sunajAeon ago

except that is not where the kidney is located, it is the small/lg intestines

sunajAeon ago

This is sick shit-enough in itself to fire him, investigate him-who puts a picture like this in their home???

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

A very sick article from the Philippines tells of horrifying abuse of a one year old, at the request of rich people willing to spend $10,000. Maybe it's Pedo Pappa John Podesta's picture, "showed a one-year-old hung upside down a abused with wax from a flaming candle and hit with a belt."

NotTooLate ago

Is that actually a mirror and not a picture? Looks like a bruise to me.

Psalm100 ago

That is much better - much more truthful. Thank you.

Melitica ago

Even IF these aren't pictures of children in danger...these people are sick.

This shit should be banned as "art".

Melitica ago

Remember that a lot of this "be more outrageous that the last guy" art started with Roger Maplethorpe's "pile of human shit in plexiglass box"

Melitica ago

I agree... The "waist" of the "toddler" is thin...not at all toddler-like. Not sure what it is.

sunajAeon ago

This def a young girl, with a man's hand touching her side


Researching links in this thread lead me to another interesting link. It's in French but easily translated. The art is disgusting and a lot of it I have not seen. Some of the artists names have not been mentioned either from whatI can tell so hopefully I can contribute some new contnet. It gets even worse the more you scroll down. One even has "art" of what appears to be a young boy having his rear end sewed shut. The images are disturbing but are safe to view. Please archive, I have been lurking this is my first post.

matheasysolutions ago

Here is the link to that staircase if you wanted to confirm:

How are the Podestas not being prosecuted yet??

Mannix ago

I don't think it is a toddler in a diaper. It looks more like a teen in floral panties, maybe multiple layers of panties:

DietCokehead1 ago

It's clearly meant to represent a toddler in a diaper. He probably had an older teen pose so that it's not "technically" child porn.

Mannix ago

You mean "she." The "artist" is a woman named Anna Gaskell who photographs nude and scantilly clad teens.

DietCokehead1 ago


Mannix ago

"In this series of works, Gaskell again casts teenage girls as her protagonists,"

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yeah I'd like to see the underground movie room this sick fuck installed and the collection of the movies he shows in his underground movie room to charge this sick fuck with everything he's got coming to him. Let's not forget this piece of shit has a bunch of new child's stuffed animals right beside his bed. WHY? He's got no kids and the stuffies aren't old and sentimental they are new and there are a bunch of them as shown in his interior design magazine of his gaudy house. Fat pedophile I hope your reading this you sick fuck.

cousineerie ago

It's an image of a man who appears to be ripping the skin off of a baby -- maybe to eat? The babies hand is on the right side of the stomach and the adult's hand is the one on the left side that is tearing off the babies skin.

ArthurEdens ago

Trump said the opposite, he told him to investigate anything he wants

Micheal84 ago

Translated a part of it:

Tony Podesta and his brother John are two prominent figures in Washington, known for their influence in politics as well as in the cultural and social sphere. As part of the Internet users' inquiry into the possibility of an elite pedophile network involving high-ranking American personalities, the so-called "Pizzagate" case in reference to the indices related to the pizzeria "Comet Ping Pong" by James Alefantis, Tony Podesta has emerged as an important figure, notably because of his pronounced taste for works of art at the frontiers of pedophilia - and abuses in general. We have already mentioned the particular artistic tastes of the Podesta clan by bringing the invitation of the two brothers to the evening "Spirit Cooking" by Marina Abramovic. Internet users also discovered on E & R an overview of the paintings displayed at the home of Tony Podesta. In order to complete these first elements, let us return today to an article that has circulated a lot on the Internet since November 2016 and the beginning of the Pizzagate affair: that of the Washington Post who visited Tony Podesta in September 2004 Wife Heather and had the immense privilege of penetrating into their home. According to the American newspaper, the Podesta organized in Washington many "artistic festivals" involving famous personalities of the world of the contemporary art. Among them were three women: Patricia Piccinini, Anna Gaskell, and Anne Olofsson. Below, a sample of their works.

Then the pictures a seen in your link.

psy0pus ago

Thanks a lot!

srayzie ago

Is this a photo or a tv?

Ample4th ago

Possible connection. Look up the artists "Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake" Jeremy Blake used to date Anna Gaskell and Theresa had some very strong opinions about her connections. This is a copy of a post that disappeared from Theresa's blog after her death

WellSetTable ago

This is sick this is not normal and it isn't art fuck any one who says it is. This is what years of liberal indoctrination has done, making this acceptable.

The red mark could symbolize anything, I zoomed in on the diaper that red blotch looks like it could be a hand print. I've seen lots of weird shit at people's house but if any one I knew hung this in their hall people would be asking them about it non stop.

I can't believe these people .The Podestas deserve to have a real life Hell Raiser Pin Head to come and enjoy their flesh.

jstayz44 ago

I read that the hand clinched like that in a picture is indicative of satanic or Luciferian worship. I will try to find the info and link here. So, I agree with others, it looks like the adult hand is clenched as in ripping the child open. Very sinister, indeed.

Orange_Circle ago

Baby torture is the elites sexual fetish.

IPleadThe2nd ago

It looks more like a bruise or burn. Shadows aren't that shade and pushing in would create a shadow effect but the circumference is too large.

nameof ago

Human bite mark

IPleadThe2nd ago

Looks like maybe bite marks, but the positioning is odd. Maybe a scar from fingernails? What kind of a disturbed mind would want to have that in their house.

nameof ago

Looks like a human bite mark

Dasistnichtgut ago

I don't care if it's a burn, bite, or shadow - who has a pic like that in their house. It's weird.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

THIS. Fuck any and all people who try to rationalize this shit with "its just art, sometimes art can be weird but its okay" argument. Fuck that.

NikitaVerite ago

It's a photograph of a grown woman (you can see some underboob) wearing a diaper, and her hand is digging into her own waist. Regardless, it's sick AF.

IPleadThe2nd ago

How many people do you know who have arms that are different sizes? The arm on the left is an adult one and the arm on the right is a child's arm.

NikitaVerite ago

Ooooh snap! Good eye! I guess I didn't look that closely. So maybe it's a woman's body in a diaper, but the arms/hands might not be hers at all? Or one is? It looks like one arm might be a child's arm? Maybe the bigger arm is someone else's arm even? Damn - this photo just gets more and more twisted - and it was pretty fucking twisted to begin with.

IPleadThe2nd ago

After looking at the legs more, it could be A woman's legs. There's a little more fat accumulated just under the leg of the diaper. Toddlers have chubby legs but theirs just seem to look different that that. It does look like underboob or possibly the top part of the child's arm with lighting making it look strange? It's definately odd and could be a mix of woman and child since they have some weird fascination with split personalities. It might be depicting a woman who has a child alter that resulted from being abused as a kid. These people are so weird it's hard for people with normal minds to try and understand them!

AliensInParis ago

I think it's an adult in a diaper, symbolizing "never growing up", which could be a symptom of childhood abuse. The red thing looks like it could just be a shadow.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Have you seen a lot of red shadows before? I haven't.

JrSlimss ago

Even that dinner table photo has a pretty macabre significance - it is a recreation of a photo of Whitney Houston's last meal before she accidentally drowned in her bathtub while on drugs.

Amyamy ago

I think it is an adult dressed like a toddler. I only say that because it looks like the bottom of a breast in the top right corner. Even if it is an adult, it is still sick as fuck. Why would he want a toddler depicted with dark red marks on it's body being grabbed by an adult.

Ocelot ago

Oh yeah, that's normal.

ArthurEdens ago

Nice spiral staircase

Fire_Fly ago

That is so f*** ed up! What a disgusting sick picture. Why would anyone have something like this up in their house? I am so mad. After seeing the O'Reilly thing this morning and that Merkel/Reddit article from Wikileaks I'm PISSED off! Then to see this picture. All of them make me SICK!

Ambriel ago

If these devils in human form are not brought to justice, I will lose all hope for humanity, and this administration.

srayzie ago

Dear God. Shocking.

thelawofone ago

From her wikipedia


In her photographic series, hide, Gaskell references a lesser-known Brothers Grimm tale, "The Magic Donkey."[11] This series features young girls alone in a gothic mansion, creating a sense of dread and underlying sexual intrigue that takes its impetus from the tale of a young woman forced to hide beneath animal skins to hide from the matrimonial desires of her father.[9] The name of the series is drawn from the children's game hide-and-seek, the dual personality of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and the literal skin, or hide, that creates a boundary between the inside and the outside, the self and the other.[12]

WellSetTable ago

Did a quick search and look at her with Mr Comet Ding Dong. It's funny how they all run in the same circles with the same dubious theme, and the same interest in children.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Wow. Unbelievable!

Forgetmenot ago

The link shows a pic of The cage in Tony podesta bedroom. Just more of the "art" that he collects.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Do you see the leash on the left side? What the fuck kind of sick fuckers are these people?

Forgetmenot ago

I did. These are inhuman scum that dig around tunnels like rats and have chainlink cages in their bedrooms and fornicate with the dead drinking semen and menstual blood. They are Nothing but vermin that need to be exterminated and wiped off the face of the earth. Makes me more disgusted everyday that they walk around free....If you go on Reddit there are more pics.

IPleadThe2nd ago

WTF? What kind of a freak has all of this shit?

concernedaboutitall ago

I found another one. Can't exactly make out what is in this one but looks like legs spread? Seriously I can't believe this is "art."

IPleadThe2nd ago

It's not art, it's child abuse and porn disguised at "art".

concernedaboutitall ago

Ok I believe it is this work by Gadkell

Aphoticamy ago

WTF. If I hadn't already been convinced he's a sick fuck this surely would have done it. There is no non-fucking-weirdo reason in existence to have this type of art in your home. Period.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Artist is Anna Gaskell (the one that does the Alice in Wonderland series.)

Here's a better look at the "artwork":

It's probably not a toddler. That's not a diaper, it's actually several pairs of panties. But is about pedophilia - "escape the advances of her father."


Clinker ago

If you look at the whitecube link for Anna Gaskell's work, notice that large picture on the bottom right? Tony Podesta has that in his house.

(Click on the inset picture at the bottom of the page to see full article on Tony Podesta's house. You can see it in the circular stairwell.)

goodguy1367 ago

That's not just a pinch that a hard fucking pinch, those fingers are deep in that kids skin, just do it to yourself and see how hard you have to pinch to do that sick shit!!

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Here's where this photo comes from:

Might be from one of these artists "Works by Ilit Azoulay, Louise Bourgeois, Beatriz Milhazes, Thomas Demand, Anna Gaskell, Petrina Hicks, Fernando and Humberto Campana and more"

Also, I'm so glad that I'm just an ignorant right-winger that just can't appreciate "fine art!"

pizzaequalspedo ago

What a sick fuck Tony Podesta is.

sugarskull ago

Any info on the creeper photographer...or is this a Tony special?

quantokitty ago

Dear God, that man is deranged!!! Looks like a bite mark to me, but it's too far away to see properly. Oh, Mr. Sessions ... pls LOCK THESE PEOPLE UP!!!!

GeorgeT ago

I guess this also classifies as 'art.'

Madharleyman ago

That is an adult arm pinching that baby. You can tell by the size of the depression in the skin and the shape the fingers are in. I don't think the red spot is a burn but a discoloration in the photo. The shadow of the hand is also surrounding the spot. You can see the similar red discoloration in the arm of the adult. Question, what is the body part above the left arm that is cut off at the top of the picture? It almost looks like part of a breast. Sick fucks!

IPleadThe2nd ago

Shadows aren't that color, it's definately a red shade.

Yuke ago

It's a shadow from harsh lighting, look at the adult hand to see this. I would, however, like to know who the artist is so we can find out what it's supposed to be/represent.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Shadows aren't red!

Yuke ago

I know, but they can deceive the eye and seem like they are Red. Look again and look at the childs leg. It is a shadow.

podesta4prison ago

If that's a shadow, it's inconsistent with the rest of the shading.

HashTagFU ago

Who the hell hangs a picture like that in their house? It's a picture of a toddler in a diaper. It's not even his kid. This guy is one sick fuck.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

The toddler has it's hand on it's hip in a defiant way/adult pose. And is that a breast shadow on a baby? Transposition of adult traits onto children. Very sick.

IPleadThe2nd ago

The arms are two different sizes.

Micheal84 ago

You know your probably talking about the actual reflection of the light, the pictures is behind glass. Or you didnt see it, or just trolling.

madhatter67 ago

If that's right that's an actual smoking gun

Meerika ago

So sick!

Forgetmenot ago

This is one of the clearest pictures I have seen of this.....these scum bags need to be exterminated!

k9walker ago


roundhouse1776 ago

The "red spot" is just a shadow because the adult hand is grabbing/pinching the baby. It's really obvious. I actually couldn't even figure out what you meant by a "red spot" until I realized you were talking about the shadow.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Shadows aren't red! Fresh bruises are.

dayisnigh ago

Looks slightly like a floral design? Is there a better picture?

Gothamgirl ago

Very similar to a pic of a kid I found hidden in John Podesta's email. In the attachment with animation off, under "sheild and sword" there is a partial pic of a child in a pamper.

GeorgeT ago

This is some depraved s$&#!!!!!

Gbuggers ago

Who would have a picture like that blown up. Normal people blow up pictures of their kids with their smiling face. Podestas take pictures of a some kids bob boo and blows it up probably stole the kid. sick fucks

chordwonder ago

The more I look at it, the more fake it looks. The lower left leg fades out, not like how an amputation would look.

Hazilla ago

They're so brazen and flaunt their arrogance in the way they openly display this shit, because they think they're untouchable.

Take Alefantis on his instagram, it's like they're playing a game between themselves as to who can push the envelope the furthest

remedy4reality ago

Perhaps they are untouchable.

We'll find out soon enough.

Z11Mama ago

Your answer really struck a note with me. A game. Seeing who can push the envelope the farthest. These wack jobs probably laugh at each others antics and brag to their victims about what they get away with.

goodguy1367 ago

Haha yes can we go to his house and show him how normal people feel about this "art"?

Coloradical2 ago

The "red thing " looks like a nasty burn.

micha_ ago

You mean the shadow around the hand? LOL. Trying to discredit this important find?

Gorillion ago

Or an adult human bite mark. Apparently a lot of child abusers are biters.

neurofluxation ago

It really does look like a bite mark... More circumstantial evidence to the cannibalism shit...
Or removal of an organ of some kind...?

lol, why the downvotes...?!

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

How did you code this for the jpeg to open in your post?

neurofluxation ago

  [Click me!]  ([](     

Remove the space :)

gurneyx ago

i was thinking organ removal clue but who knows!

e-traiu ago

Fuck you podestas

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Could you imagine Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz taking a gigantic holy hot shit from hell on the Podestas, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, James Alefantis etc? I'd shit my pants! And it very well may happen with Trump / Sessions!

chordwonder ago

I've about had it w/ these sadistic, heartless pedos. I wouldn't want their karma for anything in the world. I'm struggling not to wish not to wish bad things on them, but I know that's wrong too.

e-traiu ago

Seems to be a adult hand om that side. Clawing or pinching the toddler.

Flaaffy ago

I thought the red mark resembled more of a brand or burn mark.

ScientiaPotentia ago

It appears to me that the hand is tearing out a piece of flesh from the side of the child's body. Pedophiles and murderers sometime like to take mementos of their crimes so they can relive the event. Perhaps this is a reenactment of some kind. Like the painting by his favorite artist with the children in the tiled room. A similar room can be found in the underground tunnels on Connecticut ave near Comet Ping Pong.

Psalm100 ago

We need to banish the word "pedophilia." Child "love"?! That's propaganda right there! They lust to exploit children for their own gratification, and so often inflicting pain on them seems to be part of the "love."

Melitica ago

The pedophiles want to ban it too....

They want to make sure everyone knows they aren't "harming" children...

Bad idea.

micha_ ago

Sick as sick can be! AG Sessions, finish this scum off and let the courts remove it from earth!

listenandsee ago

I really hope he does! Have you seen this video? The whole thing is great, but if you go to 20:05 you'll see her translate Sessions too!

Poot_McGarvey ago

Its looking like they will keep going after small time traffickers and keep pushing "crazed conspiracy theorists ranting about pizza parlor is fake news"....

I dont know where we go from here but I'm not sure we should be holding out hope for Sessions to "save the day"

micha_ ago

Sure you could be correct. It depends how much for the state or even the international order could be at risk, if the hole really is that deep as it seems.

On the other hand, if they want to get rid of this worldwide shadow government through blackmail (which I suspect is behind it), they have to begin at the lower level and slowly work up through investigations and insiders beginning to talk to the top. Otherwise the shadow government and its legacy media would discredit any investigation.

nomorepepperoni ago

March on Washington? Wait, you should only do that if you wear pussy hats, got it.

The_Kuru ago

Can you link the source showing this is Tony Podesta's house? Not that I don't believe you.

Truther ago

Hi do you have another source that can verify that this artwork is in Tony Podesta's staircase? Perhaps like an article. Thanks.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

See my post below - the artist is Anna Gaskell.

Ample4th ago

Reposting this again so it doesn't get buried in the thread.

Possible connection. Look up the artists "Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake" Jeremy Blake used to date Anna Gaskell and Theresa had some very strong opinions about her connections. This is a copy of a post that disappeared from Theresa's blog after her death

varialus ago

Is that underboob? You may be looking at an adult, lol!

Edit: Oops, that's underarm. Never mind. Move along, nothing to see here.

fartyshorts ago

I'd like to get some of his artworks for my own home, just to see how people would react.

Hopevoats ago

I've thought about promoting it on my Facebook page and tagging my rabid Clinton supporter and SJW friends.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Tell them it's from the Trump tower and watch them go crazy.

Then tell them the truth and watch them backpedal

Hopevoats ago

I love it!

I'm going to find some art from Trump or his associates and do a game: Guess who's art this is?

varialus ago

I've heard that's why he says he has it.

cantsleepawink ago

So he can work out who is in the 'club' ?

UncookedSpirit ago

He and his brother get off on both disturbing or perverting other people with their "art". For example, the Podesta email where he wants to know the reaction of some interns to the creepy cannibal painting in his office:

Also LOL they thought Hillary would win TEXAS???

And Tony and his ex-wife, same thing:

Power tripping.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I missed that email Thanks for the post. Maybe he used the artwork to uncover people with similar taste in perversions.

UncookedSpirit ago

Good point, I hadn't thought of that.

fartyshorts ago

Yeah, I remember reading about it in the articles about their collection. They would get giddy when people would freak out and/or be shocked by their art.

Here's WP, with the images taken out for some reason (maybe because it's archived?):

Old version still has images:

chordwonder ago

He'll wish he hadn't said it when he gets caught or meets his maker.

V____Z ago

Doesn't seem like a very nurturing or gentle embrace. Looks like child abuse.