Millennial_Falcon ago

curtis_c_flush, rule 1: I'm not seeing direct relevance to pizzagate. consider positng to /v/pizzagatewhatever

JrSlimss ago

The Pizzagate Wiki's known this for a long time. You guys should read it sometime. Here's their article on the Gawker shutdown that explains the circumstances leading to him buying it.

Tanngrisnir ago

Go Go Pedo Rangers!

pizzaequalspedo ago

Which goes back to how "little" the internet actually is. I used to believe the internet was the wild west of capitalism, but in fact it's controlled by the elite, just like any other major industry.

I am honestly wondering if the governments (US, EU, etc) are picking winners and losers ala China. Deciding who can and can't make it as a company or who gets the investment capital needed to become a major company. It would be a great way to control the private sector.

Communism failed, so a new form of control was needed.

redditsuckz ago

Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media

Who Controls your Mind?

carmencita ago

Sounds like reality TV. Just like Shark Tank. I hate that show.

derram ago :

$10 Million Says Hillary Wins - Bloomberg

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