NerdyNoodle ago

My guess is that they are covering their tracks and deleting the evidence in advance of the arrests to start next week.

wh0care ago

Anonymous initiated on 4chan ,where everyone "name" is "anonymous",not only hackers many randoms trolls/users too... i believe u probably speak about the Sabu and Lulzsec case, so which one apart him was outed as CIA (or FBI) ? most of them have been arested and jailed or bring to court...-_- so its not exactlty "most of them" who was CIA agents..or u speak about something else ? any links please to back up ur claims ?

AreWeSure ago

Lulsec was taken down by fbi

wh0care ago

yea, because Sabu the snitch..i know..

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Roflmao! Good now let's hope it brings a lot of the Evil pedos into the public and put into prison!

frankenmine ago

The Verge is corrupt and should be archived in the OP. It doesn't deserve our support. Please keep this in mind for future posts.

Also, please see:

cantsleepawink ago

Most of the media platforms starting with 'v' are compromised: vox, vevo, etc...

shivers123 ago

My guess is that this was a cover-up exercise by the bad guys. Know your history folks. Let's not forget why Tor was created in the first place, and, indeed, who continues to fund it today...

Researchers at the Naval Research Laboratory began to develop Tor in 1995, in order to anonymise military and intelligence traffic. If used exclusively by undercover agents, the system would be vulnerable to attack; thus, to allow agents to hide in plain sight, it was opened up to the public, and in 2004, the project was handed over to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a US 501(c)(3) non-profit. Despite this, to this day, Tor continues to receive the bulk of its funding from the US government (in 2013, of the $2.4 million received in total annual expenses, Tor received more than $1.8 million from the US government).

This article lays out other contentious info about CIA involvement:

V____Z ago

"The hackers also claim child pornography made up more than half the data stored on the servers."

convenient. bet the porn was connected to Alefantis, Podesta and Brock.

derram ago | :

An Anonymous group just took down a fifth of the dark web - The Verge

'According to dark web researcher Sarah Jamie Lewis, Freedom Hosting II is smaller than its predecessor. '

'At the time, the service hosted as many as half of the websites accessible only through Tor, commonly referred to as the Dark Web. '

'The original Freedom Hosting was compromised by law enforcement in 2013, resulting in number of child pornography prosecutions. '

'An earlier report on the service found that it made up roughly 20 percent of dark web sites, including a number of bitcoin escrow services, Ponzi schemes and hacking forums. '

'Visitors to more than 10,000 Tor-based websites were met with an alarming announcement this morning: “Hello, Freedom Hosting II, you have been hacked.” A group affiliating itself with Anonymous had compromised servers at Freedom Hosting II, a popular service for hosting websites accessible only through Tor. '

This has been an automated message.

Wolftrail7272 ago

It has been speculated that Anonymous is actually the CIA, who I have very little trust in. If this were true, it would mean they might be trying to destroy evidence of their own involvement. If they were legitimately hacked, they would have screenshot everything, and passed it along to the FBI. If not, be suspicious.

wh0care ago

yea, but here is just an hacker without name, they dont say he is linked to Anonymous...

edit: and for anonymous being linked to CIA, for sure there is some (secrets agents always infiltrate any dissidents groups, for use them, manipulate them etc), most of the anons know about it , what best for CIA or whatever agency to present themselves as "anonymous" or just put a hack on Anonymous, since its so loosely group that nobobdy will know for sure who is behind you are right, and wrong too...since there is many anons groups that i believe have no ties at all with CIA etc, and hate them etc...there is too many groups and lone hackers anyway for CIA can control them all...but fur ur last part of ur comment u could be totally right...hard to know..

SayWhatNOWAY ago

God I hope is is not the CIA!

Sharipie ago

It makes more sense than Anonymous simply being some uncoordinated group of anarchist hackers. TPTB are never really held to account with any of the hacks. The hacks never seem to go far enough.

xenopriest ago

You're close

Wolftrail7272 ago

I think I understand what you're implying, and if I have the part wrong that I think I do, then this is huge, and good.

cantsleepawink ago

Ah, that's too cryptic for me. Any possibility of expanding on that ?

xenopriest ago

I believe the feds hacked, scrubbed the porn stuff out and released it for crowd sourcing who the users may be. Pretty smart idea.

cantsleepawink ago

I see. Thanks for replying.