allthecoolkids ago

Haim Saban .. .Now there's a real American ...

Oh, wait....

MAGABoomer ago

First Swann hit-piece courtesy of Israeli billionaire Haim Saban, owner of Gizmodo/Gawker/The Onion/Univision and a top Clinton-donor and Podesta friend and KIDDIE FUCKER


ArthurEdens ago

The Onion stopped being funny overnight. Must be when the pedos took over

Tanngrisnir ago

Ahhhh, so that is what happened. Even the insane was saying that The Onions fellating of Democrats was getting to be a bit much.

b8ta ago

Yes, and don't forget he (Univision/Fusion) picked up The Young Turks. As a former daily watcher, and TYT's own YouTube records corroborate this, TYT's tone changed to defiantly anti-Trump, demonizing him and brushing off Clinton scandals exactly one month after Fusion picked them up. They have even dismissed Pizzagate, while screaming and insulting anyone who chooses to look at the evidence and ask questions. Haim Saban's Wikipedia is like a train wreck of government corruption. Take this little gem: "Saban supported Hillary Clinton for President of the United States in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Between June 2015 and June 2016, he and his wife donated US$7 million to Priorities USA, a pro-Clinton Super PAC. Meanwhile, Saban has called Republican candidate Donald Trump "a danger to America".


The more hit pieces that get published, the more confirmation we have that Pizzagate is real.

Jem777 ago

Something odd is going on. Why would a "Jewish" billionaire be on the same side as those who represents them. I think it woul be very helpful for everyone to research the difference between the alleged "Jews" who control the media and the world allegedly and historical account of the Jewish people. It is quite shocking. What if it might be true that the original disinformation campaign was made by those claiming to be "Jewish" twisting original scripture into their own perversion and writing their own customs. Research oral and written evidence. I am not Jewish or practice Judaism just study history and wondering.

redditsuckz ago

Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media

Who Controls your Mind?

Dont be surprised if this thread is deleted by the JIDF

idkdu ago

He's a producer and composer and often goes under the pseudonym of Kussa Mahchi.

He did the super creepy Gimme Pizza featuring the Olsen twins. Here's a slowed-down version; others on youtube as well.

dickface8 ago

Oh shit, he really produced that video? This rabbit hole is deeper than anyone could imagine...

derram ago :

$10 Million Says Hillary Wins - Bloomberg :

CBS Imbecile Just Fanned the Pizzagate Flames for No Reason :

5 Things To Know About ‘Pizzagate’ - The Onion - America's Finest News Source

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