Moonlandinghoax ago

Wow. So they snatch kids at National parks? Do they have people hiding in the woods??! Wtf is going on?

InfoWarsDotComFan ago

Does anyone remember about the town in the radio free zone that was for sale? Is it near Droop Mountain? Someone bought it and is turning it into a "health care center for Vets" supposedly.

lexliberuniversum ago

I think the very important part is the proposal/idea of build up a map about every location which is related to paedo/satanic stuff... for example.. one could use the "geocaching" stuff for collecting all infos. Maybe there are another solutions like openstreetmaps and so on.. This would help to see where are the clusters and maybe centers of those people. Have you seen this here : David Paulides collected lot's of data from cases and put in on a map... What do you think?

InfoWarsDotComFan ago

Yeah. That's a good idea. Thank you for posting this. I was trying to remember who had investigated all these weird disappearances in national parks. I remember hearing him on Coast to Coast and this Droop Mountain reminded me of this.

V____Z ago

I was just about to post this. The down votes are likely due to the length of the video and lack of info here.

From the info box:

Ole Dammegard exposes pedocriminal tunnel holding children at WVA Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park Museum as part of US national/state Park & Museum pedocriminal child capture and distribution system

I listened to the whole thing. Essentially, Ole received a plea for help in investigating a first account: a man was visiting the museum at the Droopp Mountain national park, when he clearly heard children screaming out for help from underneath the museum. Two guards came over to him, and he said you could hear the children clear as day, yet the guards said there are absolutely no children in the area, and walked the man to his car, and watched him leave. The man went straight to local police, who he said seemed to have been tipped off ahead of time that he'd be coming. They were not interested in exploring his claims. The only thing he knew to do was alert Ole, who is now calling on the wider community for help.

He notes that for over a hundred years children have gone missing form national parks, and that this one is connected by a civil war era tunnel system to DC, and is not very far from Comet.

InfoWarsDotComFan ago

Yeah. I just finished watching it. It was pretty lengthy. I can't wait for Ole to go there and investigate it.