jangles ago

Ovel the past 20 year s, Dr Richard Wultman the effects of certain nutrients to the brain. More than a decade Ago, Dr Wmtman's lab discovered that the brain's ability to produce neural-transmitters (Chemicals through which the brain's cells communicate with each other) IS indeed related to the amount of various nutnents circulatIng In the blood Furthermore, the lab found that the manufacturing of three of these neuraltransmitters (there are nearly 30) - dopamme, norepinephrine and serotonin is produced by the food we eat. More here

equineluvr ago

Yep. That's what ADHD is -- neurotransmitter imbalance.

jangles ago

Xpol ago

I was writing a longer post but I'll just keep it simple.

They are starting a breakaway civilization with the attempt to gain longer or eternal life.

They are probably using it as a massive black site for growing people.

We have no idea how much land or people are actually on the Earth.

Why bother digging an underground base when you can have an entire continent protected by treaties and an international millitary force . Of course the security is compartmentalized in rings. The furthest rings, the lowest level, probably think they are protecting it for science/nature. As you move closer to the coast you get more in the know millitary.

The entire island is most likely a giant base. The elite probably travel back and forth because it's not finished, or doesn't have the ability for sustainability. However it would be easy to have several thousand people having a child every year. Or more. Or worse.

The push for abortion is also to justify growing people and being able to ethically kill them for organs. They want to set up post birth abortions, IE murder.

Wikileaks published several Antarctica pictures and is talking about Vault 7 and said it's not the "seed vault". It's probably a human vault. A literal matrix style growing site for organs.

This ties into George Webb's research on Haiti. Eventually people will catch on to what's happening to all the people and organs. So why not set up a whole continent of people that no one knows about so you can do all sorts of horrible things to them.

equineluvr ago

Sounds plausible.

That is an incredibly harsh environment to be setting up shop in, though. Antarcitca's ice sheets, both on land and in sea, are growing. The area is known for its biting winds, too.


Not ruling it out, just adding it to the mix. Thanks for your post!

Gbuggers ago

Antartica? aliens wether true or false the sick elites are exposing it now for no other reason than to side track us. They are so evil they just dont get that nothing will take the good peoples minds off the suffering children all over the world at the hands of these sick fucks.

IPleadThe2nd ago

And just because they were using penguins in 1973 doesn't mean by 2017 they haven't moved on to testing/using human pineal glands. Seeing how science progresses from animal to human trials I would actually be shocked if they hadn't moved on to humans. There may be a lot to what you have found!