mergen ago

Yes he is!

Unlike what the MSM is reporting, he caught top drug lords and ladies.

Disgustingly, the head of Philippine anti-human-trafficking commission slash chief justice is the top drug lady.

he is also the present head of ASEAN too and finally ASEAN Anti-trafficking convention will be put into action!

NikitaVerite ago

Now I don't know this for sure, but I think YOU MAY HAVE MISSED THE POINT. Or perhaps - and I could be wrong - but YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF BEING FACETIOUS. So to be clear, NO - I would not rather this person receive anything other than pure pain and torture. Did I clear that up for you friend?

Jem777 ago

Horrifying evil

k9walker ago

His name was mistyped its scully..anyhow the 2 movies are daisy's destruction and dafu love, there are probably more...someone needs to take care of this psycho, apparently he is still operating from jail his business.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Good god this is absolutely horrifying. Don't google the movie title or anything else for research. This makes my soul cry. Further, the 23 yr old woman accomplice was actually a former child prostitute herself and that's how she met Sully. How she could possibly participate is beyond me but so very sad all around. All this dark web shit is just vile. I want to know who is paying for and buying these movies? Especially for high prices...

CosmicChrist ago

He's an interesting guy that's for sure. When he was mayor of Davos, he found 3 guys who kidnapped and raped a Chinese girl, so he pulled out his gun and shot all three of them!

This bastard Scully is another level of fucked up, so Duterte should have no issues killing this piece of shit!

theHubrisOfMan ago

Alejandra Pallugna said that much of the physical evidence against him, including a computer, video camera and memory card, had been destroyed in a fire at the Cagayan de Oro Hall of Justice.

Oh I'm sure some of his buyers would be very familiar names to some of us.

CosmicChrist ago

Whoa, did no one notice in the article the part that says the evidence somehow got burned up and he might walk free?! Must have powerful friends...

Come on Philippines, dont fuck this up.

Duterte, come on man just kill this guy yourself!

mergen ago

From the Philippines here. Don't worry. There are vigilantes itching to assasinate him if he ever gets off.


Also the Catholic Church and their brainwashed followers are the ones rallying against death penalty.. ( U know why ;) )

theHubrisOfMan ago

I want to watch a John Wick style movie about the life and times of Duerte.

NikitaVerite ago

I'm against the death penalty. You know why? It's TOO FUCKING EASY. Fuck that shit. It's called eye for an eye. Inflict the same sick shit on these fuckers that they inflicted upon others. It's the fair thing to do really. Need volunteers to help dole out the punishment? SIGN ME UP. Keep these fuckers in prison for life, and punish them EVERY FUCKING DAY. If they get sick, give them the best treatment to keep them alive. Why? SO THE DAILY PUNISHMENT CAN CONTINUE FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.



DarkFae ago

Everything about this points to major connections. Evidence was burned, etc. Why don't these f*ckers ever look into who is buying this shit?? Supply and demand? Wtf is demanding? This monster is acting like he's somebody that deserves special treatment. Why??
Same old story, over and over. I'm so sick of it :(

k9walker ago

I agree the buyers should be looked at.... someone needs to greet him if he gets released... I watched a video about his capture and apparently people are so poor in the Philippines they trusted him to care for their kids. Literally praying on the weakest..I have no idea where he got those american infants but I beiliev it was out west.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Warning. This is some of the most fucked up shit I have read. This should be tagged NSFL.

I'm crying after reading this. I'm so sick of waiting for justice to be served. I feel so helpless knowing that people like this are allowed to exist. When is it going to stop?

Mooka_Molaka ago


I know it's impossible to be part of this without going through a wide range of some of our shittier emotions & feelings (deep sadness & grief, vengeance, hopelessness, feeling powerless, white-hot anger, disbelief at how cruel humans beings could possibly be, etc.)

✿。_ 。)c(′︿‵ c)( つ﹏٩)っლ(ٱ٥ٱლ) (ɔ´д(ˆ⌢ˆc) (. _ .c) ( つ﹏◉) щ(゚Д゚щ) (╥ _ ╥) ✿◡ _ ◡)c(⁰ ︵⁰ c) (๑•́₋•̩̥̀๑)(つ﹏‐(•﹏•c) (つˆ⌢(◕ _ ◕ƈ)
つ•̩̩̩̩︹•̩̩̩̩)つ(ᗒᗣᗕ`c) (´^`) ᵗ(ᗒᗣᗕ)ᵗ (/_\)( ⌣́ _ ⌣̀)

but never forget that we're all here TOGETHER, you're not alone - helping each other while trying to accomplish the same goals; save these kids and expose the bad guys. t(ಥ_ಥ)

We all need an uplifting word or pat on the back or /hug now & then & we all deserve those little kindnesses~

so /hugs & /comfort to you & all who need it ♥(っ◕‿◕)っ♥

ConcernedParent2 ago

Thank you. It really is a struggle to read all of this depravity and evil without feeling deep sadness, anger, and hopelessness. But we can't stop caring, these kids out there need more people to care.

eyeswidewoke ago

This thing should be tied to a board, have it's fingers and toe nails pulled slowly, then it's teeth removed with pliers, one by one. After this, both of it's nuts should be cut out with a blunt razor and force fed to it with a burning stick. Keep the thing alive in this state for a while then finish it off on a fire ants nest.

worldofmadness ago

I'd kill this fucker myself...

k9walker ago

This is one of the worst cases I forgot about it, and then wondered why no on has posted it. The way this man killed 2 infants will terrify you. Apparently he filmed one movie and raped infants and the way they killed them was swinging them back and forth while their heads smashed into each others eventually killing them. This was in america, then he killed another girl in the Philippines and the movie of that one was called daisys destruction. Obviously I haven't seen them but there is someone on youtube who does a verbal narrative while watching it. A true monster! it was on the darkweb and you can still find the movies on a torrent. I personally can not watch it. But people would pay him and they would write the script and then they would act it out and stream it live. Sick sick people

mergen ago

He killed 11 children with ages ranging from infants to 12 year olds

caliginosity ago

Just reading this makes me wanna puke. I used to think it was amazing that the human species had evolved from animals and how great it is that we are no longer savages. Boy was I wrong. Not even animals are this terrible.

k9walker ago

It is horrible and when i first stumbled on it, i think i was on youtube searched deep web stuff, I also stumbled on what they call animal crushing..where they take small kittens and puppies and step on their head until it pops. it is utterly disgusting these kinds of people get off on stuff like that. it makes me not want sex at all, how in the hell that turns ppl on is beyond me but they need to be put down like a rabid animal or demon montser

looking4truth ago

The death penalty is good

Catchthem ago

Yes interesting find. Please also look at this article. If you scroll down it says: It’s also shocking that Margallo who tortured a one year old baby and abused several children in exchange of money, expressed her joy on Facebook account when she knew that her sister was pregnant in a baby girl. (wich does seem to overlap the Pizzagate topic)

mergen ago

Catchthem ago

OMG i found some really disturbing shit.. His accomplice is Liezyl Margallo aka "Daisy" If you Google and put on pictures "Daisy's Destruction" there is some stuff i have no words for. NSFW WARNING!

mergen ago

I heard Margallo is with Scully since her teens. A person abused turned abuser.


theHubrisOfMan ago

I feel like doing that would insta-"put you on a list".

Piscina ago

Scully is scum. He hung an 18 month old baby upside down and sexually tortured her. He videoed her for two days while he tortured her and charged pedos to view it online. He made an 11 year old dig her own grave. He forced two little girls into dog collars and made them do things to each other. One of his victims died of strangulation and internal bleeding. I hope he gets the death penalty

Norm85 ago

I hope they make his death slow and painful.