thestormking ago

I guess we'll never know what this post was about since it was never archived.

Fateswebb ago

Wow the fox 5 D.C. Page says cannot be found.

LostandFound ago

Providing you started the tunnel system in a remote area you could run all the dirt out one exit, so it would not necessarily mean that if there tunnels in D.C. or elsewhere the dirt could be coming out any of the access ways. Unlike something like the euro channel tunnel between London and Paris where people started on either side so the only place to put the dirt was out each sides respective entrance. If only one boring machine started in London then all the dirt would be in London

Criticalthinker615 ago

Im not in d.c. but I have been noticing a massive tunnel system under my city as well.. Seems to run from airport to key strategic places around city like the governors manision, area fema installation, national guard armory....they have supposedly built and entire highway system underground that crosses the country with maglev trains....supposedly d.c. to Vegas only takes 45 mins with this system

SayWhatNOWAY ago

They say the Denver Airport has secret tunnels ect..

Criticalthinker615 ago

Yep more than that. An entire city thatis slated to replace DC after some "event"... just look up "Denver replacement Capitol" or some tag words like that

garlicknots ago

I'd imagine it's named after Fran Drescher and her mouth of course.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you for this. I have a mini project that I keep meaning to get to, involving the Washington tunnels and the Navy. I'll just leave a couple of links here to get back to, time permitting:,


Drug and Human Traffickers Control the Underground Tunnels Into the U.S.,

Wal-Mart’s ‘Invisible Army’ of Lobbyists, (includes Podesta Group, $10,000 to Dianne Feinstein, $5,000 to Max Baucus, $5,000 to Henry Waxman, $3,500 to John Conyers, and $2,500 to John Lewis).

zzvoat ago

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