Orange_Circle ago

Probably 30%. She's an extremely wealthy woman with contacts to the most elite people in the world.

So upon reflection, chances are slim to none.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

People in this thread are criticizing him for being a jew. I just want the records released so we can get some more leads. Who gives a fuck who files the lawsuit?

Orange_Circle ago

Criticizing Epstein for being a Jew or Cernovich?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago


Orange_Circle ago

I don't think he's Jewish. His parents are Christian.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago


shoosh ago

Good man! It's great to see people in positions taking positive action.
This thing is going to expose and create change yet, but not without people like Mike, and other professionals, along with witnesses who are willing to put themselves out there to make a positive change.

Orange_Circle ago

It honestly changed my life in some respects. It made me decide that silence is not an option.

Professor Tom Philpot. I just want to say his name so he won't be forgotten.

Orange_Circle ago

This is a civil case against the woman who worked as his pimp, and the person suing her is a victim of Epstein, but she's an adult now, so her name is known.

Konran ago


Candygram_for_Mongo ago

The richest of the rich, they can do whatever they want because money. This includes child sex, make no mistake. A pizza shop owner is the top 50 powerful in D.C. concludes GQ. That is some special pizza or maybe it's a front for the Epsteins of the world.

draegspir ago

Fantastic. As someone as high profile as Jeffery Epstein, I feel like there is oddly not enough information released about him.

abcdefg222 ago

This is the best news ever! Hopefully more will be brought to light and some justice will be served. If anyone has any ideas or knows how we can support cernovitch, I'd be happy to help.

Orange_Circle ago

You're making me want to buy it!

SterlingJB ago

Been looking for something linking Epstein to CPP , but one interesting thing about the guy, according to the Vanity Fair article, is that he apparently never eats out at restaurants.

Orange_Circle ago

In the pic that I suspect is him, he's walking out of the back room bar area.

quantokitty ago

Yeah to Cernovich! Let's go!

kidavenger ago

I really respect Mike Cernovich for doing this. He has to know that this will put him in the elite's cross hairs even more than he probably already is. But this represents journalism in its truest form - seek facts and then report the truth. Unlike most of the MSM these days, don't actually research anything, but label it "debunked" because allowing the true story to be told may piss off the wrong people.

Orange_Circle ago

Autocorrect - sorry about that! It said eating but should have said reading.

Gorillion ago

"Reading" not "Eating". Autocorrect ass-fucked him when he missed the "r".

Orange_Circle ago

Thanks mate!

SykeSoIMustBeFascist ago

(((Mike Cernovich))) sold out long time Trump Supporters for a dirty dollar bill. He's not the guy that lights the fire.

thegenericoperator ago

Explanation required to make such allegations. Provide sources and links. Also, stop attacking the credibility of those that ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING.

cantsleepawink ago

Agree. Keep digging. It's forums like this that exert unseen public pressure.

rodeo13 ago

I take it you don't believe that anymore? Good for you. You've transcended your programming. That's a very good thing.

Fateswebb ago

Cernovich is kick ass thanks buddy!

Votescam ago

The courts belong to the people, not the parties. The First Amendment demands that court proceedings be open to the public. How can a free press do its job in keeping a watchful eye over the workings of government if those workings are sealed?

And guess our Courts should know that?

He also challenges NY Times and Washington Post -- where are they?

Jakestr ago

This takes some serious balls experience has taught us that anytime a good woman or man stands up for something it is usually followed by a suicide

MolochHunter ago

good on him, bloody dead-set legend

Orange_Circle ago

It's was pretty smart of him I thought. It's a case with a convicted pedophile with close ties to the elite.

scoopadoop ago

He filed it. But what is the chance of it actually happening?

Orange_Circle ago

Probably not much.

Mike has guts, but he ain't eat up with money.

And money is what calls the shots.

Orange_Circle ago

Thank you for your screen name.

catslovejustice ago

Oh My Gosh!!!!!! I was praying today that more well known journalists would have the courage to speak up like Ben Swann and David Seaman. This is AWESOME!!!!

BTW, I'm also praying for a flood a victims to come forth. A flood so big PG can no longer be ignored!

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Yup, just like the Cosby gals did and are still doing, come forward after others do.

Forgetmenot ago

I am praying diligently too!

catslovejustice ago


Phenomenonanon ago

I'll pray in agreement with that

catslovejustice ago

Thank you! :)

Orange_Circle ago

Thanks friend.

Orange_Circle ago

Let's pray that Mike and his Christian parents would reconcile.

catslovejustice ago

I don't know that story, what happened?

Orange_Circle ago

I might have read it or heard him talk about it on Periscope, but he said something to the effect of, "If I would just go back to believing in Jesus every thing would be fine between us."

Orange_Circle ago

In my best Brother Noah Hutchings voice, "God is still on the throne, and prayer changes things."

abortionburger ago

i don't really know what i was thinking.

i had a real abortion a few years ago. it was, without question, the worst experience of my life.

rodeo13 ago

I am so sorry.

Atlantean120 ago

Sorry to hear

iamthepizzanow ago

Go Mike, go!

Orange_Circle ago

He's high energy, that's for sure!

jewsbadnews ago

He is a piece of shit that used the alt-right for his own gain. I see you were not there for the civil war he started.

thegenericoperator ago

Sure, we can discuss the Jews to NORMAL degree. Jew jew jew all day long means you're a crazy nut.

phlux ago

can you tl;dr for us?

jewsbadnews ago

He was a hypocrite the whole time saying things like not punching to the right then he goes full attack mode on the alt right for being nazees even though he called himself one and knew all about what the alt right is for. Then he kicked people out of his faggy deploraball and even pepe himself!!!! He also called Spencer an fbi agent with no proof. Never trust a jew, this is what they do every single time.

Orange_Circle ago

His periscope was extremely interesting when he was in the thick of it. When Hillary had the Bernie delegates locked out, he was coming in that way captured it. No other media was touching it.

Orange_Circle ago

Cernovich: "If Hillary had won, this lawsuit would have me killed. This election was life of death for us personally, and for the West."

jewsbadnews ago

Thats too bad.

Z11Mama ago

That was my first thought November 8th.

Orange_Circle ago

I was reading what Obama did his first day in office and it was to call Arab leaders.

I feel like I lived through 8 years of Hell.

DrumpfBTFO ago

I couldn't have voted anyway, and couldn't have voted now to #maga.

Have to admit, i would've voted for obama in '08, but maybe i was too young and naive back then.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

definitely know what an eight year prison sentence feels like.

TimesUp ago


abortionburger ago

lol...Denny's slamburger has an egg on it -> hilarious username thought 20 year old me :)

srayzie ago

I know you had an abortion but I don't get why you would make a username like that. I would think that having your abortion would make you sad. Not giving you something to joke about.

abortionburger ago

i made the username 8 years ago (4 years before my abortion) when i was 20. i rarely type it because autofill. its just a username - nothing more; please get over it.

srayzie ago

That would be a constant reminder to me

abortionburger ago

it has been lately. honestly i hadn't really thought too much about my username until others brought it up.

TrishaUK ago

You should change it, sounds like you're on the other side?

Dauphin ago

BRILLIANT! This is a major piece to the puzzle!

redditsuckz ago

AMAZING!...(((Steve Pieczenik - CIA))), (((David Seaman))) and (((Mike Cernovich))) are all fighting for us and going against (((Jeffery Epstein)))!!!! pattern here whatsoever....

shoosh ago

Stop lumping all people together. The Zionists are not Jews, they have this new name zionists, but in past they were Babylonian Talmudists -- not Jews. They were the ones worshipping Ba'el and whomever else they could while using the Jews as a scapegoat to hide behind. And I see their plan is working still to this day on you.

witch_doctor1 ago

redditsuckz ago

Video A Jewish Woman's Confession About Human Sacrifice

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult [FULL & HD]

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Video A Jewish Woman's Confession About Human Sacrifice

Hilariously inappropriate smile at 2:08.

abortionburger ago

love it. since i've been "outed" as a girl guess i can get away with this: <3

NonexistentNihilist ago

Fellow female here. High five.

Fateswebb ago

Since we're on female usernames you're seems to be a bit redundant.. ;)

NonexistentNihilist ago

Eeeyy I'm glad someone finally commented on it. C: I'm officer repetitive from the department of redundancy department.

Fateswebb ago

lol you're funny, I like funny people, and you're smart too, or you wouldn't be here.. why can't I meet smart funny women IRL is what I wonder now..

abortionburger ago

wanna exchange emojis and gossip?

NonexistentNihilist ago

Yesss we can paint each other's virtual toenails and talk about child sex trafficking and its implications in our government.

Orange_Circle ago

Why is this civil case sealed anyway?

Z11Mama ago

One reason would be it involves a minor. Since this does, that would be why most likely. Maybe the minor isn't a minor anymore?

Orange_Circle ago

It's a civil case, and the now adult victim is suing Epstein's female pimp.

Orange_Circle ago

But she's not a minor now, right?

I wonder if the woman who brought the suit is the same one in the crop top with Prince Andrew?

LargePepperoni ago

It was sealed to protect Epstein's buddies.

Orange_Circle ago

But we own the courts.

LargePepperoni ago

It appears that way. Only time will tell though.

Orange_Circle ago

We own the courts, they own the money. And Money talks.

Vindicator ago

Glad to hear this!

doubletake ago

you think he has a chance? will it take years? have others tried and failed? if he can get the stuff that is still sequestered, wow.

Vindicator ago

I do know that the main reason it was all buttoned down was because of Alan Derschowitz' strong-arm and intimidation tactics, first of Florida prosecutors, and then of the attorneys of the victims seeking civil damages. Just Google Derschowitz and Epstein...there's a whole trove of stuff.

zoltan907 ago

Why was Dershowitz even allowed to be involved in the case? I thought he was named as one of the rapists. It's a conflict of interest for him to represent Epstein.

Vindicator ago

He counter sued the attorneys for defamation, came up with an alibi for the time the victim said he was on the island, and got them to drop the charge.

Orange_Circle ago

Here's hoping it goes somewhere. The guy is fearless.

Vindicator ago

He was showing off his pepper-sprayed face on Twitter this morning and getting Jew hate. It was respectable.

crystalclearme ago

Get a link please?

Orange_Circle ago

What's Jew hate?

Vindicator ago

Me? Never. People were hating on him and calling him a Jew. He seems unfazed by that stuff.

Orange_Circle ago

Ok thank you, I apologize for misjudging your comment. I'll edit my post.

I didn't know people thought he was Jewish.

archons ago

He is and he is friends with a huge racist zionist that lives talking about how much he hates goyim.

noworldorder ago

Which one?

archons ago

His movie silenced. The other guy working on it has some really hateful stuff on his twitter. I would bet the sick fuck is involved in pizzagate.

badastrid ago


Orange_Circle ago

I watched Cernovich on Periscope during the election cycle. Gave me hope for America.

badastrid ago

He's one of the few I trust, and even he I don't trust completely.

Orange_Circle ago

I can agree with that. I'll say I trust him more than anyone else out there right now.

He has an interesting backstory, I think his parents are Christian, but he pretty much rejected all that. But as more time passes he's being pulled back over to fight for things that are right just because it's right to do.

So maybe he'll come all the way back.