fuspezza ago

What can that mean

fuspezza ago

Do you use your power for Good

ITisGodToYou ago



ITisGodToYou ago

I love you soooooooooooooo much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD0Mm6WIcYs

AldouxHuxley ago

Darling, I'm God.

fuspezza ago

And what do you think of those who imitate you. Poorly ..

AldouxHuxley ago

Well I think they are withholding of everything I want you to experience and have for yourself, so that you might experience the realms of something higher offered to you all, to my disdain until this point of divine intervention.

fuspezza ago

I believe how can I not if I see the bright stars that move while changing colors. They are beautiful and esoteric to the educated and unbelievable to those with eyes but can not see.

AldouxHuxley ago

Means I am the closest to telepathic yet.