I wasn't going to waste my time posting this, but it seems like the worldcorp folks are doing a good job distracting everyone on this sub for their own enjoyment ..essentially taking away much valuable time and resources that can be put into other important research. Don't believe me? Chat with worldcorp yourselves and see how much of a joke it is to them - https://discord.gg/SrcbyDn The link is right on their site!
Don't go in like a pussy being all polite because you think you owe them something. Honestly, it was pretty pathetic to see other voat members sucking up to worldcorp and begging them for wisdom/insight. Put your taste for the sensational aside, talk with them like a human being, take them out of the power position, and use whatever intellect you have make them contradict themselves - then you will see for yourselves. It wasn't hard for me to do! Make sure to talk with Nuke... he's a riot!
Seriously, most of the accounts pushing this site are days old - most likely worldcorp "employees" coming here to spam their site after finding out how much traffic voat was supplying them. There is absolutely no shred of evidence that the person in question is Podesta. None. Put down the weed.
"Shill" you say? No, I would rather find things out for myself by putting in a little effort instead succumbing to herd mentality.
VieBleu ago
just being logical - they admitted they were not anti-pedophile? Um that is pro-pedophile by default. Especially when you host videos of screaming and abused children on your website.
It is not complicated. At all.
SturdyGal ago
If you look at their page source you can see they use network software for massive content distribution, so it looks like they plan to distribute content of some kind. Even if it is a joke, don't you think it is extremely foolish of them to risk arrest.
They must not be in the US.
DarkMath ago
"extremely foolish of them to risk arrest"..........I'd say yes, absolutely. But if they're shilling for the Clinton Foundation and/or it's parent corporation a.k.a. the CIA then legality is a relative term.
notoriousfox ago
I also spent a few hours going through the chat, though I didn't talk to them, and they definitely give the impression that they just want the attention. I was always skeptical about the Podesta aspect, although it sounds a bit like him.
However, I still feel that the video itself should be investigated. The "worldcorp" people said that it's been reported to the FBI 20 times and nothing has come of it. So, if someone dedicated some time to investigating it I wouldn't argue. The connection to Podesta is weak, but the video certainly fits into the subject matter. I remain unconvinced that it's fake as of now. Just because it's probably not Podesta abusing that kid, doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned for that kid.
(none of this is to argue with you, OP, I get that you don't want people getting distracted off the bigger picture and I agree. I just hope a few people look into it)
DarkMath ago
"You don't want to believe this is an art project"......As soon as I typed "art project" I knew this would happen. Let me clarify, yes it's definitely an "art project". It's not real by their own admission
What I meant to say is their "art project" may have some ulterior motive like to raise awareness of child abuse or maybe even as disinformation to distract, a proverbial "red herring".
There are great forces at work in America today. We're seeing History being made. The Clinton Foundation and the CIA have literally gang raped 300,000 poor black destitute Haitians. They look on them as throw aways.
When that fact gets out can you imagine what will happen? And it will get out, it's just a matter of time.
DarkMath ago
"art project".......That ain't no art project. Whoever that adult is screaming at the kid in the shower has to know about child protective services. They don't mess around.
JoJoVoat ago
There are many distractions here. You really have to know how to navigate through all of it.
I find it interesting that the shills changed their mo and decided to muck up the Voat subverses w obviously not much mod support. months ago a mod deleted my subverse of a satanic calendar and they deleted it. Much more relevant to some of the shit subverses the shills are creating.
DarkMath ago
Worldcorp is proof they're getting desperate. They will do just about anything to keep out of jail.
ben_matlock ago
A much needed post. This shit is getting out of hand. I want to see the pedoesta bros burn as much as anyone, but there simply isn't any evidence that it's john p. (or 'skippy...') on that recording. Please let's stay focused on the mountains of evidence before us and STAY UNITED. These next days, weeks, months may be among the most interesting, and consequential, of our lives.
TabiCatTwo ago
Personally, the Podesta aspect wasn't the issue. Is the video itself real or a hoax.
WhyAserverWasBuilt ago
Can any actor of that age who know not that abuse be able to scream like that??
Touchdown50 ago
I do believe the child being used is really being ritualistically abused for Mk ultra programming. I remember my mother would do the same thing to me as a small child and close the shower door and hold it closed while leaving the very cold shower water to torture me as i was screaming to be let out. I forgave my mother for doing that but those screams are so familiar it brought back memories. Why my mother did that? Im not sure. I think she got fustrated with me but she could also be somewhat sadistic.
DarkMath ago
"Can any actor"......If you really think it could be real then you need to contact the FBI. Find out where that kid is.
I think it was all an act though. They're desperate now. You can even chat with them online. It's absurd. They have no fear of child protective services because they know it's a hoax.
VieBleu ago
I am all for a reasoned approach. but I do not believe you can coach a young child to "act" like they are terrified and screaming at the top of their lungs in fear. The video itself is abuse, pizzagate hoax or not.
DarkMath ago
" terrified and screaming".....Please contact the FBI then. The more people that let them know the better.
VieBleu ago
At this point many many have contacted the FBI. 20 or more. Yes I say the more the better. Did you make the statement about it being fake without listening to it? it sounds like it.
DarkMath ago
No I listened to it, the whole thing. I used to live in Boston so I recognized the father's accent right away as a mass-hole, not John Podesta. Then I put two and two together, it's a full on hoax. It's fucking twisted though. If I hadn't ever lived in Boston and couldn't pick up that accent I'd wonder if it was John Podesta too.
VieBleu ago
Ok you are the right person to show this to. this is a comment I have on another thread so cross posting. I am not saying it is Podesta, that is impossible with the evidence we have. But I am theorizing that his accent does not have to be strictly midWestern just because he was raised there - people change how the speak for various reasons, can change because of a change in residence over a long period of time, or can groom themselves to have a more appealing speaking voice. Podesta does not seem to me to have a strictly midWest accent to begin with. Read the following with an open mind, i am curious of your thoughts.
Podesta's parents were both from Chicago, the working class children of immigrants, his mother's line was Greek, his father's was Italian. It is unknown if his grandparents spent time elsewhere upon arrival to the US than Chicago, but one has to assume they most likely came through New York.
Podesta graduated from Georgetown in DC in 1976, so he moved from his home state before that. From then on he has been in DC, so about 40 years there. Accents can modify over time in different locales. "The brothers, who grew up on Chicago’s northwest side, have spent most of their adult lives in D.C." http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/Felsenthal-Files/December-2013/How-the-Podesta-Brothers-Rose-From-the-39th-Ward-to-the-White-House/
Re: the Boston/Chicago discussion on JP's voice: In the above article Tony Podesta also mentions Boston a couple of times, as if being a Boston politician and one from Chicago are sort of parallel but competitive. It may be that the immigrant tenement kids aspired to act and sound like like the well-bred blue blood politicos of Boston when they descended on DC, and they may have somewhat affected that type of accent until it was second nature to them, in line with their upwardly mobile aspirations. Just a thought.
DarkMath ago
"that his accent"......Listen to JP give Hillary's concession speech. It's not even remotely close to a Boston accent. You wouldn't know. That accent is like finger nails on a chalk board. It burns itself into your brain and you're never quite the same after. Trust me on this one. It ain't John Podesta, I'm 1000% sure.
VieBleu ago
thanks for taking a look.