ads1241 ago

Bulgarian here. Our medics were framed to cover some three-letter-agency's destabilization initiative. AIDS & HIV are very rare in Bulgaria to the point that they're almost non-existent. It was an obvious set-up to allow for the take-over of Lybia, which did actually happen some time afterwards anyways.

Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi thanked the EU and Bulgaria as its member for averting a possible bloodbath in Benghazi, by launching the air strikes.

Bloodbath was averted that day, but not for long (as we all know). EDIT: I believe the reason for the take over was because Ghaddafi wanted a gold-backed currency to replace the dollar. sauce

iamthepizzanow ago

Who does Stratfor work for/answer to? Pardon my ignorance.

Vindicator ago

Not likely. Stratfor specializes in providing intelligence to corporate customers and doing security consulting (i.e. how to avoid executive kidnappings). They monitor intelligence and geopolitical developments all over the world, from both public and private sources, and relay that information to subscribers and consulting clients. This looks like an update from a BBC service they subscribe to that they received.

jangles ago

This was a good insight. Thanks, I wasn't paying close enough attention. Deep down a different hole, just thought this was odd.

Vindicator ago

I am not convinced Stratfor is totally squeaky clean, so thorough examination of their emails is definitely warranted. I am personally leaning toward the idea that they are much more ethical than Dyncorp, though. There just hasn't been the kind of whistleblowing and run-ins with the law that Dyncorp has least that I have seen. The $65,000 Obama pizza party email seems to be the main suspicious thing.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Stratfor is shady...I havent quite figured out the...I saw some emails that were pretty racy but I can find them now...Im going to keep looking Still havent found the emails I read several months ago...grr