dem6nic ago

There are catacombs that start at Highgate Cemetery. There are unused tunnels that stretch from Camden town through Kings Cross, to Blackfriars'. Christ Church extends underground:

dem6nic ago

Children from Christ Church school took part in the Olympics ceremony (remember Rik Clay?).

Christ Church was set up in the 19th century by Bishop Edward Bickersteth, who I think with a bit of digging we'll find is a freemason.

And it's a Church of England school.

Truthplease5 ago

ive heard some different stuff about the 2 children acocunts possibly being hoaxes - could they have been purposefully planted to discredit the whole Hamstead case? bc they were the front of the case for newcomers and if they were discredited it may have stopped new people from investigating that case..

dem6nic ago

I thought this was a case of children forced to give false testimonies by an abusive parent until I watched the interview of Ricky Dearman on BBC. Crying with no tears. Now I'm more inclined to think there is a satanic ring in Hampstead.

dem6nic ago

Well what do you know, the British False Memory Society says Hampstead is a classic case of false memories.

cantsleepawink ago

The satellite company that 47 Hollycroft Avenue Management Ltd director Vincent Sagua has been taken down. He's from the UAE. Any fires in Washington lately ? Strange coincidences.

dem6nic ago

Is that Yahlive?

cantsleepawink ago

Yes. I can't access it anymore. But that has now lead me down another rabbit hole. If you can access the website please let me know.

dem6nic ago

It's working for me.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. It wasn't working a little while ago. It's working now. That management company has a very interesting history of various directors. I think one can deduce a few things from that.

dem6nic ago

I wonder who is the main shareholder of that company. Directors can be chopped and changed.

cantsleepawink ago

I can't find it. But a story has emerged and I'm doing a post on it now.

cantsleepawink ago

Further to my previous comment, remember that the children said that they were taken to McDonald's Headquarters ? .....

Apart from the Pizza Express which sits right next to 47 HOLLYCROFT AVENUE MANAGEMENT LTD, just opposite on the other side of the road, there is the largest London McDonalds franchise at 108/110 Notting Hill Gate . ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Atul Pathak runs 29 franchises through his Appt Corporation and is also very involved with all sorts of charity work. This self made man was even awarded an OBE by the Queen in June 2015.

Mr. Pathak likes to get involved with politics too. According to this parliamant document REGISTER OF MEMBERS’ FINANCIAL INTERESTS (pdf) he has donated to Mike Freer, Finchley MP and to Michelle Donelan, Chippenham.

I came across this forum post which listed the names of MPs that had voted against a whistleblower's bill and Freer was one of those MPs.

There are almost certainly others who are keeping quiet because they are being blackmailed or threatened. These are the people that badly need to come forward while they still can.

Anybody who blows the whistle on this should certainly be granted immunity from prosecution under the official secrets act. This proposal was suggested by Labour MP, John Mann. It was defeated in the house of commons 295 to 233.

John Mann was the MP that handed over a file to Scotland Yard about a VIP Paedophile ring and has been campaigning for an inquiry.

The Westminster child abuse ‘coverup’: how much did MPs know?

But the public was told No change in law needed to protect child abuse whistleblowers, says Tory ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Michelle Donelan is the other MP that Pathak donated to.

And she is affiliated with a most intriguing story ..the 'Tatler Tory' scandal involving David Cameron's Conservative Party.

Further reading here:

Ms. Donelan is now suffering from ill health Conservative MP Michelle Donelan diagnosed with Lyme disease after conversation with constituent

cantsleepawink ago

I just found a very odd piece of information on Ella's first husband Will Draper. He is a banker that was responsible for bringing Ella to the UK and for introducing her to Ricky Dearman after they divorced. Well, his full name is James William Draper and so I did a search under that name. . So he is always working for big investment banks.

And then I find that he was at one point also a director of a smaller outfit called : 47 HOLLYCROFT AVENUE MANAGEMENT LTD Address: KATZ & CO, 135 NOTTING HILL GATE, LONDON, W11 3LB

Hampstead Children researchers will be familiar with this address because Ricky Dearman used to live at a similar address BUT in Hampstead. (47, Hollycroft Avenue, London NW3 7QJ)

It is the oddest thing. Okay, going back to Draper's company where he was a director from 2000 to 2008, I had a look on Google maps. And right next to it, is a PIZZA EXPRESS at No. 137. (,-0.1992641,3a,90y,152.26h,81.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seIp4oJ4hCtwM1vZZW1TPkA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1))

Currently, there are three directors:

  1. Suzanne Perry journalist, (Suzi Perry) who lives in Hampstead,,,

  2. Vincent Sagua, who is British and currently living in the United Arab Emirates, working for a satellite broadcast company, (Chief financial officer),

  3. Tatian Savkin who works in finance and lives in the UK

EDIT: Corrected Ricky Dearman's address from 4 to 47.

dem6nic ago

Could 47 Hollycroft Avenue be a well-known brothel? House prices are approx. £5m in that area. Hampstead Heath is a well-known "dogging" and prostitution spot.

cantsleepawink ago

Woman who was a director at a company registered to Flat 1 of Ricky's address at 47 Hollycroft has this web business..very similar feel to Ricky and Ella..please have a look. Something's not right:

dem6nic ago

47 hollycroft ave must be apartment blocks or flats, 47 HOLLYCROFT MANAGEMENT LTD must be the landlord agency.

cantsleepawink ago

Of course, I mean yes you are right, didn't think of that. Anything to see here?

cantsleepawink ago

Pegasus. I'm archiving like crazy.

dem6nic ago

Founder Mary Roadnight is a member of the association of neuro-linguistic programming. Pegasus Evolution is located on Foxington Farm.

cantsleepawink ago

Check out the shop what are they selling ? The community page has a login process too.

cantsleepawink ago

dem6nic ago


cantsleepawink ago

ECI Accreditation is accreditation for coaches

cantsleepawink ago

ECI Accreditation Ltd

Edit: and that;s registered to Roper Yard in Kent

cantsleepawink ago

where did you get that ?

dem6nic ago

Listed as the directors of the company

cantsleepawink ago


dem6nic ago

Made a throwaway to access the members area.

Username: adamant Password: adamant1

I haven't found anything.

cantsleepawink ago

Another connection between the two properties in Adam Andrew Flat 5

dem6nic ago

Where did you find Adam Andrew?

cantsleepawink ago

Adam Andrews

Feel like I'm going round in circles here. Maybe nothing.

cantsleepawink ago

cantsleepawink ago

I find it interesting that it's set up for video streaming.

dem6nic ago

I didnt see that section, where is that?

cantsleepawink ago

the cat is often a giveaway, I have a story about that re Hampstead case but no time now with this new stuff

dem6nic ago

Right, this is an index to her other site, start digging

cantsleepawink ago

Phil Reed Linkedin profile, check out his client organisations

dem6nic ago

Also, the stonehenge retreat screams paganism

dem6nic ago

Logo is adult and child. This here refers to kundalini and sexual energy, often the medium used in tantric sex. And tantra has had its fair share of disreputable practices.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes and many of the pages are either empty or filled with nonsense. I saw this with Ricky's websites. Look at the shop page. This website is fronting for something else ! There is the possibility for transmission feeds ! The casual web surfer will not stay long here. There is something else going on. I've seen this sort of set up before/ I;m trying to archive as I go along.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks for the thought. It's suddenly become clear why there is a connection between the two.

At the moment Ricky is still registered there.

I need to find out who was there before him.

cantsleepawink ago

It was/is a front for businesses both in Hampstead (Ricky Dearman) and now Notting Hill Gate (Will Draper). People speculate money laundering. Maybe other things too. The Notting Hill company began in 1991. Now that you mention it, I'm going back to try and look at the property records for the Hampstead address.

TheHolyGrail ago

Hampstead's Pizzagate and Dolphin Square

privatepizza ago

7 Year Old Child -

"They get the babies from the social services. From people who can't afford to keep them. Some families are poor. So they sell it. Then the cult, papa, buy it and eat it. They drug it, they string it up and they cut its neck." Papa makes us do it,"

privatepizza ago

In the videos the children mention being abused in pizza parlours

privatepizza ago

NSFW - For those who are familiarising with Hampstead, here are a few short clips. Warning - This is disturbing. Not CP. Safe to watch. We decided to stop touching ourselves and stop killing babies. Papa does it and our teachers. And the cafes. They all do sex with us. We do sex and kill the baby and kill it and drink it's blood. <. 5 and 7 year olds talk >

On Wednesday we go to other houses and they do sex with us. Wednesday is very busy doing sex

ListenUp ago

The Hampstead McDonald's closed during the same school year (Nov of the 2013/2014 school year) the children made their disclosures (Aug 2014) Why did McDonald's in Hampstead close when they fought tooth and nail for 12 years to open their location. Open for only 20 years and suddenly close? Read this article to see how big this issue was in Hampstead...
One commenter on the links says, "Right by a busy Tube station used by thousands of school kids am surprised at this news. I do wonder what happened?" #HampsteadCoverUp

privatepizza ago

Hampstead fucking stinks. If the cucks in the U.K. weren't so absolutely asleep they would have found this.

Profoundly, the 100% lack of media attention on this, and the apathy of the people, mostly just trying to get by after the economic collapse, has meant this has disappeared into the Abyys.

Any other time this would be UUUGE. It's disgusting what's been covered up in Hampstead and it needs more eyes / people who care. IMHO Its the eye.

For those who don't know - kids were sexually abused in good schools, babies killed and the kids made to kill them and drink their blood, daily. The kids described tattoos on genitals, teachers with strapons and everyone of their teaching staff wearing skulls around their waists / necks.

Search for the Hampstead Kids videos to see what goes on in these rings,

Sadly, nothing has become of these allegations / outright proof of satanic circles and abuse in the U.K. 2016. COVERUP ED.

Hampstead, one of the reasons I'm here.

dem6nic ago

It was discussed in the UK and this happened: that's the BBC interviewing Ricky Dearman over these 'hoax' claims. And he's an actor

privatepizza ago

Hey thanks for these links. They're extremely valuable, highly intriguing and depict horror that we've never known in all the Hollywood house of horrors. I have heard that there's a connection too between Ricky Dearman and the DC crowd. I'm afraid that's all I know, and can't recall what and who, so much has been happening lately. Have you any info on the connections?

dem6nic ago

Yes, if you check this information out from Aangirfan, he links RD to someone called Ching Hai (possible CIA operative) who donated to the Clintons in 96 (China labels her following as a cult), he also is linked to DC and Hollywood.

privatepizza ago

Ah yes, Ching Hai! I remember now, I did look into that connection however not fully. Thanks a lot, I appreciate it! Looking forward to delving into what Aangirfan's found. This is an intriguing lead indeed. Thanks again.

Jem777 ago

The similarities between the U.K. and the US regarding children's protective services taking children only to place them in unsafe homes is remarkable. In the U. K. This is done by Cafcass similar to CPS in the US as in children's protective services. For those investigating. PG and trying to understand satanic ritual abuse you must study this case that exploded in the U.K. last year. I believe the links of the children's interviews have been posted. For those who do not know two children age 6&8 came forward and spoke of horrific SRA-satanic ritual abuse. This involved schoolteachers, clergy, officers, & others. The children provided details of tattoos, piercings, names etc. Their father, the accused, Ricky Dearman is an actor connected to Hollywood and Haiti orphanages.

Instead of an investigation Cafcass took the children from their mother. The press BBC refused to cover the story even though Jimmy Saville case was known to be covered up.

Now the connection to PG is through SRA of children and trauma based mind control. The organization that the elite of the world such as Soros fund is called Tavistock Institute. Inside this highly secretive institution experiments like MK ULTRA have been perfected for years. Many secretive trainings happen there. There is such secrecy very few people talk openly about it.

Sigmund Freud and Anna Freud were part of its founding. S. Freud statue is located there. Now it appears from this post that the children of Cafcass therapy center was relocated just a short distance from The Tavistock Institute.

Important to remember the first mention of the Tavistock Institute was by FBIANON who posted back in July about the moral crisis they were in because of how many people were implicated with HRC. He specifically mentioned the Tavistock Institute as the motherload and containing most disturbing.

TheHolyGrail ago

GOOGLE are implicated via their training programs at Christ Church Primary School.

cantsleepawink ago

Can you please summarize for me please what is the Google connection and what training programs at the school you are alluding to ? The video is too disjointed for me to follow. I'm interested because I'm looking at the IT and bradcasting systems that are relevant to both London and Washington and I now do believe that the Hamsptead case also involved broadcasting pictures/videos of children to other parts of the world.

derram ago :

Children's unit to be moved to new unit just metres away from paedophile therapy centre | Daily Mail Online

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