roundhouse1776 ago

It was another one of Seaman's stunts and attempts at fame, while in the process destroying the credibility of pizzagate.

Kiwi_Slave ago

Did anyone take note of Semen's hexagram logo? And why would we expect anything except greed, lies, and self promotion from this loser putz

heretolearn ago

wondering that myself

3rdTimestheCharm ago

Didn't happen and isn't ever gonna happen. Sorry folks but they keep stringing you along with "imminent arrests" and "breaking news" on this sub but nothing has come of it and nothing likely will.

Please, someone out there make me eat these words.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Ah, I was wondering who that guy was. So it was just bs?

3rdTimestheCharm ago

100% fresh bull

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

What a fucktard. Dudes probably one of the pedos.

fred34285 ago
