diamonddust ago

This statistic is the key to Pizzagate,, believe me. I know what the CIA anon means about "not like you think" now. Intelligence agencies employ sociopaths. To them paedophilia is just a tool. In the same way you should always question motives, ask yourself this - how come we're all sat here talking Pizzagate in the first place? What has someone to gain from it?

My guess is that Pizzagate is a kind "drive by hit" in an cyberwar by a rival agency, probably the Russians. They needn't know all the details, just a bit of intel from one of their spies and they do a tip off. Causes fucking havoc for all the agents. Now they have people crawling all over their connections. Things like the Art world being used to move Saudi money.

I truly believe Pizzagate involves pedos, but I don't think they are primary, they are ancillary to the story. They may be primary to us, but we're just a weapon to the people in this war. I also truly believe a lot of sick fucks get off on Satanism and ritual too, but even they seem to be just being manipulated by agents. The Satanism stuff is a smokescreen or at best a proxy, again its just a tool for these sociopaths to manipulate people.

Oh, and the Max Spiers connection is the sloppiest Op i've seen them do yet. It's facade is paper thin.

l23r ago

666.69 in North Korean Won... though I wonder what they call it. DPRKW? Or just Won because they are the Real Korea, and will "won" the war eventually (or already have based on their propaganda) so why bother with a long acronym?

draegspir ago

Hillary has a reputation of bending to her handlers. There's no reason why they would replace her with Trump, who is doing opposite things of what she is doing (namely, refugees, gun control, tax laws). Not to mention Wikileaks showing that they planned to elevate Trump for an easy win. None of these things align with him being a plant. Also the Clinton folks are not anti-pedo. Almost every other person affiliated with them are convicted pedophiles while some of those with Trump have a history of putting those people behind bars.

It's good that you are playing Devil's Advocate here, but the pieces just don't align for that narrative.

Cantilever ago

Well, considering he's rolling back the banking regulations that got us into the housing bubble concerns me. He's doing so much for corporations and banks. It's hard to believe he's really for the people. Not to mention all his conflicts of interest that he refuses to give up. I had hope and wanted to give him a chance, but he's bending the knee to the globalists just as much as HRC. And this is only an observation of what he's actually doing.

Alpo ago

Thanks for the rational and factual comment.

ProudTruther ago

Newtown Connecticut is supposedly a CIA town.

remedy4reality ago

Don't listen to this idiot --- He wants you to lose hope and walk away.

AmenRA ago

So if we do away with the 2 party charade , what remains is a dictatorship, right ?

varialus ago

tl;dr: ...*the gaslighting *of abuse victims could...

Bleh, English is ambiguous. I was using the word gaslighting as a plain verb with the abuse victims as the direct object, rather then as your reply suggests, as a verbal adjective describing what the abuse victims do, which by the way is also a grammatically valid way to interpret the sentence, but it's just not what I meant. In the rephrased tl;dr fragment, I've made the verb into a verbal noun for clarity. The original kinda also works a bit like a verbal noun, but I wouldn't really call it one. In any case, all of grammar is just made up rules to describe natural language and codify what's permitted and what's not. They're not God given rules, their more akin to fake Internet points or Internet etiquette, in that it's only as important as the value people place on it. My terminology might not even be as technically clear as it "should" be. Might I should have called something a gerund? I dunno, perhaps, but I just really dislike the word gerund. I'm sure a real stickler could find plenty more wrong with how I attempt to describe the grammar, but I don't really care because English, at least in it's current incarnation, is a complete mess.

redditsuckz ago

{[[-They-]]} are a collective of robotic hive minds. Even close family and friends that will never wake up and they make up most of the earth. You could red pill these soulless organic robots every hour up the ass for 10 years but they will only still do what they are programmed to do...which is fuck all.



Nana66 ago

Just as Bernie ran as a democrat but is not one, Trump ran as a Republican but is not one.

pete_zuh ago

Did anyone else actually watch this? She says that W was the first person to actually try and go after human trafficking and that both the left and the right had no interest in it before that.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

If you wanted to control government officials what better what to do it than to get them in compromising situations with children.

Nana66 ago

My theory is Trump found out what his elite friends were doing and went to an FBI guy who was part of a group that asked him to run for president because they tried and failed with Obama to take down the shadow government. They told him he had to run as a republican because they already had the fix in for Hillz on the Dem side. So he had to just wing it and the coup would take care of everything and get him into office so they could take them down. That's why he can't just lock her up, they have to take down the whole operation starting with blocking it globally.

l23r ago

I really want that story to be true. I doubt it, but it would be awesome... even though Trump is a giant jackass.

party1981 ago

As crazy as that sounds, it perfectly explains the FBI Records Vault Twitter tweets on October 30 to Nov. 1.

varialus ago

To be fair, gaslighting abuse victims could very easily include tales about everyone in the neighborhood working for the CIA.

Nana66 ago

I think McClean VA and surrounding towns is where most of the elite pedo's live and work.

Cantilever ago

I looked at that ex-CIA agent video. According to his website, Trump accepted a $20 billion bribe from the Rothschilds in exchange to throw the election to allow HRC to win and give RNC a few more governor seats. I followed the links on his site for proof of the bribe, but it ended in an endless loops between claims that "a team" offered the bribe and Lynn Rothschild offered the bribe.

He could be controlled opposition.

l23r ago

Lololololll even if he did take the bribe and actually tried to lose the election (just look at him in the debate and the Tweets he/his people made) Hillary was SO much worse. Even trying her best, she still lost. "Good" for her!

AmenRA ago

Wondering if the 9 trillion missing from the pentagon pissed the Rothschild fam off. https://youtu.be/q9pnc7IXpC0

draegspir ago

Could be. But his policies and the people he is putting into power suggest otherwise, in my opinion. No way the elite and bankers would let him undo everything Obama tried so hard to do just like that, namely stuff like TPP. Also all of the anti pedo people he is placing into power. Still could be controlled opposition, but trends of MSM fighting him so hard really doesn't seem to fit that idea. Once again, just my humble opinion : o

Bulgakov ago

Makes sense, keeping an eye on their sick little businesses