postfascion ago

I'm split, but I'm erring on the side of hope... that you're right.

postfascion ago

Exactly. Use your dollars as votes. Buy local, use less gas, it's the most useful tool to drain the swamp we have, that and spreading the word.

TXPatriot_73 ago

I agree - like how they go after drug dealers... bust the small dealer first, use them to get to the bigger dealer, work your way up the chain. Even if they have digital evidence from JP's emails or AW's laptop, they might be trying to gather testimonial evidence from smaller traffickers for corroboration. In the mean time, it might just be more important to save the kids first.

Whitemail ago


strix-varia ago

I hope you're right.

sunajAeon ago

Lots of press, very little to do with stopping sex slavery

remedy4reality ago

No... I was not complaining about the social status of the arrested. I was pointing out that STING operations with fictitious children that only ensnare Johns do not save any children, directly.

We need real police work that investigates and arrests network criminals and ferrets out any and all government conspirators. Operations that FREE children and give them refuge from a pernicious Child Protection Services system. The last thing these stings do is stop operations like Alefantis and Podesta, who have a TON OF EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM already in the public domain that they have managed to suppress with the help of a complicit media and law enforcement.


JournalismIsDead ago

Jan 27th

MolochHunter ago

its the demand for 'compromise' that drives this market. End the CIA

path ago

Could be a false flag, or the good guys could be starting at the bottom and working their way up. As far as criminals go, if they get the big guys first, the ambitious little guys will attempt to take their place, and the shit continues. But start with the little guys, burning out the weeds, the big guys will start sweating as they see the approaching fire.

bopper ago

I've only been on Voat, kind of a newbie (but not to pizzagate). Lindsey Graham now talking in support of Sessions. Maybe he's brown-nosing. What a creep.

findingaway ago

The number of registered sex offenders in Shelby County according to this website is 2,367: There is a lot of stuff going on out there. Tennessee has been making arrests in some of the other counties including Nashville, Knoxville and Morristown. We must remember a victim is being saved with each arrest even though it might not be the big one yet.

bopper ago

Livestream going on now of Sessions confirmation hearing. Gonna be a circus, I'm watching some of it.

cheetoboat ago

they can only go after the low-hanging fruit, as Hagmann said. I don't know how much can be done until Trump's people get into office. ie Sessions.

GeorgeT ago

From the looks of it may eventuate that Iife will start to imitate art and perhaps some time in the near future, a group of people may band together and follow example of the Judges in the 1983 movie Star Chamber - starring Michael Douglas. There may be no other option left. Because of people's apathy for decades the corruption has consolidated itself in all the layers. I even think that the entire Washington DC, Pentagon (see CP report by A.Cooper 2011), S.Court 'justices' , law enforcement have all been infiltrated by pedophile fiends. I read a book recently about British pedophile scandals and I came away with a feeling that pedophile child murderers run the world literally. It is off the charts. CP and Snuff Films is a huge business. So, the way I see it, the movie Star Chamber and films like Magnum Force and 10 Past Midnight will substitute state sponsored faux justice in all its ambiguities. Of course the moral of the movie tells us that innocents will pay from time to time but when the world is faced with this monstrocity Star Chamber copy cats might just be the drastic expedient that the disillusioned good samaritans will resort to in their quixotic quest to rid the world of this abomination.

Z11Mama ago

The more frightened a person is, the more likely they are to make a mistake. It seems to me that every time there is a bust, high ups are being hit closer to home. Perhaps this one group of arrests after the other is creating a chain reaction that is making it easier to arrest the higher ups as they get to that stage of their plan.

reasonedandinformed ago

Two juvenile female victims of trafficking were recovered and referred to the Department of Children’s Services.

Based on what we have learned, this is concerning!

Pokes ago

This is probably ordinary protocol, not that there are not likely creeps within DCS. What concerns me more is why they've not brought charges vs or released the names of anyone of significance related to any of these busts. I'm sure there are tens of thousands of these low-level creeps across the country, and while I'd like to believe that they have to catch the small fish to build a case vs the big fish in theory, I feel like this is just subterfuge.

reasonedandinformed ago

I know. They bust these massive rings, and then the story vanishes. How many people are prosecuted? What terms do they get? Why is the media so silent, especially for these kinds of stories which would interest any human being who is not one of these evil doers?

DustyRadio ago

Does anyone else feel like the Clintons made some kind of deal to sell out the small fish to save their own asses? I hope I am wrong.

GeorgeT ago

As long as public is ignorant nothing will change.

FriesischShipping ago

Maybe Bill? Hillary's going down firing a bazooka screaming "Allu Akbar!"

remedy4reality ago

I do not, but my cynicism is warranted. We have law enforcement and a judiciary in this country that has historically and routinely let elites off the hook.

I am rooting for the good guys, but it looks like the good guys are few are far between. We would not be where we are if they were the majority.

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm hoping the good guys were waiting because the DOJ was/is packed full of elite shills. But, I'm as skeptical as you considering the past. We'll see after Sessions is sworn in. If they do nothing, we take this shit to a whole new level.

bopper ago

New sheriff in town. "Go ahead, make my day." Do not people in law enforcement etc. have kids? Do they not go to Little League games? Do they not desire and long for better days for their grandkids? Do they not have a conscience? Do they not get sick and disgusted at not being able to do their jobs and having to keep their mouths shut? Look at the border agents who celebrated Trump's victory though their jobs would become even harder.

witheyestosee ago

TN Incumbent Lamar Alexander. His aide killed himself before facing prosecution in a massive pedo roundup in Canada. Ryan Loskarn.

Markb63 ago

Could they be selling the little fish out. To save their ass.

2impendingdoom ago

I am inclined to think it is FBI driven, where they may have once been complicit, I think they are now sick of cleaning up after cia domestically. The drug crimes in this country is from cia drug running which is also out of control, so these are two hands on the same criminal body.

remedy4reality ago

what good guys ? These are the same people who have overseen the huge expansion in global trafficking.

Now it's time for them to do their job? I believe it when one of these cops stands up and declares THE ELITE ARE INVOLVED IN HUMAN TRAFFICKING

bopper ago

"Along with detectives with the Memphis Police Department, Homeland Security Investigations, FBI, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, prosecutors with the Shelby County District Attorney’s office ... TBI Special Agents and intelligence analysts conducted the undercover operation to identify potential victims of trafficking and arrest those seeking to purchase illicit sex from a juvenile."

Probably plenty of good guys out there. Maybe they don't want to get their heads blown off by saying "Elites!"

remedy4reality ago

Or maybe that is a press release packed full of lies ?

bopper ago

I kind of doubt it. But we'll see.

FriesischShipping ago

"He won't fare well in prison" -Douchebag judge's statement about why have gave no prison sentence to a rich pedophile - a toddler rapist.


Figbash ago

I just had a thought. If anyone reads the woodpile report.

He said people would be scooped in mass arrests. Not actual criminals, but anti-government people. Subversives.

you know, Us.

FriesischShipping ago

The best situation is that they are snatching up potential snitches. The worst situation is that it's a cover and they are actually arresting us/investigators (pedo standard practice is to do the opposite of what they are saying).

doubletake ago

holding my breath, but! -- Need to see a Perp Walk with a 1%er.

remedy4reality ago

' Two juvenile female victims of trafficking were recovered and referred to the Department of Children’s Services. ' Gee, I hope DCS in Tennessee is nothing like it is in California or Georgia.

Sorry, but I am not buying this bullshit by Law Enforcement. This operation was a fishing expedition targeting Johns, much like the sensational 'To Catch a Predator' and has literally nothing to do with breaking down pedophile networks or human trafficking rings. These operations are frivolous in limiting the supply and the occasional sweeps of the customer base have ZERO impact on saving the lives of children/slaves victimized by human trafficking.

Knowing what we all know.... this is, at best, a waste of resources by law enforcement and at worst, it's a coordinated distraction and misdirection.

iamthepizzanow ago

Nailed it. More of a meager show of law to make it look like something is being done to put the public at ease. NOPE, FUCK YOU. Keep digging,

sleepingbeautycan ago

But if they are saving children, I don't give a darn if they are big fish or small fish. It is not a waste of resources to stop pedophiles. I do what the ones at the top stopped but resources in Tennessee are not going to be picking up the Clintons or the Podestas.

I take it as a win and will celly.

duhiki ago

I don't know if you're aware, but the guys behind To Catch a Predator (Perverted Justice) literally saved a girl who had been solicited online, kidnapped, and kept chained up.

Read their Opinion page. They go into how Virginia, Massachusetts, Texas, and the media at large, have tried shutting their investigations down. Hell, there's probably leads one can mine from there and help establish even more of a long-term plan to silence those trying to stop the predation of children.

cantsleepawink ago

Breadcrumbs. As expected.

Eastwood350 ago

Exactly! They want to give the appearance that this is all being addressed while the big fish sit back and watch the show thinking the heat will be taken off of them.

strix-varia ago

Yes, ffs, it's just not good enough to those of us who know.

heyheyheydoh ago

Just curious because I live in Georgia... what do you mean when you say you hope DCS is better there than in GA or CA?

ThePuppetShow ago

I have a really bad feeling that it's just going to be a bunch of the smaller suppliers that go down and not the politicians involved with their blackmail parties. Only time will tell.

carmencita ago

Ditto. I think this may even be one of those false flags. Either they nabbed a few small timers or they staged the whole thing. Get a few actors and call a press conference. They can do this in their sleep. I am waiting too, and again I hope I am so very wrong.

lude ago

"Those arrested include a medical professional, engineers, a law student, a tow truck driver and construction workers."

Definitely not low brow people. Very coordinated it seems.

DarkMath ago

Godspeed to Law Enforcement.

remedy4reality ago

Really ? Sorry... I have no doubt we would all be shocked by the actual number in Law Enforcement involved in pedo/drug rings and/or covering them up. This is not going to be that easy.

DarkMath ago

You're right as sad as that is to admit. Maybe I should change my comment to "Godspeed to the better angles of our nature"