crashing_this_thread ago

A protest organized... outside of the pizzagate community...?

afterbernerthrowaway ago

Yeah... I frequent a lot of Pizzagate forums and have seen nothing about setting up a protest at CPP. This seems staged to conflate Pizzagate researchers with homophobic nutjobs, a group whose affiliation with a cause would make it easy for left-leaners to denounce something like Pizzagate.

DantePerez2017 ago

Perhaps WE should protest in front of the place 24/7! Let's get this going!

21yearsofdigging ago

Great! Now we have to double up and try to convince friends that anyone looking into Pizzagate is NOT homophobic. Must be a Soros move

Ioxvm ago

WBC did more for gay rights in a couple of years than anyone has done in the span of the United States.

Does the end justify the means? IMHO in this case? Yes.

This is all subjective mind you, but the puzzle pieces fit together nicely if you take a step back and look at the whole thing with no prejudice.

Nana66 ago

Lately I've been wondering if it's true that climate change might really be a hoax....

Ioxvm ago

Sadly, here we are in the information age and we can't tell the truth from fiction because there is so much misinformation out there. I hear ya. I am questioning everything now-a-days. We should totally start calling this the misinformation age.

153sdsd ago

OMG it is still happening, this is so good

Htaed ago

They're just hating on gay people. Hate on the CP murderer. Gay people are born gay, they didn't choose to be gay. My little brother is gay and if anyone wants to gay bash him, I'll beat that ass. I don't care how big that ass is, I'll beat it.

Pontius_Pilate ago

Weird events such as this are the sorts of things that lead me to believe Pizzagate is real. Having a difficult time explaining how this protest could have organically erupted.

My best guess is that the Westboro Bapist Church was in town and decided to pay them a visit because it's a hot spot for gay people. This has nothing to do with Pizzagate.

Vindicator ago

Well said, Josco. Upvoat.

salinaslayer ago

what the hell, I didn't know the westboro baptist church did private calls

SecureYourSeats ago

Baptist is very much a real wing of Christianity. The word "baptist" is shortened from the word ananbaptist, meaning to re-baptise as baptism is taught by the Scriptures to be an adult thing, not an infant practice. But unfortunately because of the ugliness of Westborro cult many Baptist Churches have been changing their names because they don't wish to be in any way associated with Westborro baptists.

kekistocrat ago link to an article from FOX NEWS food and drink -- perhaps Media Matters pulling out another rabbit from the hat? They seem to be struggling to keep up. Or perhaps it's another Soros adventure.

Hooliganscat ago

I'm my opinion that guy speaking about homosexuality in such a derogatory manner detracts greatly from the investigation. If any I have learned from pizzagate is that gays and straight people can both be Pedofiles. My second thought was that Jimmy Comet hired the protesters himself and told them to be disgusting and outrageous in order to help discredit our investigation.

Fatsack ago


Fatsack ago

Conflating homosexuality with pedogate is a mistake.

Phenomenonanon ago

It would be better if they were yelling about pedos, at least it would make he crowd wonder why

Phenomenonanon ago

They probably heard about pizzagate and discovered alafantis was gay..

Truthseeker77 ago

Oh for fucks sake!!! This is some bullshit!!

algernon4peace ago

It's absurd. There is not a soul, who could possibly equate satanic paedophilia, cannibalism and massive child trafficking schemes with people who happen to be Gay. Gay people are not hurting anybody and everyone has a right to be happy, just not at the expense of anyone else.

I can't imagine anyone here would waste their time. These guys are so incredibly stupid to think anyone would believe this. I really do think they must be fucking idiots --- could this be the result of say tens of thousands of years of inbreeding here?

Phenomenonanon ago

Westboro could

kekistocrat ago

It's great to see everybody on here in agreement. It's FAKE! This ranks up there with the convenient 'shooter.'

looking4truth ago

Seems legit /s


My goal in life is to stumble upon a false flag shooting, grab my .40, neutralize the threat, and expose the event for what it is. FAKE!!!

8887766554433221 ago

Hello James. How's it going? It's a relative of yours here. Hence my telepathy.

zoltan907 ago

He can start another GoFundMe and beg for more money.

Birdzeyeview ago

there is a lot of homophobia amongst you idiots right here.

You don't need these ppl to make ya'll look sick, you have done that for weeks with no help from anyone.

ZalesMcMuffin ago


(the apostrophe replaces the "ou" in "you all")

quantokitty ago

Yeah, a protest against gay people? That's not even an issue. The issue is non-consenting sex with a minor. I don't align myself with this and don't support it. It's disrupting business and technically JA has not even been charged with a crime. This has nothing to do with #pizzagate. I don't know what this is.

quiche ago

This is obviously part of the Trump protests. The antifas are messing with people. Actors meant to ridicule. Not real.

iamthepizzanow ago

This is just another tactic to try to take the real attention away and cause us to look like the fools they are. Total discredit campaign. This wont help the cause. That's some sneaky shit.

Rigg5 ago

This seems staged.

thestormking ago


MrGodspeed ago

I totally agree, @globster. I live in Chicagoland. My brother lives right down the f***ing street from Comet Ping Pong. I wanted to go there and do a "video tour" with narration, of many of the main places/subjects that we've been posting & investigating. But my brother is not sympathetic to #pizzagate (as a movement). He thinks we're just starting trouble in his neighborhood. He thinks it's our fault that the "shooter" went into Comet. Anyway, I wanted to go to DC and stay with him, but he's not supportive of the type of video project I'd want to make, while in DC.

HereticalPeasant ago

This is a shill job to malign us who are investigating pizzagate and sincerely seeking justice to be done. This is horrible. Stupid West Boro baptists.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Welcome to the psyop. Meanwhile censorship is going on. I'm sure Donald Trump is going to save us.

reasonedandinformed ago

The postings in this platform of always focused on the pedo issue. It has never been about homosexuality. I hope some people who are on our team are present to record the actions, which will help document that it was a false flag event. Are the cameras pointed away from the restaurant like they were the last time there was a false event?

MrGodspeed ago

Yup. Camera was pointed AWAY from restaurant sign. But the cameraperson did go inside Comet.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The question was about the city's pole-mounted surveillance cam nearby, not about personal hand-carried or tripod ground-based cams. At least, I'm assuming that to be the case; the day before Edgar Harvey Welch's Bogus Journey, the city camera was mysteriously aimed away from the direction of CPP, resulting in no usable footage being captured during the extremely suspicious event the next day.

reasonedandinformed ago

The camera is a tip off that something is planned. It has been pointed away for two obvious false flags...with no good reason (faces a pole).

victuruslibertas ago

Psyop protest. No Pizzagate posters. Just railing on Homosexuals. Meant to divert from the real issue. Who cares about Homosexuals? This is meant to tie in the Pizzagate investigation with homophobes. This is so contrived.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It could be diverting or DIRECTING. Is Pizzagate fake news that will justify censorship of the internet? We will see.

doolord ago

Fucking hell

MrGodspeed ago

I think so too, HopingToHelp. It's like the guy with the bullhorn was shouting exactly all the "right stuff" you'd shout if you were doing a movie scene with bigoted religious protesters.

newworldahead ago

I don't know what they are trying to do. Probably they want to make pizzagaters looks like idiots like others said. The thing is, they will fail because they keep failing in all their attempts at burying the story. They will continue failing until they admit that their time is up and that they're pretty much fuck*d.

Tanngrisnir ago

My favorite attempt was when Daily Kos had an article attempting to refute Pizzagate which was taken down because it was still seen as too damaging.

nomorepepperoni ago

Did they? Was it archived before they took it down?

ravensedgesom ago

Seems to be a funded operation protest to discredit investigators as uninformed christian fanatical homophobes

srayzie ago

People are protesting for the wrong reason. They need to protest Pizzagate! It's weird. It doesn't even have anything to do with the Inauguration. I think this is some radical religious group like those crazy Westboro one. I

wellington33 ago

If someone was planning on this protest, why not call people in here, where most viewers are? THIS LOOKS PRETTY FAKE.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That's exactly what I've been wondering. Was this protest event announced anywhere that any PGers ever go?

comeonpeople ago

They probably realized that you guys are great at clicking links and copy-pasting stuff, not so great at leaving the house and doing anything.

SecureYourSeats ago

Oh yes, and @ruby_slippers also said to look up, "PSU and pedos". Edit: I guess that would be referring to Penn State University.

SecureYourSeats ago

But there was a person messaging by the name of @ruby_slippers that is claiming that this is real and she's a victim and that she can name names, and places. Others were asking her to go to VOAT and give more info.

SecureYourSeats ago

The video streem seems to be on repeat now. The protesters are really not handling this wisely. I wonder if they've ever heard the saying, "You can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar".

waxdino ago

I know people on here, shills and/or idiots, have suggested protesting there today. ...Uh, no offense for those that actually thought it'd be a good idea. But it would be pointless and just make us look bad. So, were actors sent expecting actual pizzagaters to show up? Or so they could point to voat and say, see, they organized this? Or....?
Whatever is going on there, fail.

zoltan907 ago

That sounds pretty accurate. Also, Amanda Kleinman is in the news today, saying she's received death threats from pizzagaters.

This is one more article that makes everyone who believes in pizzagate sound crazy and makes everyone we're investigating sound like a victim. This is exactly why I wrote earlier that no one should be contacting any of the suspects. As soon as one person writes something stupid or threatening, it discredits the whole movement.

Phenomenonanon ago

That's old

zoltan907 ago

You're right. I originally saw it on the Mercury News website (, which resurrected it about 11 hours ago and put today's date on it. I saw Washington Post in the byline, so when I archived it later, I archived the original article without noticing the date.

Piscina ago

What better way to garner public sympathy than have the world believe that the 'whacky' pizzagate supporters are a bunch of homophobic, racist, religious, bigoted and hateful nuts? This protest would have been bought and paid for by Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong.

zoltan907 ago

Heh! Maybe that's what he used the GoFundMe money for...

DevilintheDetails ago

Any update? Can't watch now.

crazimal ago

I strongly suspect astroturfing and controlled oppo for sympathy to make poor little James look like a victim... ...again. None of this has ever been about whether they were gay or straight. Bunch of BS. Hopefully some of these folks will ID themselves and some truth will emerge.

dickface8 ago

We must fight their utilization of cognitive dissonance. That's the only thing they have left to fight us with.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

this makes my blood boil. obviously paid shills

TruthTrumps ago

Am guessing this is staged w/paid protesters to totally deflect from the truth of pizzagate. They are trying to make the general public think that a bunch of homophobic Christians are picking on Comet ping-pong. They are trying to change the true pedophile/ human trafficking problem, and government involvement, into a completely different narrative. If they can make the right wing Christians look like a bunch of homophobes, they think nobody will pay attention to the pedophile/human trafficking issue. I wonder who's behind this fake protest.

MrGodspeed ago

Exactly, TruthTrumps! Instead of's homos=evil...just what progressive media likes.

MrGodspeed ago

Nevermind. It's all over. Camera angle sucked. The guy never even thought to actually have the camera FACE Comet Ping Pong. Oh well.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Why are they screaming about gay people? Why would he address the crowd instead of just calling the police? This doesn't pass the smell test.

I bet $10 it's another Soros funded venture to paint PGers as a bunch of homophobic bigots and take away attention from the pedo claims.

Nana66 ago

Maybe they are making it look like there is already a protest in progress so no one else needs's all covered s/

153sdsd ago

You would be right if they were not trying to make everybody forget, any attention good or bad benefits our cause, to get the information out there and let that speak for itself

ThePoorPeople ago

As soon as they started talking about gay anything instead of kids I assumed Soros and company.

voatsucksreally ago

It's safe to say that the majority of people who are passionate about Pizzagate justice are on Voat or one of the other several sites we all know about, where I can't even remember the last time I've seen anyone talking about homosexuality or anything of the sort. This is DEFINITELY a setup to paint us as crazy homophobic idiots, and to deflect attention away from the real issues - which is the mounting circumstantial evidence that leads many thousands of us to believe James Alefantis (along with several others) is potentially involved with child trafficking and pedophilia.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I occasionally see someone talk bad about gay people and call them faggots and whatnot, but they always get down voted pretty quickly. I know there are a few people here that do not agree with LGBT but they are also smart enough to know this is not about LGBT, it's about saving children from sick monsters.

umpteenth ago

indeed. I always felt that westboro baptist church shenannigans were a psyop to benefit the gay community. forreals

ConcernedParent2 ago

It sure did feel that way, haha

wellington33 ago

We need to make clear we are not related to this protest.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Fuck these guys. Westboro Wannabes.

rooting4redpillers ago

We all know about the perils of over-zealous denial. I doubt this bs has much of a lifespan.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Definitely! The only "good" thing is that it happened on a Friday night, people aren't really going to hear about this.

Phenomenonanon ago

True. If they do cover it in some way they'll have to say. "Protest at comet ping pong"

goodguy1367 ago

Soros was on the radio in Australia yesterday saying how he thinks trump is unfit for president and a corrupt man who will destroy America "quietly abducts and sacrifices thousands of kids for moloch whilst funding anti trump protests"

salinaslayer ago

Soros had it all to really succede and make the world a better place in the process, his tutor was freaking Karl Popper as in the guy who separated fact from fiction in science, instead he's this mess of a human being pushing liars for hire

shoosh ago

As Soros mixes with his Australian pedo politico buddies and gets his busloads of paid workers to stir shit in the public.

rooting4redpillers ago

I thoroughly enjoyed Inauguration Day. I would have anyway, given my decades-long disgust for HRC. But, what I've learned HERE in the last month+ has completely changed the way I see all of these politicians. Trump made me nuts during the run-up, but today, I love him BIGLY. I love you pg investigators too. Big job, voluntarily working your asses off to make the world safe again, for defenseless children today, and for future generations.

goodguy1367 ago

HRC not getting in is one of the greatest turning points in modern history. It was the moment people said we've had enough of being cabal slaves which will flow world wide. Trump may resign shortly but if he does its all for the better of humanity and everything that happens will take us well beyond what we've been made To believe, the lies soon be turned upside down, the way it should be 👌🏾

tehlolman ago

No, it's certainly not a turning point in history. Hitlary and Trump are two sides of the same coin. He is still considered the anti-establishment guy right now. You just wait and see while that slowly fades away.

MAGA is nothing but Hope and Change 2.0. In other words, nothing will fucking change. If you look at his cabinet choices that will be made abundantly clear.

MrGodspeed ago

Periscoper, now says he sees a microphone & loudpeaker being set up outside so someone from Comet Ping Pong can address the crowd.

think_whatif ago

I think these "Christian" protesters are so over the top they are likely fake.

They are designed to elicit pro-Comet responses from the neighborhood and to draw in reporting from the media who are there for the Trump inauguration.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Likely paid shills by the deep state, or they found some wackos and paid their expenses to make pizzagate'ers look like bozos.

Atlantean120 ago

They're Crisis Actors. Google the term everyone!

MrGodspeed ago

Too bad the video quality outside was so shitty you couldn't even make any faces out.

shoosh ago

yeah, I noticed that was pretty convenient. Why not go right up and video the person with the bull-horn. Of course he wouldn't do that. They want to distract to take the heat of the issue of child sex trafficking.

MrGodspeed ago

It sucks that they are all just screaming about gays

think_whatif ago


MrGodspeed ago

Guy Periscoping says he heard that James Alefantis is on his way over to Comet Ping Pong right now to address the crowd.

MrGodspeed ago

It's live right now (as of 8:32p Eastern Time) on Periscope by someone named Joe Justice. He said if he can get 500 viewers...he'll go INSIDE with his camera. Maybe this was posted earlier? I couldn't find it though.