sunajAeon ago

Ridiculous story

hookednosedjoooo ago

Read the first article. Remember people, Roger Stone was connected to Trumps mentor ROY COHN who was friends with CRAIG J SPENCE who ran a child sex ring for the CIA. I believe pizzagate is real BUT its also very unusual how this is making waves in the alternative and mainstream media (even if they are trying to discredit it)

When the Franklin scandal leaked it wasn't even covered. This is a limited hangout psyop. Why haven't any of th ecelebs in the alt media said anything about the false flag shooting that happened? Why did Alex Jones interview that crisis actor?

DarkMath ago

Interesting theory. Anything's possible. I read the article and it's light on evidence. I think PizzaGate went viral because it has legs like Marina Abramovich's Spirit Cooking and the 100 or so other pieces of bizarre circumstantial evidence that Roger Stone could never have cooked up on his own.

SecureYourSeats ago

Well that was so dumb it hurt.

SecureYourSeats ago

And Jullian Assange just agreed to go along with this. ??