survey_girl ago

Don't forget, Carnival is also linked to Disney... They have (had?) the Big Red Boat that was Disney themed and could include tickets to the park, etc.

Carnival is now going to be using tracking technology that Disney has been using for a few years....

Is Carnival / Disney just a CIA front?? It is crazy how these rabbit holes start intersecting.

doubletake ago

they are sure consistent! great find!

ObamaFAG1 ago

"There's a reason Kaepernick sat for the anthem, it was more to protest his horrific sexual abuse when younger," So let me get this straight, the white family that adopted this POS muslim convert AKA Crapernig (he was adopted when he was a few weeks old) molested him as a child? Care to provide proof? Ever heard of slander?

mandevilaffect ago

Triggered much lol? Not necessarily his parents, all of these elite football camps are run by pedophiles.

ObamaFAG1 ago

You think this shit is funny?? YOU find humor in this shit?? Funny when you mention the word slander the post is deleted. Sounds like YOU have first "hand" knowledge about Pedophile football camps.

mandevilaffect ago

Wow CTR's gone and deleted nearly all of my old comments. Weird I have 159 upvoats but no comments reflecting that HMMM FUCK YOU CTR. This forum is pointless anyways, we're just collecting evidence on the open web for pedophiles to assimilate and destroy. You're directing your anger at the wrong person is all I'm saying, direct it to the pedo fucks who run this place. I'm deleting my account after today since all my shit gets deleted by the disgusting fucking pedophiles who run the server. I pray I never come across a CTR pedo fuck in real life, they're shadow world's about to be illuminated and it's not gonna end well for them.

mandevilaffect ago

Yeah CTR pedophiles deleted the original post apparently. I don't think this funny, actually never said that, now get the fuck out of here you raging alcoholic. You've gotta learn how pedophiles work they put themselves at positions of power around kids like these football camps, we have plenty of pedophiles to fill these positions they're actually everywhere.

NikitaVerite ago

Ew - the Children's Museum of Miami logo has the creepy eye, the spiral/swirl, and even a wee little pyramid (the outer corner of the eye). Fantastic that they seem to run a preschool out of there too. UGH.

ArthurEdens ago

Wasn't it around the time LeBron went to the Heat that he started flashing illuminati signs ?

derram ago :

Clinton Foundation Donors - The New York Times

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