

Fateswebb ago

The chip is working dude you don't have to send links to your site. We have the info already.

TakeShitSeriously ago

Hello sorry my other account reached it's daily comment quota. What i wanted to say was.

Thought it is too coincidental that this guy owns world corp enterprise that deals with impoverished international children. This is the only guy known to be a part of something called "World Corp Enterprise".

Either way, he needs a profile built on him because he has so much access to international children but is based in America. Check out the tumblr link i provided. http://68.media.tumblr.com/5593a177b79b5d9050a819be61478a55/tumblr_oejoxytMff1u8tiypo6_500.png

99worldcorp99 ago

Ritchie Dee Takes true personal info from peoples Google+ then makes up untrue things about the person ( Mr Mormon Ritchie Dee we will find you and otherers in Ogdon Utah and the americas. see in Court

Published on Feb 15, 2017 This is part two of the who runs worldcorp series. Part one can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWW7m...

The site the data was taken from is here: https://plus.google.com/1156837674669... Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License