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jangles ago

Remember the weird Eye mutation? This increases the production of the valuable proteins and 'stem cells' (follicle stimulating growth hormones, precursor proteins, etc.)

Quoted from Publication below. "Kidney function and proteinuria were more severe in patients with PAX2 mutations than in those without the mutation. Moreover, the Coloboma score was significantly higher in patients with PAX2 gene mutations. Three out of five patients with PAX2 mutations had focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) diagnosed from kidney biopsies"

Association of PAX2 and Other Gene Mutations with the Clinical Manifestations of Renal Coloboma Syndrome Published: November 16, 2015

Tanngrisnir ago

Weird, that is really good to know. It makes sense why they associate with so many people with such a rare mutation.