oneslyfox ago

Consider not watching because this kind of entertainment (read:sports worship, among others) is an easy way to not only distract and cow the masses, but take their money at the same time.

It's brilliant, in a sad, depressing kind of way :(

IPleadThe2nd ago

Lady Gaga is a disgusting piece of shit. I refuse to watch the Super Bowl because that satanic whore will be performing a ritual no doubt!

strix-varia ago

She certainly is. Oh but they'll say, she so talented, etc. etc. So sick of all celebrities at this point. Disgusting

Eyezopen ago

During SuperBowl go to twitter and use #s to get info out. Especially before,after and Halftime. Using tags #SuperBowl,LadyGaga,Pats,Falcons,SB51 etc.

Drkadrka ago

Is anyone surprised?

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?