Alpo ago

This is an excellent and intelligently written summary of the situation. I hope you will repost it.

DL4L ago

Thank you Alpo. How did you see it after it was deleted? I did just repost with links, but this is the first time ever posting on a social media site like this. If you can't tell from my post, I'm not the type to have much of a social media presence. I don't know if the info I link to are the kind of things necessary to be a valid post. Any feedback appreciated... I just want people to understand they can be all looking into pizzagate and end up going down very different roads.

iamthepizzanow ago

Well written, looking forward to your update.

gopluckyourself ago

DL4L rule 2, 4 you need to provide sources for this to be approved here. I would suggest reposting over to /v/pizzagatewhatever AND also finding sources and reposting here.
There are a lot of interesting suppositions here and this is very well written. Check out the recent FOIA dump to see if you can't find any corroborative evidence. mkultra and the other mkXXXXXX programs there are several. Trafficking etc. I bet you can find a lot of stuff in there.

DL4L ago

Hopefully the links I provide will suffice to make the post relevant and credible. They are not tiny soundbytes, but this is a complex issue and I am attempting to synthesize a great deal of information. Please let me know if there are any problems with the revised post.


gopluckyourself ago

will do buddy. I'm sure it's fine considering the level of detail you went into here.

DL4L ago

OK, I have quite a lot of sources I can include. Will take it down and add links. Thanks.

gopluckyourself ago

mksearch, mkoften, and MKChikiwit

gopluckyourself ago

cheers am looking into seeing if there are any other resources that you could use for this.

Orange_Circle ago

I admit I have not read your entire thesis yet, but upvote for you since you put a lot of work into this!