speepsie ago

just fyi google trends started editing the graphs this month. a month ago there was a skyrocket in interest in search terms such as "holohoax", "Jew World Order", and "hitler did nothing wrong". they have since been edited to make it look like there had always been searches going on, as opposed to the flatline these had all had until less than six months ago. JUST SAYING

squidicuz ago

You don't say...

It was pretty obvious at the time, at of nowhere both pizzagate and fake news. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Pizzatemp420 ago

Very obvious, and stated dozens of times since 'fake news' launched.

unrealisthenewreal ago

I guess that's good cuz it means more people are searching "pizzagate?"

throwawaa ago

Um, or the two terms appear in searches mainly from one part of the world, that happens to follow a pattern in its internet traffic.

unclassified ago

Pedogate is real and this shit's been going on for generations. The fake news is churned out for every news organization to report. All of them. Even local news stations are told what to report on and how to say it. They all report the same story only worded slightly different. That's no coincidence that all the local channels stories are the same. Getting back to the MSM they are paid very well to dummy up. They know things but are told what to say and they better not step outta line. They know about pedogate, just can't reveal it. They just do what they're told. They can only go so far.

matheasysolutions ago

Thanks for the feedback! Yes that is a great point you made. The ups and downs are likely due to times of the day. I will update the description to include this!

rippingtheveil ago

i live in middle America, 30,000 people town, front news on our local paper was an article on fake news, they had some "expert" at our community college speaking about fake news, definition of expspurt, ex is a has been, spurt is a drop of water under preasure....lol hopefully you get that

reasonedandinformed ago

You are 100% correct. I wrote a thought piece on Reddit, within the pizzagate subverse, about the strategy of labeling pizzagate as "fake news "… and my post was immediately shadowbanned so that nobody could read it. At the time, I was puzzled when people were telling me they couldn't see the essay from the link I posted. Reddit took down the entire subreddit that night. The entire "fake news" lie was used to discredit and bury the truth of pizzagate.

party1981 ago

I agree 100%.

spezSentMe ago

What's new?

clowntrash ago

This was the term used right around the reddit pizzagate banning situation

Narcissism ago

The Russia hacked our computers and put CP on them BS is also the same fake narrative.

Ronnilynn31 ago

My husband had a hard time getting to where he eve entertained the idea of a coverup like this until I showed him Google a Google search of specific words related to anything Trump and he saw how all the results mimmicked each other story after story. Then I did the same on several other topics with that he was familiar with. Same results. And not the "truth" he expected to see based on what he knew to be true. Finally to Pizzagate. Then it clicked. Yes, there are deliberate coverups at high levels.

draegspir ago

This is really interesting. Can you go into a bit more detail in terms of the examples that you used?

Ronnilynn31 ago

Controversial and current topics for instance -- planned parenthood or woman's march. There are clearly 2 deeply divided views on those from recent news. Results are overwhelmingly on one side of those issues. The headlines share the same "buzzwords" consistently. Even though the stories are written by different writers. Any topic on Trump or Ivanka is the same. He's lukewarm when it comes to Trump but he expected the searches to reflect the 50/50 divide in opinions. Not even close. And he isn't the biggest Trump supporter but was surprised that even the tweets that Google shows didn't list any from of the biggest supporters.

Comet Ping Pong was the one search I used for Pizza Gate. It varied according to what period of time you searched, but in the days that this broke every single headline included the words "fake news". Search again on comet after the gunman was arrested, just for Comet Ping Ping they mixed the fake news headline with the gunman. Literally zero results on at least the first 5 pages or more returned articles from eventhe "fringe" news sites like Breitbart, etc. or moderately alternative pages. I can tell in the last few days though the searched on pizzagate & Comet are showing more mixed results so something has been adjusted only very recently.

Just a sample. It depends a lot on timing and in particular the current news of the day. With such a distinct divide in opinions in today's climate, it's easy to see how it's blatantly one sided when various topics are trending.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Way to go, that's exactly how you wake people up!

Z11Mama ago

It was obvious to those researching pizzagate what was up. What is nice is having this kind of evidence so easily available. Thanks for the post!

Kristina_Gilliam ago

They started pushing it around the same time that there were rumors that WikiLeaks was about to devastate HRC and Chris Cuomo was warning people not to read WikiLeaks. PizzaGate just happened to be revealed during that period.

Deflo56 ago

The factor host just mentioned pizzagate is fake news. He had a long pause before he could remember pizzagate. Seemed fake that he didn't remember the name. Must be another guy waiting for the knock on the door. 💩

pizzaequalspedo ago

Google, Twitter, FB, Reddit, Washpo, Huffpo, NYT, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS and others need to stand accountable for their actions in this if it breaks.

We know what they're doing

Blacksmith21 ago


UrballsAreShowing ago

Without a doubt, fake news was a campaign aimed to discredit Pizzagate. I remember watching the bots come alive on twitter saying the same thing with the same linked stories stating that Pizzagate was fake news.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Yes, and that literally was the week that I started checking out what FB kept shoving out there about fake news...and realized without a doubt what was going on. Facebook was done for me. I've spent the 2+ months since then researching all the stuff I've been lied to about for years. It's been the most mind opening experience I could have.

podesta4prison ago

One of the most devastating examples of fake news perpetuated by the MSM is the Syria lie..

Veteran, HI Sen. Tulsi Gabbard: https://youtu.be/NRVcLS-EHJU

A prestiged local: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2017/february/04/the-media-coverage-on-syria-is-the-biggest-media-lie-of-our-time-interview-with-flemish-priest-in-syria/

We're supporting Al'Queda and ISIS to take out a Russia-backed country, so Al'Queda and ISIS can control the territory. Clinton would have risked nuclear war with a no-fly against Russia The executives of the MSM should all be placed in Gitmo.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Yes-- I've only recently educated myself on this and actually shared those exact 2 links with someone else earlier today. They are both excellent. Plus they have a "reputable" feel to them if that makes sense. I read a lot of alternative news sites lately to sort through what seems legit and what doesn't. I don't share from a lot of them though because even if they do say something I think is true, the skeptic will immediately dismiss it on the source alone.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Welcome to the club! It's hard to take it all in at first because everything basically has been a lie, but your life will never be the same!

concernedaboutitall ago

Yep. This was obvious to those researching from the beginning. I hated it then but it gets amusing every time the Trump administration uses the term against the MMS lies. Makes me laugh a bit.

Psalm100 ago

Either that or the mainstream media walked in front of a mirror.

matheasysolutions ago

hahahaha yes that is another possibility ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

nomorepepperoni ago

Of course it was. Many likely even looked up "pizzagate" when they heard about it from the MSM as "fake news".

waxdino ago

I've known all along that FakeNews!™ was created for pizzagate. But, thank you for the visual evidence.

MyUSA2017 ago

Is this why Chris Cuomo was so sensitive about Fake News today? He said saying Fake News is equivalent to the N-word (referring to journalists). The media continues with their spin. I think they know they are all hanging on by a fingernail. They are throwing anything they hope will stick at this point! Google is involved with all of this, too, hence the chart aligning.

roundhouse1776 ago

What's really hilarious is that it was the MSM who invented the "Fake News" narrative. They only stopped using it because it blew up in their faces when everyone started calling them the fake news.

So, it was OK for CNN to call others fake news, but now that's it's happening to them, it's the "n-word of journalists". This is typical nonsensical leftist logic. And of course they have to bring race into it, as if journalists are a race. What a bunch of morons.

Ocelot ago

He said saying Fake News is equivalent to the N-word

Lol, what the hell? Pure delusion.

MyUSA2017 ago

I love that! New slogan for CNN.

CNN.... Pure delusion!

MyUSA2017 ago

Double standard. Attack Barron, attack Trump, attack KellyAnne, attack Melania, attack Spicer, attack.. attack...

then cry foul that MSM isn't taken seriously and people call "Fake News". Remember Romper Room? How are adults acting like children? See link below for Chris Cuomo's meltdown.


Phenomenonanon ago

Sure is!