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shoosh ago

Vessel name Crowley Shipper.
That's a throwback to WikiLeaks Thelema favors and comes up with the Podesta - Abramovic Crowley connections.

The company profile of Jaime Rothschild is called panjiva.

panjiva is an appropriate name for this group.

Jainism definition means: jiva as the vital energy of life. (life energy – life blood?)

Hinduism has different definition: an individual self or being. Does that describe what their shipping?

Modern Greek -- Pan means everything, or ½ man ½ animal god who was associated with sex from the very beginning.

From a pagan website: snip:

The fact that Pan was generally depicted with an erection speaks to the fact that he was a sexual god, but not sex in the way we always view it in the modern world.

Pan was the patron of what has come to be known as “panic sex,” sex for the sake of lust and physical satisfaction. Pan was not the god of love, and he was not the guy you petitioned if you were looking to fall in love. Pan was the god of lust, or of sex in its grunting, groaning, moaning, dirtiest form. Pan was anti-monogamy, and his myth is full of conquests and dalliances, but is void of long-time girlfriends and partners.

With a few exceptions, Greek gods were rarely monogamous, and nearly all the male gods had lovers on the side, but they almost always had a primary partner. Pan has no primary partner, his ladies were the nymphs, and those nymphs seemed to change frequently. The ancient Greeks saw the joys in panic sexuality, that idea of instant gratification and living in the moment, but they also believed that it came with a price. A life that consisted of only panic sexuality led to heartbreak, regret, and lack of family. It wasn’t all bad though, panic sexuality can lead to new things. In the world of Pan his tendency to just grab the nymph and damn the consequences, often resulted in the creation of something new. The origins of the panpipes can be found in his failed conquest of the nymph Syrinx (and sometimes those panpipes are called syrinx in her honor) who resisted the amorous overtures of our god and turned herself into some reeds rather than lie with Pan. Good can come out of wanton lust, but not always.

Pan was said to bring more than lust to people, he brought uncontrollable longing, almost animal like desire. While I personally don’t mind feeling this way from time to time, it can have very negative consequences. Pan’s myth is full of instances where the god basically rapes the object of affection, behavior that is reprehensible in modern Paganism. When calling on Pan to give you that lustiness, it’s best to do with a partner who shares your desires.

When people ask me to describe the feelings that Pan stirs up in the loins I tend to describe it as an inability to control the self. I don’t want summon the lusty aspect of Pan before going out on a first date, but I might want to summon it when I’m with someone I care about it and who I’ve been with for awhile. I’m not trying to dissuade anyone from calling on the goat-god to help them with their love-life, but I am trying to point out the consequences. Pan is not a cartoon; he’s a very real god with a side that many of us might call “dark.”