grlldcheese ago

I wonder if they realize it's way way way way way too late for this nonsense to change their fate. The game is barely here already. I guess there are always those wonderful shekels.

wecanhelp ago

Having said that I still think this is a nice company that is trying to warn us.

Here's where I'm lost: if it indeed is, why do we see 0-minute accounts popping up only to discredit a submission that, if fictitious, wouldn't be interesting enough for anyone to sign up for?

I see two possibilities:

  • OP is legit, the post is a lead, the 0-minute accounts are disinfo shills trying to prevent further investigation of the matter.
  • OP (with a similarly young account) is a disinfo shill, the post is disinfo, the 0-minute accounts are here to make noise and bring the attention to this thread from something else that's currently on the front page.

But one thing is certain: blatant opposition like this doesn't happen without good reason.

wecanhelp ago

Another 0-minute account registered just to comment on a post that doesn't even pass for garbage.

pnwpatriot97 ago

2 minute old account, LOL. Gtfo.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Maybe there's a potential connection with the owners or family, that's what I'm trying to figure out. It just helps when more people dig other than yourself. If we're gonna bring pedos to justice it will be done in numbers, not just researching alone. I've been on voat but only today became a member because I'm no longer afraid or living in fear. Shame it took me this long to finally join, but it feels good to at least contribute to the fight against pedophilia.

carmencita ago

I am too busy researching the Archdiocese and their involvement in St. Louis with the West Lake Landfill regarding organ harvesting. Have been doing this for two weeks 6 hrs. a day. Just saying that there is sometimes a reason to investigate. There may be nothing after researching, but it sometimes leads to something. Saying there is enough there to go forward.

carmencita ago

Well I see the Butterfly image everywhere. There is a skull and cross bones image, a child inside of a hand logo, anytime I see Laura Bush and there is Nancy Pelosi and THE POPE who I believe is involved as is the Archdioceses it is suspect. Ashton Kutcher made a very controversial statement about the firing of Joe Paterno as well. Not saying there is really overt stuff in here, but all I said is that it merits investigating.

ArthurEdens ago

This is on their site. Kind of Pagan style. Not sure why the heart has to have the arteries.

Kinda looks like this guy's art

pnwpatriot97 ago

Could be a connection with that post in v/pizzagate about organ trafficking?

ArthurEdens ago


Also this is kind of weird...

wecanhelp ago

Wait a minute now, where have I seen a rose symbol before? @pnwpatriot97, FYI.

Don-Keyhote ago

I spent hours last night going thru both real profiles and Instagram-clone sites with tons of fake stuff with kids everywhere and I can tell you roses are 100% absolutely symbols as they appear from nowhere. On mobile now but for ex. from this shady as hell pizza place i found this real Instagram photo but found the same photo on some shady domain like iirc BUT with added header like YOU NEVER FORGET YOUR FIRST TIME

From these weird domains you basically find hundreds of jimmycomet stuff to read, it's truly staggering

wecanhelp ago

I can't find the rose on these links, where should I look?

wecanhelp ago

0-minute account. Nice try.

archons ago

OP is a shill. He's trying to get people to chase down stupid packages with supposed pedo symbols to make us waste our time. This particular package doesn't even look like it, even if it really is. He keeps attacking you calling you a shill because he's just trying to cause discourse. His own account is new. He'll probably start calling me a shill trying to get a response.

pnwpatriot97 ago

I'm no shill, I can assure you that. Yes my own account is new but the only reason I flipped a bitch on that obvious shill is because it's a tactic they use. Dude his account was created minutes after I posted this and then began to try and away others this was just bs. That's a red flag imo. Sorry.

pnwpatriot97 ago


grlldcheese ago

This is 100% a shill thread.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Did you not see that TheyYoungTrump was created only minutes after I posted about this?? Dude in no way is HE not a shill. COME ON.

grlldcheese ago

You are a fucking idiot with a 5hr old account criticizing other accounts for being 'too new' while making NO ARGUMENT to justify this post or its connection.

I'll bet 10:1 you made both accounts.

The package says they fight human trafficking and there's a heart.

Connect the owners to the Clinton foundation. Connect the distribution to Haiti. Connect something to something.

Or stfu and fuck off.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Keep commenting and letting everyone who sees this thread know you're a shill. Stupid cuck.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Yeah my bad you're just an obvious shill. Fuck off like I said you're just making yourself look worse with every comment.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Good find. Help me out with getting some actual voaters onto this thread, I'm being shilled and my other comments have been downvoated by these obvious cuckold shills.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Like I said you shill, we are all seeing how much you're trying to get people not to notice this. You're attempts to fool others on voat won't work. As I have stated above your account was created less than 30 minutes ago. I find it humorous how you are awful quick to start discrediting my find within 30 minutes of creating an account. Fuck off you pedophile loving shill.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Those hearts have been associated multiple pedophiles symbols. You couldn't be making it more obvious you're another shill or bot trying to downvoat some valuable evidence. Fuck off back to the rock you crawled out from you cockroach.

pnwpatriot97 ago

On what goal? Disinforming the public? Like I said, your account want made under 20 minutes ago, so talk all you want but all you are doing is making it more obvious that you're just another generic shill.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Fuck off you dumb cuck shill. New account with no submissions and made 11 minutes ago? Get the fuck off voat you cowards, we're all coming to kill you pedophiles and no one is afraid anymore. Get bent you faggot.

AreWeSure ago

Why is that message odd?

pnwpatriot97 ago

It'd odd when you view the logo associated with the message. My bad for not wording it better. My other pictures are in this thread below, as they were downvoated from shills earlier. I find it odd because of the connections with Hawaii and the podestas. Maybe they have a connection to the owners or a direct connection to the company in Maui? I just need help connecting the dots so we can find out if this is a lead or a dead end. Either way, these sick child fuckers need to be brought to justice.

pnwpatriot97 ago This is the logo on the front, located at the top corner of the package.

carmencita ago

Well, I think with this logo, you have enough to warrant investigating. The flying heart could also signal organ harvesting. Anything is possible with these people. They have surprised and shocked me ever since I have been investigating there sick lives.

pnwpatriot97 ago

I'm with you there. The rabbit hole is never ending, so it seems. Do me a favor and help me get rid of these obvious shills trying to disinform people looking at this thread. Their accounts were made less than an hour ago and immediately started dismissing this as nothing. Could be important.

carmencita ago

Good Luck the are relentless. I had one target me for 2 or 3 weeks in different posts. Arguing every point and comment. They are sick. They know we know they are guilty and of their sexual desire for children so they have to fight and fight to try and convince us that the children actually lust after them. They will never convince me. They need psychiatric help immediately when they are abused, but sadly it is sometimes not discovered until it is too late. Then they are already beyond help, imo.

pnwpatriot97 ago This is the actual logo just to the left of the text in the image above. Didn't sit well with me.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Yeah that's weird.