DonaldWashington ago

Wow thank you, I never would have figured that out lol. Now that you mention that, I have noticed a lot of these financiers on the board of directors for Ballets

shoosh ago

What's the story on Koons. Is there a thread on him? I couldn't find one on the search.

I know he likes to publish porn and display it in museums, and allegedly one museum pic is of him and his wife (although I'd love Ed Opperman to do a computer forensic analysis and comparative picture timeline to check if the one Instagram pic is in fact Koons wife.)

DonaldWashington ago

Jeff Koons Correct the Record

  • According to FEC filings, Jeff Koons donated $50,000 USD to correct the record, a political hit squad founded by David Brock, a close associate of John Podesta and James Alefantis.FEC


Jeff Koons has donated more than $50,000 in cash and through his work to support the US presidential candidate

ICMEC held its first Board of Directors meeting in May 1998. It was officially launched in April 1999 at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., by Hillary Clinton, then-First Lady of the United States, and Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

  • Koons is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), a global nonprofit organization that combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, and child abduction. In 2007, Koons, along with his wife Justine, founded the ICMEC Koons Family Institute on International Law and Policy. It is the International Centre's research arm. They research child porn.


Qatar, a nation known for funneling oil money to ISIS through clandestine banking channels, has taken a keen interest in Jeff Koons, and not just his artwork either. A frequent guest of the Qatari royal family,
Jeff Koons has played a major role in the development of their billion dollar Museum of Modern Art.


In January of 2015, Jeff Koons and Marina Abramovic headlined a high profile invitation only event in Doha, Qatar hosted by Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, chairwoman, Qatar Museums, and Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., chairman and publisher, The New York Times Company.
Sotheby’s and QNB are the headline sponsors for the Art for Tomorrow conference.  

“The hostess of the evening (Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani) sat laughing with the pony-tailed Japanese artist on her right. On her left was Dakis Joannou, a Greek-Cypriot industrialist and avid collector of the work of Jeff Koons, an American sculptor. Larry Gagosian, whom many regard as the most powerful art dealer in the world, was placed at a table nearby, with the other art dealers”

He’s With Her: Larry Gagosian to Host Fundraising Auction for Hillary Clinton at 21st Street Gallery


"I love it here," said Jeff Koons. "This is my sixth time in Doha since 2000." Koons denied that he had a project in Qatar, saying rather that he liked taking his kids for buggy rides in the sand dunes."

shoosh ago

Great dig. This deserves it's own thread.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The bigger picture to ALL OF THIS is:


Look into the connections between Sustainability involving the Clintons, the Bushes, Prince Charles and others, the Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Foundation, all of the related global corporations. This is how it all works.

Then look at Wisconsin and who else is behind it.

Have you ever heard of the Pilgrims Society? How about Agenda 21?

Dig deeper. Pizzagate is a mere window into something much bigger that controls EVERYTHING.

shoosh ago

Yes, it is the tip of the iceberg, but child slave trafficking needs to be investigated for obvious reasons.

It should all be investigated but they're counting on people to not care about the children who are voiceless. They hope people will forget about it and move on to the next drama, so they can continue on while people remain unmotivated or unable to change the full corruption globally. All the corruption needs to be exposed. It's a corporate motivated CIA run enterprise with politicians as figure heads for the public.

When one thread is unravelled the whole sweater can unravel.

It's interesting that Trump didn't ban Saudi, because Saudi is the biggest arms sales and child trafficking sales via USA.

My priority is children rights and safety is first. The problem with the globe as a whole is that their priorities are not.

Orange_Circle ago

Why would anyone eat pizza cooked by the King of Anal leakage?