MathPhilo ago

;*** CATCH PAUSE FROM BOT CONTROLLER *** HotKeySet("-", "ToggleSafePause") Local $safePauseTriggered = False

Func ToggleSafePause() $safePauseTriggered = Not $safePauseTriggered

If $safePauseTriggered Then
    ToolTip("PAUSING at next safe area...", 0, 0)


Func SafePause() If $safePauseTriggered = True Then $safePauseTriggered = False TogglePause() EndIf EndFunc ;******

MathPhilo ago

Tavistock formed the CIA and developed MKULTRA with NAZI science. NAZI science is still a major component of sociological engineering, research Alfred Kinsey. Some of the children with eye markings shown on Alefantis page are MKULTRA VICTIMS and will not be killed but will be forced to watch and participate in killing, to fracture the nascent personality forming, aka FRACTURE THE SOUL (PSYCHE) - POSSESS THE SOUL.

isthisreality ago

I upvoted your comment, I see it was downvoted. If I didn't know as much about T as I do ( I have graphs, charts, notes out the ass ugh) then I wouldn't pay any attention to the fact that it is obvious you received a downvote. The only people that would possibly downvote your comment would be those who know nothing about T, or who are out to discredit and draw attention away from what you said.

MathPhilo ago

It's fortunate I never reply in the blue section but opt to return to the page where I might see how things are ordered and note from your comment, it is based on a lie to enamour me and obscure the in fact you work for Tavistock.

isthisreality ago

...what? What is based on a lie? You really just lost me-

MathPhilo ago

I'm not a child anymore.

ThePuppetShow ago

You said Saudi, the mods are going to shit their shorts!

Dressage2 ago

LOL You are getting too close when you mention Saudi!

MyUSA2017 ago

Is this related to Scott Speicher?

isthisreality ago

Yup. I have posted the connections multiple times and every time I do I get sick feeling. ALL this shit is so f'dup, but I sincerely believe that Tavistock is at the center of all of this. But wtf are we supposed to do about this when T is literally entwined in almost every single thing that we see/hear/read on a daily basis? I can't think of anything except to try to mass spread this info to those who are open to learning about all of this. This whole situation is so literally fucked.

isthisreality ago

Screenshot for posterity ;)