Silverlining ago

Googled "Adrian Magana Oxnard CA"

got On youtube

A different Adrian from one of the other photos.

Also 8 Jan gives detective contact details [in crime stories - not Matagna related] contact Det. Patrick Zayicek at 805-583-6971 contact Detective Walter Harper at (805) 525-4474 x 221 or at [email protected] call Detective Patrick Hawthorne at (805) 388-5119 or call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477)

Should I call and warn them that Pizzagate is likely to rock up in their precinct - with torches and pitchforks? Adrian can be investigated/warned as appropriate. Thoughts?

Call the local press? KVTA?

I don't mind a large number of accidentally-connected people being inconvenienced by police contact if it stops just one of these dreadful "pizza related" incidents from happening.

Not overly keen on the "wrong" Adrian getting beaten/shot/alternatively dealt with. Or happy families being split up by suspicion. Or other consequences for innocents.

But, something must be done.

It might stir the authorities to action or stiffen their resolve to do the right thing.

Silverlining ago

This is the text leading up to alcon32's two posts: (63,'BritPerv','HI I am in London I have a few questions I will try not to waste your time.\r\n\r\n1st if ordering in UK are the girls English?\r\n\r\n2nd if in Lodz Poland do you have girls?\r\n\r\n3rd If buying a older woman eg 20 year old how can I be sure they will not run away.\r\n\r\nDo you have mother and daughter for sale (ready family) also can I be sure would not leave if buy?\r\n\r\nif i want to try 1 yr old what can I do with them.\r\n\r\nIf renting 7yr old does the mother stay or am I alone?\r\n\r\nIf I send money in parts can you bank it to use as I need?','2015-07-13',1,0),(64,'BritPerv','1.- Yes and also we have foreigners\r\n2.- Yes\r\n3.- This depends if you are care. We can sell you an adult without real documents cause she don\'t have them. We will give you fake documents and you can everything with this person even murder or closed because you will become tutor of she. Other example, you may prostitute her.\r\n4.- It is a little complicated but yes, we can give you.\r\n5.-You must are really careful, don\'t penetrate hardly. Generally this is for people who want only caress them.\r\n6.- Alone\r\n7.- You can send money in parts, but remember the service works with hungercoins. If you send money in this way you receive your hungercoins in parts too.\r\n\r\nRegards','2015-07-14',1,1),(65,'alcon32','hello im wondering if you have an establishment on hollywood ca','2015-07-14',1,0),(66,'alcon32','Yes.\r\n\r\nRegards.','2015-07-14',1,1),(

Monika ago

from another one of the channel's he's subscribed to:

Mommyplayer571 ago

The second True Detective series also had animal costumes. Some were bird masks. Creepy with predator beaks maybe.

target_blank ago

I was looking for this guy too lastnight! Great job.

I ended up looking to this other guy "redseven" who was dumb enough to post his email and he lives in Canada - more info here

I just realized you commented

dem6nic ago

Yeah these guys have resources and lucrative careers. The redseven one is involved in all sorts of youth activities. Although it's not concrete, I have a sneaky suspicion it's who I think it is.

Dasistnichtgut ago

If Millenial blocks you you know you're on the right trail. That being said, with much power comes much responsibility. And....I feel like people around here give too much away too soon. Maybe best to start subcommittees made up of vetted (as much as possible) individuals (Ie. no shills and shilly "moderators") and communicate through pm. (Then come together/report later when deemed appropriate.) And it might help protect potentially innocent people in this particular case (Ie going through the list).

dem6nic ago

This. Zoolander is a slap in our faces, it's a comedy about how models are kidnapped and professionally brainwashed by the owners of the fashion industry to assassinate political leaders.

dem6nic ago

Yep, Alma Magana is also a professional costume designer and face-painter who worked on the same project with Natalie O'Brien, according to imdb.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Just thoughts: 1) we know the abusers wear costumes to render the story unreportable by the abused 2) Its pretty obvious to me some 'Furries' are involved

In that link (and there's an older site archive too) you can see actual photos of furries. In most cases there is useful information in the photos - IDENTIFIABLE places and what look like some very SPECIALISED name tags.

If your following the costume route I think this is relevant. Those costumes look very well made (expensive) and possibly unique / one of a kind bespoke work. If you notice the theme they are all CARNIVORES Wolves, lions etc. Even the friendly looking lion has devil horns.

Here are a few of them

mishka ago

So, you're saying pedobear is true?

TheSeer ago

In Eyes Wide Shut, it was alleged that a fashion designer was the guy 'leading' the secret society's occult ritual (i.e. the guy in the red cloak, played by Leon Vitali).

The worlds of fashion, music, entertainment seems to be prime recruiting/indoctrinating grounds for these groups.

Also, last scene in Eyes Wide Shut, it is implied that Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman 'allow' their daughter to be taken by two old men, while the two main characters are thinking about 'f***'ing. And of course, Stanley Kubrick's daughter was basically kidnapped and brainwashed by Scientology.

Monika ago

and who could forget mr. milich, the costume shop owner who gets his 12 year old daughter to lure some asian businessmen into the store, she sleeps with them, he pretends to catch them, he blackmails them, then continues to pimp her out to them once he's got them where he wants them.

Fateswebb ago

Maybe the movie was based on "the clothing shop network" which is basically what we're investigating. The core of pizzagate. The clothing shop network was a brownstone operation where Jeffery Epstein and a clothing designer teamed together to gather and use blackmail evidence against the powerful elite of the world. No this isn't a pinky and the brain episode this is real. So certainly the angle taken in the movie, as well as connections to fashion design are interesting to me.

Blacksmith21 ago

Good to hear someone else has a long memory.

carmencita ago

No wonder Katie Holmes tried so hard to get their daughter away from him. I know there are other stars that have tried to wrest themselves from the clutches of Scientology. John Travolta is also suspect. Remember when his son was found dead in the shower? Or I think that was the story. Also he has had charges of sexual advances being made by him.

dem6nic ago

I think the Fashion industry is inherently sick, the power struggles and egos in the profession and its promotion of vain aesthetics leads credence to the idea that this is the perfect place for grooming to occur, under the guise of modelling, of course. Terry Richardson springs to mind.

carmencita ago

Yes, the photographers have access to many young girls nowadays. Many decades they used somewhat older models, but I think they started recruiting younger ones for their own sick selfish purpose. There was a post on here about Dona Karen and her close alliance to Hillary. Eye opening.

dem6nic ago

Many people in positions of power feed off of exploiting those who need them to further their careers. Maybe because they were in the same position once and see it as reaping their rewards of revenge.

carmencita ago

I get it, but would not we like to have those kinds of positions, and we would not be raping this country nor the children. Their time has come.

dem6nic ago

I think this is why many of us are not in these positions. It takes an insatiable desire of power and control of others to have such a drive.

carmencita ago

I believe so. I have not desire to have power of anyone else. This is the problem we now have. Too many people fighting each other to be the one to take power over all of us. We now have to make sure they lose that power. We now know who most of them are.

dem6nic ago

Yep, and we also know it's not true power. It's weakness, insecurity, depravity in the guise of authority.

carmencita ago

Augmented by Cash and Blackmail!

concernedaboutitall ago

Yep and remember Terry Richardson took Obama's presidential portrait.

dem6nic ago

And who can forget the Miley Cyrus shoot? And now even creepier in light of the possibility she's a "pizza girl".