Millennial_Falcon ago

Removing this per rule 1. This is not directly related to the investigation anymore than an article on pedophilia. Indirect informational stuff like this goes on /v/pizzagatewhatever. Thanks.

joeysaperv ago

Not sure who is behind the stem cell spamming. This is my copypasta from another stem cell post:

Sorry - OP does not know much about stem cells.

Embryonic stem cells are harvested from aborted babies. There is no ban on research. Bush stopped federal funding of research using embryonic stem cells but Obama started that funding back again. Embryonic stem cell treatments have essentially been a dead end.

Everyone has adult or somatic stem cells. Research and treatments are much more effective using your own somatic stem cells. Stem cells can be harvested from you and every living person, don't need to steal kids for this.

Tanngrisnir ago

I would like to take credit but I am hardly the first person to bring the idea up. You can poo poo the idea all you want but the country that is the primary seller of stem cells has already been documented killing kids to harvest their bone marrow for stem cells.

joeysaperv ago

Just seeing a lot of these posts lately.

If you are going to get stem cell treatment, the best source of stem cells is YOU. No incompatibility and rejection issues. Your somatic stem cells are much less likely to go cancerous.

Frankly, it makes the investigators of the board look ignorant. Time to put this one to bed.

Jem777 ago

We will now be seeing many studies or "recovery" stories to justify the actions of trafficking, organ harvesting, stem cell harvesting, planned parenthood actions, etc.

For those unaware the results of the PP scandal of selling fetal parts, was quietly released on Dec. 30, 2017. It is really hard to read. Much Sadness. Again the media lied and the government lied when this scandal broke. Openly mocking the idea that fetal tisssue/parts are harvested and stored. Including President Obama who changed the law regarding harvesting stem cells. D. Trump stood on stage in the debate and openly challenged HRC regarding the Hyde ammendment allowing late term abortions up to 9th month gestation. This was their planned everyone. If you can create new bodies in uterine or in a Petri dish then play God and decide when to take the organs you can create never ending supply......Life extension. It is hard to believe I realize but child trafficking, organ harvesting, is already been confirmed with evidence in many places, Serbia, Turkey, Syria, Haiti right now. This is happening right now. Their are bloody hands everywhere because people are being forced to bear witness to this horror then are silenced by their superiors. I hope our collective moral conscience continues to force this out of silence so victims and silent witnesses can be set free. Do not let them justify their actions. These people have proven they do not hold the moral high ground to make any decision that involve harvesting anything from anything.