Throgmorton ago

Spacey also starred in American Beauty - a story with obvious pedophilic undertones.

Don-Keyhote ago

Wow all that from a commercial, from another human shield homosexual no less. Well done!

pedodestroyer ago

Trump's reasoning for hiring Mnuchin is that he knows how to make money. He is not beholden to any billionaires like Hillary was.

Trump is simply hiring the best people for the jobs. Trump doesn't owe him anything.

Trump is not part of the secret society in the elites though.

utez ago

If he is aware of PedoGate I doubt the big fish slip through the net. I think the bigger concern is that he is one of them.

lude ago

Doubt it. If he doesn't follow through he is one of them.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

My feeling is that Trump keeps close tabs on those that he will take down.