francisco_DANKonia ago

This is exactly why it will take a while. It won't happen this month

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Where are the upcoming pizzagate arrests? The thought of you people not only believing pizzagate to be real, but that actual arrests are gonna be made based on this ridiculous conspiracy theory, makes me cringe.

mathemagician33 ago

look man, I was completely civil to you. You have not extended the rest of us the same courtesy. If you disagree with some aspect of the pizzagate/pedogate investigation or evidence, why don't you explain it in a logical fashion and cite exactly what you are attempting to refute. What you are instead doing amounts to childish name calling. If you think everyone here is so stupid, then why don't you actually attempt to explain your views. As I said before, we have an excellent executive summary post in this subverse which is fully sourced. If you want to engage in a civil, logical discussion, I'm all for it, but that is not what you are doing.

shortymcbossypants ago

Keep telling yourself that skippy.

Hopevoats ago

Please share your logic. Can you describe the scope of institutional pedophilia, as you perceive it?

Hopevoats ago

Still waiting for you to answer my questions.

Is it all a lie? If not, which parts are true?

mathemagician33 ago

you aren't "dropping logic" on anyone LOL. If you want to have a civil discussion about the mountain of evidence that comprises pizzagate, a good start would be for you to actually read the fully sourced executive summary post and explain exactly where and why you disagree. But instead, you resort to name calling and childish behavior when it's obvious you barely even have an understanding of the situation at hand.

Littlebird1 ago

I think the evidence will be too damning for that narrative to go far. Many of us have heard it said that there are undeniable photos of Hillary Clinton & Huma Abiden with a minor... not to mention Weiner's "Life Insurance" files. No amount of cries for 'tax returns' or 'Russian hacking' can distract from that!

Mr_Dusk ago

Is this confirmed by other sources as something that's going to happen? Or supported by any leaks to confirm this as what's going to happen?

shortymcbossypants ago

And CNN I hope you are reading this. In my religious beliefs, we believe that when Jesus is resurrected that the most evil and vile of people will be thrown by God himself into a Lake of Fire and burn for eternity along with your god Satan. Just think about that for a second, is this sick crap worth being burned for all eternity over?

pbvrocks ago

Is this speculation of based on insider knowledge? How is this sourced?

doubletake ago

Wives Are Fair Game. Mrs. Tapper, bless her heart, has provided AWESOME AMMO to counter this. Just emphasizing lostinthevalley's post, but this puts Old Jake right in the center of the PG action, which is maybe why he has visibly become Mr.Angry during the last months. The crazy dame really thinks it's the best goddam restaurant in DC -- that's gotta be grounds to commit her as certifiable, right? He likes the place too, takes his kids to it all the time, maybe trying to catch a glimpse of the president or something. Endless Memes are possible -- just think of all the incredible DC restaurants, and she picks a dive with Sex Stains posters as a great place for kids. Priceless.

doubletake ago

The mods should include an incentive, like for every 500 pts, you can downvote somebody 4x as a reward.

survey_girl ago

And in the interview, AJ didn't interrupt him and talk over him like he does to literally every other guest he has on.... very strange interview. Made me lose a lot of faith in AJ, honestly. I stopped watching his videos for a while, but have recently started watching some.

uberthoth ago

CNN seems to be complicit we need to be investigating that entire organization from top to bottom

VIrginiaPerson ago

Do we have anyone here with any professional journalism knowledge? I have known three people in that field in my life. Two were students who changed fields before ever getting a job/finishing school and one is a small time local news anchor (in politics). I don't still know any of them. I'm wondering if at some point there is a wall that real journalists hit when they try to climb the ladder.

KoofNoof ago

Read the source. This is all speculation based off of the CNN article. The source makes no mention of anything even close to what this article is saying

quantokitty ago

Good! It'll be the nail in CNN's coffin! They've been covering up the criminal activities and being on the wrong side of this will be the end of any credibility they might have with that one person still watching in San Francisco.

Of course, a lot depends on the evidence. Obviously, it has to be solid to bring an indictment, but those emails better be pretty explicit. Then there's Assange. All flashing neon arrows keep pointing back to him. What was that evidence he had that was supposed to be released on Election Day? It was supposed to be guaranteed to get Killary some jail time. I hope some nice embarrassing film surfaces. That's always good for a laugh when they've been denying that anything took place and then someone posts that video that shows them in the act. I suppose CNN could play it backwards ... or throw some underage kids in the pool to distract and entertain us adults. Can't wait to see CNN go down with the rest of these pedos!!!!

GeorgeT ago

Michael Moore will come out saying 'I told you so, Trump is assuming dictatorship and his followers, beta male cucks and LGBTXYZ followers will jump on the bandwagon' Rocky road ahead.

GeorgeT ago

I can't wait to see Trey Gowdy drill Obama .... 'Mr, former POTUS, did you order $65 000 woth of Hotdogs for a private party?' ....... 'They must've been really gormet hotdogs don't you think? Would you care to divalge the recipe?'....

Blacksmith21 ago

I really enjoyed smoking an exceptionally fine cigar while watching Sessions get confirmed lest night. I'll skip a second one when he gets sworn in. I'll have another one when the arrests start. Execute, execute, execute.

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

"when the arrests start" HAHAHAHAHAHA

survey_girl ago

And Alex Jones too... up until his JR podcast he was silent on PG since the CPP false flag. He was literally in tears on a show leading up to the election talking about how evil the Clintons are and talking about what the NYPD found on Weiner's computer... then the false flag "shooting" at CPP and he interviewed the slimey lawyer that happened to be there with this family at the time... and AJ never really spoke about it again. And he has been talking about the elites satanic / pedophiliac practices for years, but really stopped talking about it for several months. I know he is friendly with Trump, so I think he was told to stop talking about it too.

YingYangMom ago

I'm sure he is too. Maybe a little too busy, demanding and or even a bit of a perfectionist, but all in all, a pretty good father. What I meant was that he can be accused of many things, but being a bad leader isn't one of them. Bottom line is: He's perfect for the job.

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

But you know there won't be any pizzagate arrests, because pizzagate is a completely made up ridiculous conspiracy theory, don't you?

fairytisya ago

although it seems just like cnn may be cover up for some they know about, but they will bring the word out which then makes it public and make people think. The arrests will drain the swamp and they know it will, but it will back fire as some people who dont know about it may come forward and prove it true. with that many arrests already happened people will know its not fake and go search for real news. For any person to ignore or put a spin on pizzagate are cover up child crimes and support child crimes.

ON the morning show here today, a segment was on the leading girl on the wizard of oz, saying she was 16 and sexually assault many times everyday while making the movies by the older small people and was scared to say anything so she took drugs etc. its a start the word is getting out, Cnn can try to spin the story its not going away untill all lthe truth is told

are-u-me ago

This will be Great! Leftists will believe whatever the fuck unreality they believe anyway, but the yet unaware Right will have to research #pizzagate to defend itself! Redpills for EVERYONE!

TrishaUK ago

CNN/ & ALL of the MSM should be forced to report the REAL news worldwide when the arrests are made!!!

TrishaUK ago

The proof all the citizens around the world have collected, photos, links, plus the FBI/NYPD/WIKILEAKS etc., videos and info on Weiner laptop is going to be the confirmation of everything thats been going on. All we needed was Sessions to be confirmed.
PRAY that all the key players in the law are protected by God now the 'plug' in the swamp is finally taken out and the swamp is starting to drain!!!!!!! - Thank God, for all you who want justice for the children. I am so proud of all the work everyone has done.

GeorgeT ago

Maybe that is why Trump was so quick to do seemingly 180 on the Clintons, saying how much he respects them - sarcasm, with a hint 'I will get you, but I don't want you to know before the day it happens.'

TrishaUK ago

I think so, they are trying to make EVERYTHING he does as controversial as possible, he needed to get them off his back re this.
Sessions WHOOPIE = Swamp Drain begun...............

AugustaJulia ago

My God, Read their language. CNN is not even pretending any more that it is a news organization. It is openly acting as the mouthpiece of an enemy government. Aren't there any laws about this? Could their accreditation be taken away? Or how are they different from a partizan political blog/vlog? Only by sheer size?

DayWalker ago

more dems in jail with no voting rights

SpikyAube ago

I knew that this is what they would try - they will try to make out like he has gone full Hitler and is just rounding up any opposition and putting them in jail. We should try and warn people in advance via social media not to trust what they hear, or to make sure everyone has heard in advance that high profile arrests will be for pedophilia. If they get half the country believing that Trump is bringing in some kind of tyrannical totalitarian government it will not end well at all for anyone.

Surely they could arrest some Republican pedophiles too, there must be quite a few, and that might make it harder for them to argue it's not about pedophilia and child trafficking.

shortymcbossypants ago

This is exactly what BadGuacamole on Youtube was saying just the other day. Some things are about to seriously go down quickly, and his real name and location will probably be released pretty soon as a result. For some of these people that are speaking out on Youtube that aren't as big as the big names, we really, and I mean REALLY, pray for their and our own protection cause we know good and well, shit is really about to hit the fan.

GeorgeT ago

John Mccain I heard is involved. Could never imagine that A war hero could also be a child trafficker.'

shortymcbossypants ago

My dad was a Vietnam Vet, and he's spoken out a lot about some of the sick things he saw while deployed in Vietnam. Everybody in those days were in to the drug trade, prostitution, human trafficking of both adults and children as young as 3, and this was just the Commanding Officers. The same thing, I believe, is going on in the Middle East where we as Americans are occupied, and until Sessions opens up a can of whoop ass all over these assholes, it's going to keep going on.

BarryOSeven ago

Why not take down CNN first? They are absolute morons and will definatly have pizzapedos in the company

OneMoreDay ago

I think the play is to let the media twist in the breeze for about two days. Make all the high level arrests in a big show of force, just like the article says. Don't release evidence, just start grabbing political opponents right and left with announced charges and minimal else.

After the media is apoplectic defending these creeps for a couple of days, leak all the hideous stuff they have and damn the accused and the media establishment at the same time. Mainstream media would never recover.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I hope so too (re paranoia)

Reddit_Suxs ago

For reasons of national security, Trump should shut down CNN.

JonEBeGood ago

I don't know if you're versed in social media, but snapchat had an illuminati page which basically made a joke out of the whole 'secret societies' topic, oh and at the end there was a slice of pizza with the all seeing eye in the center of it. Predictive programming to ready the masses?

this_somuchthis ago

basically we need the evidence made public, then no amount of spin can save them.

CzechsWithDecks ago

1,) I hope this is true. 2.) I don't care if it is a frame up, fuck the dems 3.) I don't care about President Trump's tax returns, he's not obligated to provide them... he should have just said "no" to begin with. 4.) I sure as fuck hope he does have ties with Russia, we need to super cop up with Russia to eliminate the scourge that is "radical Islamic terrorism".

slickleg64 ago

Liberals seem to think the cold war is still happening, probably why they wear che guevara tshirts.

YingYangMom ago

4.) I sure as fuck hope he does have ties with Russia, we need to super cop up with Russia to eliminate the scourge that is "radical Islamic terrorism".

And Satanic NWO globalism. Let us call on their absolute destruction.

Cantilever ago

I admire the optimism here.

blind_sypher ago

It's never a good idea to put everything on the table upfront. Judging by their posturing and tight lips I'm willing to bet they have more then a few aces up their sleeves. The emails were likely just a taste

pitenius ago

You're right. Don't forget the 2Tb accidental dump that scared the guy who stumbled on it.

Whitemail ago

I love how "fake news" bounced off and stuck to them. Eventually, Donald Trump, himself, said directly to a CNN reporter that his organization is "fake news." Since then they're trying to use "alternative facts" as their preferred reality-distortion term.

YingYangMom ago

That was an EPIC moment. I'll never forget it :)

PresudentMcCheese ago

Nothing is going to happen.

Fatsack ago

As a fat water buffalo would say, " OF COOOURRRRRRRRRSE!"

salinaslayer ago

There is a high probability in my opinion that they will attempt to sabotage the internet to keep independent media from exposing them

Print and save everything you've got where it can't be altered or deleted, preferrably airtight, if it comes to that you will be the voice of these kids

GeorgeT ago

Get your flash drives ready and start saving everything, all the videos, articles. No more fake news, this abomination has gone long enough.'

salinaslayer ago

they're making it so much harder on themselves than it has to be

GeorgeT ago

They never thought leak could take place. It did, and now they are exposed. They can never regain secrecy again. Their legacy media is a dinosaur media as effective as acwater pistol puncturing armour plates of a battle tank. They are pathetic. Honestly, does anyone with an active brain cell listens to what Megyn Kelly has to say when she is there giving that Psychopath a free pass? What about that sad crew from The View? Or Wolf Blitzer? Jake Tapper the shill who loves to dine at Comet. Joke.

salinaslayer ago

I think the Megyn Kelly interview was not what it seemed, particularly considering her audience, it was more of an opportunity to expose people to the story and start looking up stuff about the guy, coming from a mainstream media that hardly even mentions him, he fell right into it

Ivegotredditcancer ago

Thank You. Now I can say it without feeling like the only "nutcase"

Xook ago

I'm sorry, what is this "CNN" you speak of?

DeathToMasons ago

We knew this would be the response. I was all over this story. However, we need the arrest first. Still waiting.

PizzaGate711 ago

CNN and MSM are not news organisations and should not be treated as such. They work for George Soros and his people; the Clinton Family, Carlos Slim, Frank Giustra, the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Bush Family - to name a few - and there's PizzaGate mud on all of them.
Best we can do is to boycott MSM. Those wanting real news get it from InfoWars, Brietbart, Zero Hedge, Sean Hannity etc.
Be the difference we need in this world and turn off the MSM - the Megan Kelly, Jake Tapper and Rachel Maddow 'shows' of this world. Best to feed yourself the best and not be fed poisonous propaganda rubbish.

PresudentMcCheese ago

That's a great news site. I hadn't heard that they admitted the queen wasn't really human or that she was caught shape shifting. Good stuff.

unbiased_researcher ago

I think they will have to arrest corrupt media personnel rather quickly. Once the media changes their tune, we are okay. Until then this can get ugly.

murraryrothbard ago

This works only until you have a high profile dem arrested...then that story kinda falls apart eh?

RecycledUser ago

Maybe it would help to tweet and share that article ahead of CNN doing just such a thing?

con77 ago

killary fled the country

Antonius ago

Ha FUCKING Ha! I can't wait to see the end results of this "investigation"!

rodental ago

Can you smell the desperation?

rippingtheveil ago

cnn is a joke, itll be fun to watch the show, i only know of 1 person in my life that watches them, i can not wait to see the look on his face

huntercel ago

Hang them in public too, I hope it happens. Also Trump would probably vaporize cnn too..

EyesWideScared ago

It won't stick if the evidence is overwhelming which I think it'll be.

If the arrests really happen, they're gonna have Wiener squealing on Hillary and Alefantis squealing on Podesta.

Believe me, it'll be in vain.

Fateswebb ago

Lol, but the evidence is there so they will completely discredit themselves. The weird part is there are people that only listen to them and are very disconnected. But hey, that will not continue to work. And doesn't matter if the bad guys are in jail.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

If that's true then it's time to flood social media with, "CNN Covering for Pedophiles." If we plant the seed, people will be more skeptical.

tapsnapornap ago

We knew it would be like this, what did you expect? These companies have hidden pedophiles from us before, and chosen not report it or reporting false facts. Let them burn.

mergen ago

Expose their narratives , share this

Likeitirish ago

They can't win this fight. These arrests will result in Criminal trials, which will be very public events, Trump will make sure of that.

Apeabel ago

And they wonder why even smaller podcasts and Netflix shows easily reach and surpass their pathetic viewer numbers.


funny - you can only do a coup to a standing government - meaning only Trump can be overthrown in a coup

Hillary is a private citizen, and will be treated as such

Mobius_racetrack22 ago

Defending pedos will cause them to lose that last shred of trust.

lude ago

What shred of trust lol

Haldelos ago

Been thinking the same thing for addition to letting Sessions, NYPD & others handle most of it (to give appearance/assure to ppl its not a coup) ... i think we may see some pics/video or other irrefutable evidence...In addition to this: The dems will say "see -remember we told you that the Russians may plant child porn on peoples computers?"

spacewitch ago

Yes, that was the only purpose of this announcement... People are not that stupid (I hope) and will see right through the bullshit. (If the sh*t does hit the fan of course...)

lostinthevalley ago

I want to know why Tapper's wife Jennifer put Buck's Fishing and Camping (owned by Alefantis) as her favorite date night restaurant of all the great restaurants in DC. (These are millionaires folks.) And why she put Comet Pizza as one of her two fav places to take her kids. Please let Tapper be on the list as a co-conspirator.

tinkerwest ago

I've been hoping for the same thing, as well as a few other "journalists" or media actors as I call them to get rounded up for the wicked, evil slime they are for hurting defenseless infants and children......

doubletake ago

fuque that! put him on your twitter list, FB, op cit, etc ......... this should be plastered all over the place! That guy is really a warhawk. It looks like Fox News in reverse. And for his Wife, bless her heart, like you said, of all the restaurants in DC, to post Comet Ping Pong as her bestest????? .... -- that is Total Gold. That pins Tapper directly to the local center of PG. Total Gold. Hit him hard! Make him react. Make it large. Make it artful. A source of Memes directed to CNN and the "best restaurant in DC....." Just get a load of that ART on the walls.

The Media (BBC, NYT, WP, forever)... = the biggest Pedo Enablers on the planet. The pedo rings could never survive without it's complicity, not unlike the old saying, "When you control the coroner, you control the town."

crystalclearme ago

Oh I WISH I could place THAT bet as I'd make it a huuuuuuuuuuge bet

GeorgeT ago

I wonder what Las Vegas bookies have on that. Jennifer Tapper - into Satanism, Rosmery's baby mother figure = 4:1

DeathToMasons ago

It's double gross to realise women are so involved in this. Being the ones who give birth and everything.

Primus_Pilus ago

They are also the ONLY ones with the power to abort their children.
Think about that when you read about 50+ million abortions.

Freemasonsrus ago

He's absolutely on the list. Total cuck.

nomorepepperoni ago

So it begins...?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I suggest we take each of these lying rat bastard MSM and throw their ASSES over the WALL!

GeorgeT ago

Over the Trump wall into Mexico, no passports.


Bwahahahaaahhaaahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😋😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 im dying

witch_doctor1 ago

Team Trump is most assuredly expecting this. My gut feeling is that some soul wrenching photos or videos involving the arrested will leak at about the same time.....and the narrative will immediately shift from Dictator Trump to public hangings.

justforthissubverse ago

Agree, because without this type of hard evidence, the cuck media will spin it all into oblivion. They need this kind of evidence to make it all stick.

tapsnapornap ago

It'll be hard to deny the charges and say the Russians planted the CP when they're on video ;)

GeorgeT ago

Putin made them do it.,

DrumpfBTFO ago

Russian hackers flew the children into the basements of the people involved, and forged the videos/pictures. Considering the current state of journalism, maybe we'll see a theory like this atleast by someone?.

Fateswebb ago

Did the Russians force you to eat that pizza?

IlluminatiKing ago

Well, hopefully it so damning, via video evidence, that you would have to be insane not to believe.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS BROTHERS, SISTERS... THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

samhara ago

They will have to show blatant proof right away. And I'm sure they have it if they are planning arrests.

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Yes yes...they must certainly have it. Soon it will finally be proven that people like Hillary, Obama, the Podesta brothers and James Alefantis are part of a global elite satanic cult responsible for abducting raping and sacrificing children in satanic rituals in places like the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria. Can't wait dude.

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

But there won't be any pizzagate arrests, because pizzagate is a completely made up ridiculous conspiracy theory.

Blacksmith21 ago

Then why are you on this sub?

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

The drop some logic on your detached from facts and reason asses.

shortymcbossypants ago

Oh Hi James.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'll wait until your syntax and grammar improve. But thanks anyhow.

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

Well you can wait for as long as you want, pizzagate arrests won't happen because pizzagate is a ridiculously stupid conspiracy theory.

newworldahead ago

Your masters are fucked, mate. You can stop the shilling.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Yes, the Russian hacking claims were backed by zero evidence so they were treated accordingly. PizzaGate needs solid evidence to be dropped to the public.

samhara ago

It's all about Propaganda. And the owned Mass Media has all the tech for that. Folks has also been taught to ignore what they are not told, and to neglect to figure anything out.

DeathToMasons ago

They still carried on as if it was fact. Just keep repeating the lie on every station. Most are lazy and 100% rely on the TV "news" to inform them. Completely controled.

samhara ago

That is extremely plain and obvious.. The Sheeples are so brainwashed that is the only way they will be able to interpret it. When you see the little tiny errors they were all upset about [supposedly] in regard to those nominated to the Cabinet.. as Compared to what intensity of crime we are talking about here ; their mind's will not be able to fathom it. They are so dejected, from the constant persuasion and mind control ..

Bitchybadger ago

Does anyone think Bannon has the evidence that Andrew Breitbart was going to release before he was murdered. This would be god ammo against CNNs bullshit.

iamcrd ago

Well he knew about the Podesta criminal doings. He knew what we are just finding out.

witch_doctor1 ago

This has been a frequent topic of discussion amongst my friends. On the one hand, you would think it would have been leaked by now. On the other hand, prior to Pres. Trump, even with solid info like Sheriff Arpaio and the forged documents..where do you take it? The media and DOJ work together to crush you. As an OG Birther, I want to know what the true story is with mystery man Bob Ama.

IMO, we are in for a year, or more, of crazy disclosure. And my guess on who might have some of Breitbart's black box stuff is Mr. James O'Keefe, his protege.

As far as ammo against CNN, one pic or video of the accused raping a child will immediately destroy that narrative. So, I expect that is what will happen shortly after the arrests. And we know there has to be pics and video...whether it's for blackmail or sick exists.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

He probably has "the videos" Andrew had - and remember Milo didn't give his pizzagate speech because "some people in Washington" (Trump) told him to hold off until the right time. Something big is about to drop I can feels it.

NoBS ago

I believe that Stephen Bannon is the man who silenced Milo and others from exposing Pizzagate too early. He understands the enemy, the problem is the Rothschild and Buffet's of the world are not stupid. Hell, they already have scapegoats to take the blame. Sorros is almost too easy now. Slow and steady wins the race, while showing your hands only helps the clean up crew destroy evidence.

DeathToMasons ago

We all wonder about this. They had to be sharting their drawers when Bannon was put in place.

sunnydaylemons ago

do u think all the concerns about bannon consolidating power, running the white house is all a way to demonize bannon cuz he has info on them, or is he someone u think actually needs to be scrutinized

h2d ago

Almost everything (literally... every.fucking.thing.) that these hacks in the MSM have become incensed over post-election has been entirely bullshit, lies which don't even hold up to the most simple scrutiny. It's easy for CNN or MSNBC to spew their tired talking points calling Bannon a "white nationalist" (he's not) who's scheming behind the scenes and plotting some kind of coup (he's not) while Trump is restructuring the National Security Council to disinvite the Joint Chiefs of National Intelligence from their scheduled meetings (they aren't), and hope that people will just parrot their talking points without any actual looking into it themselves.

catslovejustice ago

Hopefully he does and that is why Breitbart has been silent on the issue. Just waiting for the right moment.

huwiteyffffff ago

And this was the only way they were ever going to be taken down. A hail mary to the white house with the only man in a lifetime who could pull it off totally self-funded, and WANTED to pull it off.

Fateswebb ago

Hah! Trump is setup to be the best president ever! And something tells me he is just arrogant enough to do a perfect job of it, since he has that damn much pride.

Damnpasswords ago

The ol' doctor doom

justforthissubverse ago

Even if you don't believe in God, it's time to pray harder than ever!

please let it be true!!!!

Fateswebb ago

After swearing in Jeff sessions, trump immediately signed an executive order to "protect the blood of our children" from "a criminal cartel that has spread across the nation." I feel that's a good start!

justforthissubverse ago

Interesting to use the term "blood" as that in these sicko pizza rituals they consider the blood to have special properties.

witch_doctor1 ago

100% agree...and being egotistical is very common among successful men, and I have no problem with that in Pres. Trumps case.

srayzie ago

LOL I know. In this case, it's good to have some narcissistic personality going on 😀

YingYangMom ago

Absolutely right. Trump is a narcissist and so is Putin and many other great leaders. I'm sure he isn't the best husband or business partner or opponent, or even father, but he sure as hell can become one amazing POTUS. And it's looking better by the minute. I can't wait for the swamp to be drained!

srayzie ago

Exactly! You took the words out of my mouth!

YingYangMom ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

No doubt that he does!

samhara ago

yes, and more.

fred34285 ago

They went "all in" a long, long time ago. They really don't have many alternatives.

GumShoe ago

If CNN tries that it will be their utter demise, as well as all other 'news' outlets that dismissed it as 'fake news' with Zero investigation on their part. I'm assuming if they actually Do make arrests..which I will believe when it happens...that they have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Americans will not take Pedo-defenders lightly.....

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

But you know that pizzagate arrests won't happen, because pizzagate is a completely made up ridiculous and obviously fake conspiracy theory, don't you??

hir0ce1ine ago

What is the fake conspiracy? That a pizza place is involved in trafficking children or that there is a pedo ring in DC?

NotAnIdiot ago

He doesn't know. He just repeats that same line over and over without having a clue what he's talking about.

shortymcbossypants ago

I'm from the South and we do have phrases just for that. Why, bless his little heart.

Freemasonsrus ago

Always remember CNN=CIA.

lude ago

Who funds the cia

YingYangMom ago

Don't forget the Roman Catholic Church and Vatican. Fuckin' Jesuit Satanist Pope Francis should also be hanged for treason and child sacrifice. He's hiding in plain site, chanting to Lucifer in public, on camera and even saying that Jesus' crucifixion was a failure. What a piece of trash that maggot is.

lude ago

Do you have a link for that?

YingYangMom ago (Pope Francis declares Lucifer as God) 3:15 (The video the Vatican doesn't want you to see) 9:39 (Trump, Vatican, Jesuit order, RCC, et al - MUST SEE doc.) 46:01

After watching these 3 videos, there is no more denying reality!

YingYangMom ago

Meh. Even if that were true, he still is a blasphemous Pope, calling the crucifixion of Jesus on the Cross a failure. Did you even watch the videos, watch the second one on the list first, you might start to understand. The Pope is just as fake as fake news. And I'm a Christian as well, so I'm not just being religiously discriminative when I say that this Jesuit is very very dangerous. He shouldn't be a Pope, heck, he shouldn't even be in the Vatican at all. Did you ever read the Order of the Jesuits' oath btw?

CWenstra ago

I did watch the videos. Not to be insulting but they looked like the typical conspiracy BS type thing. I'll go back and watch again when I'm home. Not sure which of the second two I watched. Does the oath start with "1, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles...." ?

YingYangMom ago

They're not conspiracy theories. The longer video, the ones that's 46 minutes long, if you follow the leads, meaning if you research what for example, an ex-jesuit priest reveals about the Vatican having been overtaken 500 years ago and the New World Order agenda, you find out that it's all real. At 7:08, this ex-jesuit priest called Alberto Rivera goes on to explain who and how it happened. If you research his name, you find out that he was later found dead, poisoned ( by the CIA) for coming forward. He also supported an ex-nun that had escaped as well and went public with her story. It's all real.

YingYangMom ago

Yes I do. Let me go find them. I'll post them asap.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Tax payers, but they also have a black budget from trafficking- humans, drugs, guns, organs

Freemasonsrus ago

Ding ding ding ding ding! We have a winner :)

eyeVoated ago

Taxpayers , a.k.a., slaves

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Hey CNN ....Bring it on!

Throgmorton ago

They have lied themselves into a corner now. They have no choice but to put out this sort of reporting.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

They lied so often in the past and they lost credibility only at a glacial speed.

survey_girl ago

Good thing is they have lower ratings than Nickelodeon... so hopefully not many people will actually see their cover-up - but their small viewership will eat that story up hook, line, & sinker.

We need to make an effort to get public businesses to turn off CNN if we can (the gym, restaurants, bars, etc.)

PGIsBeyondStupid ago

But you know there won't be any pizzagate arrests, because pizzagate is a completely made up ridiculous conspiracy theory, don't you?

shortymcbossypants ago

I really hope that you are made to drop the soap every single night when you and your masters are in prison.

mathemagician33 ago

then what the fuck are you still doing on here? You repeatedly post in the pizzagate subverses, and nowhere else on Voat, for what purpose? just to harass the people that disagree with you? you specifically said in one of your other comments "there's no point in talking to people like you" yet you continue to do so. If you don't want to be here, just leave. We've heard your point of view, and you're certainly entitled to your opinion. But you've expressed it already, multiple times at that. Enough.

doubletake ago

he's here because he's paid to be here. paid to bug you, other folks and discussions. they get loudest when they are about to fall off a cliff. smile. they're screaming. this guy is a pedo enabler for hire.

mathemagician33 ago

yeah i mean, i figured. i just didn't want to jump to calling him a shill because his continued posting made it seem like he actually wanted to engage in a discussion... yet when that's attempted, he just responds with "you guys are a bunch of retards".

doubletake ago

OR ... "You people are pathetic and insane." :)

doubletake ago

i think a better, all inclusive term, one that does not impugn intention but more clearly defines the underlying personna, is ASSHOLE.

bikergang_accountant ago

Maybe they saw this coming and weren't lying into some unseen corner but were framing the inevitable from the beginning.

By delegitimizing his presidency this looks like the whole thing is one power grab. Cleo will be happy. This will be when the fascists took over from the good progressives. The icing is now human trafficking will be associated with "the good guys." There will be all kinds of they did nothing wrong arguments in the future.

This is why antifa is out. They can't change anything but they can frame the future. All the legitimate fascists are really helping Cleo.

Flat_Truth ago

But CNN and the rest of the networks are going to find out they're neither judge nor jury and themselves are subject to real a real system of justice outside of their theater.

LargePepperoni ago

But they have influence to prime a jury by spreading misinformation.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Who's cleo

bikergang_accountant ago

She's a god that the Dems worship. She's history. You can see it in their emails. It's their shared context.

JoJoVoat ago

Well, if that's what they plan to say/do... the investigation started WAY before President Trump got into office. Next...