throwaway345678 ago

They are not affiliated with pizzagategear /@isthisgameofthrones in any way, do you have a SHRED of evidence of that?

And do you you have a shred of 'misinformation" they have spread?

Lots of people started gofundmes related to this movement. People donate to David Seaman all day long, or Grace, but suddenly it is a problem specifically with this website?

If the donate link is a problem you would have to never post a david seaman link here either, or any other site that asks for donations.

I've seen your "list" and your information has no evidence at all. I cannot believe you are believed by anyone. Back up any of your claims.

amCassandraAMA ago

hah, Seaman now has over 4000 bucks a month on his patreon by yelling "PIZZAGATE IS REAL! THEY ARE DELETING MY WIKIPEDIA PAGE!" for months now without doing any real work at all. But I am the problem

Vindicator ago

Thanks for voicing your concerns ArmySeer. Please repost this in v/pizzagatemods. I need to remove this post per Rule 4.

PleadingtheYiff ago

You realize this guy is a shill who has been harassing us on multiple social media platforms for weeks now right?

We are a legitimate news source and if you'd bothered to actually click on our link you'd have realized that. This is a pure and simple effort to discredit our work. I am the guy who broke the Laura Silsby story and started this entire investigation, Wikileaks tweeted my research in November just before Election Day.

We aren't affiliated with pizzagategear in any way, shape or form. This guy has submitted literally zero evidence to corroborate his claims.

Were you going to reach out for us to get our side of the story or just let this person get our legitimate website banned for no reason?