It's usually hard to find information out about CIA people. My guess is that Grey either works for the CIA or was a CIA false identity created for some specific purpose and which is no longer needed.

smokemirrors ago

Keeping his trap shut for fear of being Killary-ed....

SterlingJB ago

Looks like someone's been down this path before. DPAC, his pet adoption center, is difficult to find any traces of other than the newspaper pic and some tax info: The listed address is in a residential area (I believe brock's vacation house), the inc made between 100,000 and 500, 000 while other businesses or orgs were clearing around 60,000, and DPAC is listed as having 0$ in assets while similar orgs averaged around 20,000. If anyone can find the logo, if he actually even ever made one (or actually ever ran a shelter), i'd like to see it. Would be interesting if there were any connections to the Best Friends Animal Society, formerly known as the Process Church.

Dressage2 ago

$100,000 and $500,000?!? What kind of rescue center is this??? I never knew a little homeless shelter in someone's house could be so lucrative. Money laundering, perhaps?

Dressage2 ago

Here is lawsuit Brock had against Grey. Note that Mccoby was his attorney in this and he has a James Alefantis involved as well. Type in David Brock and you will see three cases with Grey. Click on for details

Dressage2 ago

Normally, when you have a settlement for a lawsuit especially, one that basically is threatening going to drop the garbage on Brock, there is a Confidentially Clause drawn up for signature of both parties. If that is the case and Grey informs anyone about the contents of the lawsuit and/or settlement, he could be legally bound to forfeit the entire settlement amount. Therefore, I do not see him spilling the beans on Brock or anything about the case. If Brock's attorney did not have a Confidentiality Clause in the settlement he should be sued for malpractice.

smokemirrors ago


Amoffthepizza ago

Ok found another vote thread that looked more deeply into sale of house

Amoffthepizza ago

Even stranger after he sold the house they both shared, it was torn down and the plot still remains vacant Maybe looking into who bought the house will shed some light on brock but I have to admit that is beyond me I wouldn't know the first place to look sorry.

Amoffthepizza ago

Here is link of possible photograph as given in the voat thread below but am not sure if that is him.

weedageddon ago

It is for sure. He was involved in that city with Rehoboth. Very good find, to bad it is such poor quality. He must be the back right person.

Amoffthepizza ago

So did a quick search found the full court report it says he was resident in commonwealth of Massachusetts, so I search for him in regards to that state and found this The spelling of the surname is different tho, but it includes child Porn and extortion. Can't find anything on him in regards to the correct spelling apart from the case with brock, which is weird. Even searching for the brock court case with massachusetts in search nothing comes up. Dont know if that is helpful in any way, but would be better if we new his birthday he is the same age as brock. Will keep looking.

Xpol ago

Great find.

Regardless of if it was the same person the defendant Grey seems to describe leaving and coming back to find child porn being downloaded.

This coincides with George Webb's work and cia brownstone and blackmailing. The person Grey was having sex with probably got him to leave so he could set him up and blackmail him on child porn.

Going to save a copy of that case. It at least shows the child porn blackmail is presumably in practice somewhere.

Dressage2 ago

I wonder if this second battery case is the correct Grey not only because of the spelling, I see no tie to Brock. Unless, I am missing something that you are seeing and I am not.

UncookedSpirit ago

I looked for him, couldn't find anything. Might not be a real name?

readstuff ago

Stop lurking, start working! Why wait for others?

weedageddon ago

Honestly I have been busy trying to find a job haha gotta pay the bills. I like to try to stay current on all this and look up what I can but I think there are a lot better people already doing that work.

TimesUp ago

I agree that learning more about Grey is important. Just did a search and found this discussion:

When someone disappears like this, I always wonder if they're sheltered in a Witness Protection Program. Imagine what Grey must have known that led to $850,000 blackmail against Brock and Alefantis.

2impendingdoom ago

maybe his organs were harvested.

smokemirrors ago

"guilty laugh" :-(

2impendingdoom ago

Search the old or deleted threads...

weedageddon ago

I did and found like 5 threads on him with not much to go on. And nothing recent.

2impendingdoom ago

Okay, so please find out what you can.