I was not surprised that her twitter reads no huge developments or shr has not capitalized in the rise in consciousness of the nature of human trafficking. What was surprising is how the tweets she receives by so called anti trafficking organizations seem more like promotional messages for abuse. I went down the rabbit hole and I want to mention some simple examples. Please keep in mind I am not a writer nor an investigator and this is simply me lurking saftly in the surface. I came across this ark of hope for children group ,who should be flagged for spamming in my estimation. Not to be confused with hope for guniea but I digress. Their logo is sketchy
img[/img][/url] this youtube video is disturbing (https://youtu.be/X6W3tDdAkIE)) I also feel their twitter hash tags are insinuating. Further in I came across this
[http://archive.is/URY0K] [https://notinmyworld.org]
check out the extremely creepy comments to say the least
in risk of being called paranoid I'm going to wonder if blackhorn33 is a Moloch reference and 33 mmm I have to wonder that blackhorn1 trough 32 were taken allready?
this is not a bull with horns.
And last and least
I got nothing on him maybe Lori Handrahan can help.
Thanks for being a warrior for this dimension David seaman with your help it will be what it should be and some. Now toughen up and push trough. Please
fuspezza ago
The rabithole connects mr Mod Vindicator
Piscina ago
Notinmyworld.org is creepy af. Owl is featured on their website. Members are referred to as 'our circle'. They mention 'Someone had to be sacrificed….'
Their facebook page talks about The Carousel Center, which features a swirl, eerily similar to the FBI pedo logo: https://www.facebook.com/NotinmyworldOrg Associated organisations feature the same heart shape: http://ourmomspot.net/community/index.php?PHPSESSID=0d1f954e2179f7e6e488b3d2c22d5992&topic=9290.0 Another associated org Crazy Love Parents featuring an owl: https://crazyloveparents.com/ This is a comment on the page: "I run a Funday School on Wednesday for Children who mostly come from broken and Dysfunctional homes, they share their pain , their nightmares their fears and doubts, I know they don’t feel they are Loved, not often said out loud but it’s shown. The main focus of my Funday School is to share with the Children regardless of their age, how much Jesus Loves them and that He is their Best Friend and will always be there for them. When they share that they wake up frightened, I tell them to talk to Him the same as I did until I was deceived that I came from an Ape by my Teacher and my Mother who had Adopted me. The Children tell me they always feel better after they talk to Jesus"
Anyone who has been around children KNOWS that they don't talk openly about their abuse. Because they have no frame of reference they don't even recognise it as abuse, usually not until they get help when they get older. Children are egocentric, so everything that happens to them, they believe, happens BECAUSE of them. So when they are abused the believe that they did something to cause it. That brings with it great shame. That's why children don't speak of abuse that happens to them. Something is really off in those comments.
Piscina ago
Those comments are not what they seem. Those people are talking in code.
wokethefkup ago
What I find odd is their grammar is great, yet in places that don't make sense they have words that are capitalized. Definitely coded and something is just off.
Vindicator ago
Fuspezza, can you please clarify the connection between Handrahan and the stuff you link to after saying "you went down the rabbit hole"? I saw nothing on her twitter related to the other stuff you linked to. We are getting a lot of disingenuous posts at the moment. Please clarify. Thanks.
fuspezza ago
Be glad too and keep in mind I did most of the research Christmas eve. So far (http://archive.is/URY0KLZHRBbN.jpg)) [url=(http://i.imgtc.com/sMxyZTK.png)]img[/img][/url] I can post more if need to be
Vindicator ago
Not seeing the connection between Ark of Hope and Handrahan...maybe it was the broken archive.is link? ^
fuspezza ago
redditsuckz ago
She's got her hand in everything;
The Justice Department’s Child Porn Problem - By Dr. Lori Handrahan
To Catch Government Workers With Ties to Child Porn, Call the IRS - Lori Handrahan, Ph.D.
Here is her other twitter;
derram ago
None :
https://archive.is/D3kw6 :
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