zoltan907 ago

The Spin Bin has articles describing how Key avoided Trump's phone calls after the U.S. election, possibly because he was annoyed by the TPP not passing; and how he helped establish New Zealand as a tax haven for foreign investors. http://archive.is/8IN6L

Here's a list of 400 lies Key has told: http://archive.is/Cd3ux.

zoltan907 ago

John Key's ponytail-pulling is as creepy as Joe Biden's power-touch grab-ass. http://archive.is/agcVD

"In December 2014, Mr Key was accused of making fun of domestic violence.

"He was photographed at a radio station wearing a t-shirt that read 'I'm not sorry for being a man'.

"That t-shirt was seen as a response to a speech by former NZ Labour leader David Cunliffe, in which he told a women’s refuge symposium: 'I'm sorry for being a man … because family and sexual violence is perpetrated overwhelmingly by men against women and children.'

"Mr Key said at the time that Mr Cunliffe's speech was 'insulting' because not all men treated women poorly.

"In December 2015, Mr Key came under fire for playing along with a radio stunt which made light of prison rape."

Proving that the apple vdoesn't fall far from the tree, the former PM's douchebag son Max caused a scandal in October by posting a Snapchat video of himself yelling "Real men ride women!" at a group of passing cyclists. http://archive.is/DJGQj

salinaslayer ago

Tabloid quality journalism but it's a start

Gigabump ago

The 2016 film, "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" is a parody about the child services department in New Zealand abusing and exploiting native children and how the government assists them in doing so. There are tons of direct and hidden references in it meant to attack the Illuminati/Elites, Satanism, Pedophilia, Government Surveillance and Sex Trafficking. It's a very funny movie but it is a huge F.U. to George Bush/Clintons and the New Zealand Government. It's a great movie - it's a total a-ha flick if you're familiar with Cherrygate and Pizzagate.

Littlebird1 ago

I have been wanting to see this movie, I saw the movie 'Boy' by the same director and loved it. I will definitely watch it with these issues in mind.

Gigabump ago

It is a parody about the child services department in New Zealand abusing and exploiting native children and how the government assists them in doing so. There are tons of direct and hidden references in it meant to attack the Illuminati/Elites, Satanism, Pedophilia, Government Surveillance and Sex Trafficking. It's a very funny movie but it is a huge F.U. to George Bush/Clintons and the New Zealand Government. It's a great movie - it's a total a-ha flick if you're familiar with Cherrygate and Pizzagate.

Nana66 ago

What the, art? Scroll up..

Salone Del Podesta

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

He was also former global finance division head at merryl lynch and turned a 10bn surplus into a similar sized debt. Absolute plant but we have less than 50% turnouts here, most people outside of cities hate politicians.

hojuruku ago

I have a big issue with a NZ herald gay pedophile Journalist Lincoln Tan. YOU BET THEY WERE TALKING IN PEDOPHILE CULT AHEM CODE. You will find him praising Jewish trannies and all sort of other filth but ignores another HK UNHCR registered poitical refugee from NZ - me. He was involved in stopping the truth coming out about NZ Government Schools sending their children to a Korean pedophile ring known as Jeju International English Village. I was on KBS national news in Korea exposing (the non sexual parts) relating to them, yet that this filthy organization's dealings with the NZ Government were Hushed up.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgLTS_30pms I researcher is welcome to all my emails / dossier on him.

What makes him Suspect is that he said the Korean Embassy said the owner of Jeju International English Village was a honorable guy. There are 30,000 Korean mainstream news stories about that cunt. Look for the mention of it on this thread to get some interesting images http://8ch.net/pol/res/8840305.html#q8842616

Who wants to pump me for more, I'll have to work digging up the materials and research? Up to you guys.

Intheknow ago

let loose the fire brother

hojuruku ago

The call is backed up from an old mobile phone (Galaxy Tab ML-180 Korean version) I had in Korea... it will take yonks to dig it up but believe me I have it and all my personal data is distributed with a ghost wolf that has my back, and my family. I'm busy taking on bigger fuckers in Australia to worry about NZ, but I am a NZ citizen and technically a refugee from NZ too due to the backing of warrants scheme between the two countries. bit.ly/aurefugee2 UNHCR document says I'm a political refugee from NZ though it's really Australia.

hojuruku ago

Email to NZ government years ago complaining about NZ herald here (who talk in Pizzagate pedo code as OP says) defending a pedophile ring. [email protected], [email protected]

i didn't make it clear in my previous email.

The attached "miniwon" on the previous email is the response to an official Korean government FOI. Get it translated and verified if you are curious. If the Korean embassy gives me the bird today, again, I'll go to the ILO.ORG to expose Korea's child labor siting NZ (not your embassy - but back in NZ the media / department of education) - KR cover-up of NZ children being worked for profit abroad. Remember government news reporters, and freelance ones have already been prosecuted by Korea's notorious truth is no defense against defamation libel laws for exposing this. State sponsored Child abuse. (See KBS see the jeju documentary youtube video - outlines physical abuse (not sexual) against the children at the camp. I made that happen and got the gov reporters on the case to put it on the KBS world national 9 pm news as well.

Lee Chan Won who not only sells NZ kids, that makes Korean Government Education law for the Democratic United party - as cited on their official blog blog.minjoo.kr/591 that also claims he is a professor of journalism and So-gang University.

You might want to check the credentials of people you make education exchange treaties with before signing.

Ministry of education on government letterhead confirms he has no degree. This is who NZ government schools is partnering with - Jeju International Child sex camps. "Jeju international English Village". The other foreigners who worked at the camp (an unlicensed institution that used the state to sue detractors) were in breech of their Visa Condition. There were NZ children at the camp when I was there. I can give you details on the NZ citizen who is pimping his child out for money (as a teacher). It's the Korean children who made direct reports to me and my ex wife of the child sexual abuse. When my ex wife demanded I get paid, or I"ll be divorced from that stupid job I really had no choice to picket the supply of new teachers to the camp and the local airport (Airport security chief bumped into one of the staff members in his work for the NPA (Korean National Police) that's why I was given special permission to protest inside an airport.)

I turned around one South African former employee of the English camp and was successful in disrupting their operations. Any more explict details such as names of people involved and their contact information is available on request.

That's what you see on the 9pm national news regarding me at the airport with a big yellow sign (see popular youtube videos on youtube.com/hojuruku)

I'd do something about this, and ask that your government schools don't sent their children into the custody of convicted criminals.

I wouldn't have had to given this encouragement for them to do their job (re the ILO) if the clerk just accepted the form I was given from her counterparts in Australia. On the big PDF i sent - the left hand side is the Korean Government institutions that support the child abusing business (law enforcement, judges, prosecutors) and the right hand side is the other institutions that have supported my cause and took legal action against this criminal NZ child selling enterprise.

How Dare the Korean Embassy in NZ LIE to Lincoln Tan, NZ Herald reporter to bury the story saying Lee Chan Won is not a convicted criminal when the public record - and media releases from Korean institutions (Fair Trade Commission - Consumer Affairs, and court convictions database) begs to differ.

Am I being a criminal by campaigning against child labor, and child sexual abuse here? I think not.

You can see why I want to divorce myself of Korea and have nothing to do with the country. Please help me make this happen.



hojuruku ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUX9W5CnX-U Bugger the dailystormer comments with my dirt on lincoln tan got redacted when they upgraded their comments - as mentioned in here and this video's description. I didn't make up these claims yesterday. The guy is a shifty cunt, and I've go him on tape. Let's see what I can find quickly in my gmail.

Vinny is a communist bastard. Hate him these days. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Luke McKee hojuruku@gmail.com Date: 20 February 2013 06:46 Subject: attention stewart dye. jeju international english village, a criminal organization taking custody of NZ herald - lincoln tan coverup To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Geoffrey McKee gamckee@gmail.com, [email protected]

NZ Herald Editorial:

This is a notice of intent.

If the NZ Herald does not publish a story regarding NZ Children from PineHurst sent through Agent HEEMAN edu to Korea to work with financial compentation given to the school and it's teachers for Jeju international English vilage, or in 2006 Wairu intermediate school in Auckland doing the same...


Play on air on the Vinny Eastwood show this friday at 12 PM

Audio of lincoln tan saying he was [given false information] from the Korean Embassy to NZ that this organization is not a criminal organization.

4 Korean government organizations have issued press releases regarding the criminality of this organization that has been taking custody of NZ minors and using them for profit.

The links to their press releases is attached on the picture montage if have sent. Get some of your korean talent to explain.

Here is footage of myself on Korean National 9PM news in HD to 50 million Korean TV sets regarding the Jeju office of education filing CRIMINAL CHARGES GIVEN TO LICOLN TAN over a year ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgLTS_30pms The headline is "Unregistered Criminal English Camp" in Korean. It's website jejuevillage.com promised NZ children.

He claimed to have used Korean talent when research the issue and calling me to my mobile from overseas. Yet he claims not to believe the Korean state broadcaster, and the embassy making comments in support of this crmiminal child labor exploiting organization, who at the camp I partipated in made use of 5 year old girl for profit. It will be interesting to see if the Korean embassy will admit to this or if Licoln Tan will be left as the sole person chosen to cover up NZ children been sent to serve a criminal organization that puts job ads for "working children" on Wornplay.co.kr and f2visajobs.com - documents lilncon tan has already seen.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyG1exVUy6o Here is a KBS State Broadcaster documentary from See the Jeju on children being locked in cold rooms in the middle of winter who's parents had paid over $1000 NZD each to put their kids in classrooms with NZ children (the businesses unique criminal marketing strategy). He didn't pay the gas, and as the old facility he advertised the children had been at was demolished in 2010 (I have news links for that with pictures http://www.jejudomin.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=21604)) It also features a government offical speaking on why he is filing criminal charges against the business, but Lincoln Tan knows better.

Here's the sign for the camp in it's demolished sate http://jejudomin.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=25728 - here's the sign for the camp in a promotional video featuring NZ kids doing the haka advertising this child labor sale for profit business. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE3d18VQcLs The old location was advertised to the Korean parents. They couldn't find where their children were taken to and there were kidnapping reports made. The childrens phones were confsicated.

http://www.jejudomin.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=26720 Here is myself on the front page of the Newspaper talking about my apperence on the national news and more.

This google search query will give you 40 minstream newspaper articles from the one paper alone going back 2 years. The crimes of thins business goes back to 2004. " 영어마을 site:www.jejudomin.co.kr "

Here is an audio tape of an Australian principal admitting he was taken to brothels in an attempt to corrupt him to ensure child supply. https://soundcloud.com/hojuruku/jeiv-ceo-takes-aussie-principals-to-brothels

We might to a specal 2 hour show on this in the future.

Searching Jeju International English village in Korean characters will return over 1000 newspaper articles, including KBS, MBC, SBS, and other news stories resulting from the government press reseases citing criminality. But Lincon Tan knows better.

I gave names of all staff and those involved in the NZ schools. You can start with Bernadette Wales at Wairau. She is still there. She talks of how their return tickets were threatened not to be given if the children didn't work.

The story of physical and threats of violence abuse, to un paid human trafficked American teachers at the camp was published in your namesake in the Korean Herald in 2007, in the same camp where Wariau school children were in attendance. The camp was closed due to an immigration raid and over 100 Korean children were abandoned in a different part of the country causing all their parents to have to fly to the rescue.


This was published before PineHurst School children were sent to this criminal organization all expenses paid to work illegally. Remember the business has been charged with child labor and the ILO.ORG is overseeing.

[email protected] has the footage of Pinehurst elementary school children being broadcast on KBS national news, when the camp was confronted in 2011. That video was redacted due to court action but I'm sure he'll assist a fellow journalist and provide you with the archive footage.

Currently as you can see, The NZ herald journalist is on tape saying he's killing the story because he says all these government sources are wrong and passes the blame to a foreign government feeding him false claims to interfere with the NZ press. This is a diplomatic incident.

If you will run with the story I can provide more sources and other people for you to interview in NZ and abroad who are eye-witnesses. If you don't run the story, then prepared to be have your journalistic integrity come under some serious scrutiny.

For your information this matter just just an ice-breaker in the show. The main content is far more serious and regards the NZ Backing of Warrants scheme, a law which your abassador I met yesterday said is flawed, because it allows a foreign power to exercise it's law on NZ citizens, who of course didn't vote for any politicans who made them. It will only take 10 mins to explain this cover-up, that is of course you are still covering up the story by 12 PM Friday NZT.

The owner of the business - the young girl child labor exploiter (see 5 year old American child worker Hana Helenski on the tiff file attached) makes Korean's government's educational law. blog.minjoo.kr/591 for the Democratic United Party - for the election they won in 2008. You should think why the Korean embassy can't be trusted if they contradict their own state media.

Kind Regards,

Luke McKee +82 70 7847 6725

postfascion ago

That's the thing. Could be just the abusers "they" want gone are being outed. What about the ones that remain?

followthemoney ago

The Kiwi judge already resigned after doing, basically, no work.

Godwillwin ago

Really?!! Wow. That's interesting.

DevilintheDetails ago

Nice job! Has anyone looked in to "Elm House" in UK?

Godwillwin ago

From Wikipedia:

"After the former Home Secretary Leon Brittan died in January 2015, he was accused of "multiple child rape". Labour MP Tom Watson said he had spoken to two people who claimed they were abused by Brittan, including a man who alleged he had been attacked more than a dozen times as a boy. The alleged victim also said he had seen Brittan assault others. Watson said that he—along with others, including media organisations—had known of the accusations but had decided not to speak out of fear of prejudicing any jury trial that Brittan might have one day faced. Watson said he believed the alleged victims he had spoken to were "sincere".[59]

The Independent on Sunday reported allegations that Leon Brittan had abused a pre-pubescent boy at Elm Guest House in 1982. The boy had been taken to a safe venue by police after being abused by several people, one of whom was allegedly Brittan. In 1990, Chris Fay, a campaigner for the National Association of Young People in Care, claimed on oath that Brittan had been involved in abuse and that in March 1990 he had seen a photograph of Brittan in a French maid's uniform, with a young boy. The picture had been shown to him by Carole Kasir, co-owner of the Elm Guest House, who died weeks later.[60]

Allegations were reported that Brittan had been photographed attending a male prostitution orgy in 1986. It was alleged that young boys were picked up at Kings Cross, London and dropped off at a north London building to be repeatedly raped, but the day before the planned arrests of Brittan and other high-profile figures including the Liberal MP Cyril Smith the 1986 investigation was disbanded without explanation.[61]

Meanwhile, in March 2015, BBC's Newsnight reported that a 1981 undercover police operation which gathered evidence of child abuse by Cyril Smith and other public figures was scrapped shortly after Smith was arrested. A former police officer, who is familiar with the original investigation and its closure, told Newsnight that Smith was arrested during an investigation into alleged sex parties with teenage boys in south London. During the three-month inquiry in 1981, officers reportedly gathered a substantial amount of evidence of men abusing boys. The order to scrap the inquiry came from a senior officer after Smith and others had been arrested. Police officers were then ordered to hand over all their evidence—including notebooks and video footage—and were warned to keep quiet about the investigation or face prosecution under the Official Secrets Act. Labour MP Simon Danczuk said: "It is my view that Smith was being protected by some fairly powerful people. They ensured that he was never put before the courts."[62]

Also in March 2015, it was reported by The Sunday Times that police were looking into new allegations of child abuse committed by the former Speaker of the House of Commons George Thomas and Labour MP Leo Abse. The new allegations have been passed to officers leading an investigation into an alleged "network of politicians". Earlier in 2014, South Wales Police confirmed that officers were investigating allegations that Thomas abused a boy aged 9.[63]"

Again, if it's happening in all these other nations, there's no reason why anyone should think it's not happening in the US - especially when you consider the mountains of jaw dropping circumstantial evidence that we've found

Here's the link to Wikipedia's info on Elm House https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elm_Guest_House_child_abuse_scandal

Pimlico square is a name I've run across before. Wasn't there a spy agent found in a duffle bag there?

Godwillwin ago

I ran across articles about it a few months ago and it's where they took the children for their "parties"

Psalm100 ago


Godwillwin ago

Wow! This is definitely related. Look at the comments beside her post- they say her dad is molesting her. One calls her a slut and another calls her a victim. This girl is obviously a victim of this stuff Fiona talked about. Fiona said they called her candy girl. I guess they call this girl cherry girl?

We see the same weird stuff in her "art" -Satanic stuff: pentagram, horns, upside down cross. We also see the one eye, and is that pepperoni and bacon on her chest in the first pic? I'm on my phone so really can't tell. New zealand seems to be "woke" too! They are quite aware of Key and his love for pizza.

I just want law enforcement to acknowledge all these connections. Their arresting some John Doe for child porn on his computer isn't enough! There's so much more that demands their full attention.

PresudentMcCheese ago

I've banged your daughter several times so your comment made me laugh, T. I.


Tony Podesta a 'handsome dude'? What are these people on?


Mike Baird, the premier of New South Wales (Australia), has suddenly resigned, a day before Trump was inaugurated. Seems suspicious that he's quitting politics 'to spend more time with his family' when he's only 48. Anyone who resigns at this point in time raises a lot of questions. NSW politicians are an extremely dodgy lot, corrupt as hell. Who knows why he's really quitting?

hojuruku ago

Political refugee from Australian gay pedophilia politics here. https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/08/federal-mp-george-christensens.html

Godwillwin ago

Australia is big into this stuff - Kidman. That has to be why he resigned. I mean it could be something else, but i doubt it

FriesischShipping ago

His daughter N. Kidman has reached the age where the torture created personalities should be aware of each other. I'm afraid she has too many handlers around her keeping the truth from coming out though.

Birdzeyeview ago

only allegations on Kidman come from a huge fraud, Fiona Barnett.


postfascion ago

Don't you understand your language outs you? Fucking shill.

FriesischShipping ago

Fuck off James. Start snitching or vanish yourself.

Godwillwin ago

She's not a fraud. Doctors and psychologists have testified on her behalf


It wouldn't surprise me if it was related. There seems to have been a worldwide network of Clinton sycophants in positions of power and the evidence is that pedophilia and Satanism is a kind of glue holding them all together. I'm wondering if Trudeau in Canada will last much longer. My gut feeling is that he will be gone soon too.

OrwellKnew ago

There has been a quickening in world events lately. This is going to snowball into much, much more, imo

Vindicator ago

I do indeed hope so.

zoltan907 ago


elijah_seriousbuisness@wets_locc her dad is fucking her

wets_locc I know the sluty bitch @allanjamesjnr_

elijah_seriousbuisness@wets_locc she's a victim of an elite grooming group man she gets passed around to all government officials this girl needs help

Britney Spears nipple covers: http://archive.is/Aw200

Drawing that looks like a sexualized child: http://archive.is/5nGtP

Topless Barbie with rose, has-tagged #minime #cherry #baby #clone: http://archive.is/x8ZVg

Godwillwin ago

"#babyclone" :(

postfascion ago

Cloning is a strawman argument shill.

FriesischShipping ago

It's the shillest doesn't even fucking matter argument I've ever seen ever, flat-earth level.

postfascion ago


zoltan907 ago

In Nov. 2014, Key was criticized for making an insensitive joke about Phillip John Smith, an escaped murderer and pedophile. Smith went to prison for stabbing to death the father of a boy he had molested over a three-year period. Smith got out of prison on a temporary release, and fled to Chile, and then to Brazil.


Someone helped Smith obtain a passport under his birth name, Philip John Traynor. There was no record of incarceration or court orders against him under his legal name. Police launched an investigation into how Smith was able to get a passport and money for plane fare while he was incarcerated.

http://archive.is/XHntb http://archive.is/TXWio

Upon his release from prison, Smith was supposed to stay with a sponsor (one of his two sponsors was a relative of his), but he never arrived, and his sponsors didn't notify the prison until two days later. The corrections office also failed to check into his whereabouts for two days.

"In 1998 a family member of the man Smith killed told a parliamentary justice and law reform select committee that police had found a 'hit list' in the murderer's prison cell.

"'I am apparently No 3 after my nephew,' the relative said at the time. 'I still don't know to today how he knows my surname or where I live.'...

"Smith once complained to the Police Complaints Authority about the police's refusal to give him some exhibits from his trial - he wanted the underpants and photographs of the boy he was abusing.




Smith raped a 10-year-old neighbor, continued the abuse for three years, and after the boy told his parents, Smith broke into their house in the middle of the night and stabbed the boy's father 19 times. Smith had also blackmailed a businessman, threatening to reveal a same-sex affair if the businessman didn't pay him $25,000.

"Smith accumulated 20 convictions since 1991 before he was sentenced for extortion and before being found guilty of murder, aggravated robbery and six sexual offences.

"Among those offences were fraud, possession of a firearm, assault with a blunt instrument, common assault, attempted arson, cultivating cannabis, making a false statement to police, theft and escaping custody."


hojuruku ago

In Australia gay judges have ruled pedophile's don't have to use their real names in court: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html We got the pedo @garryburnsblog real name from a Psych report here. https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/08/federal-mp-george-christensens.html The pedophiel's real name is "Garry Richard Burns" and if you look that up on case law you will see he was nearly jailed for heterophobic hate crimes to police. Then in the Mainstream media and in case law AND WITH THE POLICE WHO HAVE THE COPS SYSTEM IN NSW TO STOP THIS HAPPENING, this pedophile suspect who is best friends (we have emails) with Deputy Comissioner NSW Police counter terrorism Catherine Justh Burns was allowed to use the fake name at court as a serial litigant and in police complaints, and in the coronors courts 1000s of times as "gary burns" on austlii.edu.au case law database.

We have the transcripts of gay judge Alexander Wakefield who uses the fake name John Wakefield in court saying you don't have to use your real name in court anymore.

Gay Police Raided John's house over this blog post. We have the ERISP interview. Will share if I'm pushed.

And before he was sheep-dipped just after he started using his fake name in Criminal, Civil, Media and the courts this pops up - blows you away: http://www.starobserver.com.au/news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/coroner-rules-on-death/7162 The second to last person to give evidence during the inquest was former Bligh candidate Gary Burns. Approximately 90 police statements relating to Burns’s dealings with NSW police were presented by Patrick Saidi, representing the police service.

Saidi tried to have all of Burns’s evidence dismissed, suggesting he was a vexatious complainant, who regularly made unreasonable claims about police officers.

The statements tendered by Saidi, including claims Burns had presented himself as a member of parliament and a friend of the police commissioner to young police officers, had little to do with the subject of the inquest, Milledge ruled.

Burns told the court he regularly attended beats to warn people about their dangers. Burns had also recently informed a Bankstown newspaper about a gay beat in the area.

The inquest was adjourned.

Then the dyke judge sends him a love letter claiming she used his testimony and how great he is that I have (ask for pics you want it) and the actual judgment from the inquiry praising him too published by abc 4 corners run by a faggot Chris Masters well known for his pedophile shielding. http://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/transcripts/s1677828.htm

Psalm100 ago

wtf_is_happening ago

Thank you for the link. John Key seems to be ridiculing ordinary people who are rightly outraged that this violent paedophile was allowed to slip out of the country. Interesting and revealing. ("Ridicule is man's most weapon" as Saul Alinsky writes.)

Birdzeyeview ago

and the source for this joke of an article is.....?

This guy Gohen Glass


newworldahead ago

Holy shit. I hope 2017 will be the worst nightmare of all these little twisted sub-human cowards.

target_blank ago

As a New Zealander I always was suspicious about John Keys resignation, was so out of the blue. All I heard was his reasoning was "marriage problems" maybe his wife knows something. Also, I never knew this was his daughter? Why this hasn't brought any attention to this country is beyond me. It's quite shocking. Also John Keys son has made some media waves - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VHklu2EAtI he's trying to make music and get famous. Never worked here he's just a show off.

Watcher_Down ago

Birdzeyeview ago

FFS Stephie's 'art projects' in Paris are old news. You must have been living under a rock.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Normal people never hear of things like this, because it's irrelevant nonsense. It's not even entertaining. I could say it's porn, and could have some value in that way, but even at that it's not particularly good porn. It's just nonsense. And irrelevant.

What is interesting is that it's old news to you (or else you're pretending that it is).

EQJ ago

Wow. Her (Cherry's) father John Key funneled 7 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation and resigned as New Zealand's prime Minister just a few weeks ago. These elites sure like to mentally damage their children! Just got done viewing her Instagram. Damn!!!!!

vector3rector ago

Isn't John Key, the guy that got paid under the table by the MPAA, to sue Kim Dotcom and force all his assets into forfeiture to the US? Didn't he also try to get him jailed and extradited to the US for petty, third-party copyright infringement?

Follow the money as they say.

Birdzeyeview ago

personally her 'performance art' is not my cup of tea but that is what these pics are: she is an art student and an adult as well.

nothing to see here folks. John Key is now gonna put his feet up in Hawaii and play golf. Big deal.

(his son Max likes the limelight too, see youtube for his baaaaaad music videos)

Littlebird1 ago

Apologies if this has been posted recently. It's new to me. The Prime Minister of New Zealand's daughter is clearly involved in some sort of satanic sex ring. Pictures in article included. His resignation was an immense shock. Earlier that day he posted pictures of how proud he was of Parliament house's Christmas tree. Only to later that day resign. In his resignation he states "There will always be people who come up with a million conspiracy theories". Interesting thing to say! Very telling in my opinion.

There are also links to the Clinton Foundation and recently resigned PM.

Gigabump ago

This makes the NZ film, "Hunt for the Wilderpeople," released in 2016 so much more intriguing. I had no idea the NZ PM had resigned. Amazing. The movie broke records in NZ for ticket sales - now I know why.

madmanpg ago

The Prime Minister of New Zealand's daughter is clearly involved in some sort of satanic sex ring.

No, it's not clear at all. Please stop making these bogus statements that end up as red herrings. If anything, it seems like he resigned because his daughter is making him look bad with her pornographic antics.

atheist4thecause ago

I can understand the point of saying it's not clear, but there is enough erotica here to look into it more at least. Also, there was a lot of wrongdoing by Key. Read the blog, and you can see how he made jokes about a killer who molested a child. He made highly inappropriate comments. This was not a matter of his daughter acting out and him resigning to save the family name. Key resigned because of his own wrongdoing.

Morpheus ago

There's a massive pentagram in one of her pictures.

Even if she's not consciously part of a satanic sex ring, she is expressing demonic attachments which are serving to empower the idea of satanism.

Birdzeyeview ago

"she is expressing demonic attachments which are serving to empower the idea of satanism."

only to fuckwits like you

FriesischShipping ago

Fuck off James!

madmanpg ago

There's a massive pentagram in one of her pictures.

Which proves only that she is in a photograph with a pentagram. Nothing more.

postfascion ago

If I showed you a picture of some dude fucking your mrs. how would you react?

vector3rector ago

A lot of people are into that sort of thing. Maybe not the popular majority., But there are many.

madmanpg ago

What the hell is wrong with you?

archons ago

Fuck off shill. She has all the markings of mkultra and pedo symbols in her pictures.

madmanpg ago

I've contributed more than you to this sub, so fuck off.

archons ago

I said get lost.

madmanpg ago

Go fuck yourself. This is my place, not yours.

Azagthoth ago

Our place.

madmanpg ago

What I mean is, this is not the place for people who come on, yell shill, and tell people to leave. This is the place for people who are open-minded and inclusive of various opinions. The person I'm responding to is not that.

carmencita ago

He could still be a pedophile. Evidently there is a lot of weird stuff going on in that household if those kids are such extroverts. It seems like they are going out of their way to embarrass him. Hmmm. Just sayin' there could be more than one problem going on there.

madmanpg ago

That's fine, but then you need proof. This isn't it.