gopluckyourself ago

kybarnet rule 1, 4 meta post please repost over in /v/pizzagatewhatever
also honeypot much

eiggaMAD ago

Something seems off about this, I can't figure out exactly what other then it feel likes an overzealous infomercial...very 'got some candy in my car' feels

wh0care ago

bruh, its a total Sabu-Anonymous style pastebin in my opinion lol, iam floating around with some anons peeps too and they are not on the #ProofOfLife thing anymore now, many didnt even bite in it before, look, just the beginning of the pastebin is enough for me "today it was confirmed to us that Julian Assange had been assassinated by the Central Intelligence Agency"

come on..their last video AMA si a total proof of life for me, and if anyone can debunk it ,please do and inform us, how they could have fake a CGI Julian in LIVE asking LIVE questions and giving us LIVE numbers of the BlockChain...seriously i'll wait...iam all for being skeptic and cautious, and i dont affirm that they are not compromised at 100% , i can't. But regarding to proof of life, now i believe we are good with their live video.

And again, if u can proove me wrong please do.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Well George Lucas can probably prove you wrong, but you didn't hear it from me (sip).

wh0care ago

even Georges Lucas cant fake that shit in Live like it, with the Blockchain Numbers given,and sports results etc ? no sorry...iam still wait to someone can proove it, its total non-sense at this it was a fake CGI Julian in live answering questions for hours ? lol, i mean this is seriously what u believe ??

i thought i was a paranoid tinfoil hat, but at this point its too much for me guys lol...and i seriously believe in a lot of crazy stuff and be really open minded but come on...

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Nah. I don't know. I wish him love and health. I pray he is fine.

Jem777 ago

Exactly. Think people

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

"Hey Girl. Like my van. Want some candy? Wanta get rounded up like cattle? Hobbies: shootin fish in a barrel, mahn.....blah blah blah

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Wtf is a robust set of pages? Hey, anybody wanta get offed? Wtf wtf?

eiggaMAD ago

Lmao @ robust set of pages

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Yeah Senate or House pages?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Didn't some wikileaks people get killed? Or trapped in an embassy? I thought we were doing something HERE.

sore_ass_losers ago

Sounds good to me; would think wikileaks would be an ally.

Voat is great for discussion but crap for organizing information.

NeedPolyGF ago

I'm interested.

I'm more interested in ending corruption in general, so if that's one of the goals, I'll try it out.

DevilintheDetails ago

Seems sketch af..

victuruslibertas ago

Be careful...

lawfag123 ago

I'll consider it once there are more releases. The Pizzagate investigation is pretty decentralized already, its all over youtube and various blogs, including voat.

ansipizza ago

When Mr Assange is asked whether Wikileaks will take on a particular project he has consistently answered that WikiLeaks only wants to publish things that aren't available anywhere else. This seems to be a departure from that mission. Make of it what you will.

RobinRedBreast ago

I'll happily do so, whenever wikileaks mention pizzagate, because right now children are in danger, that's the priority on our minds.

Riva ago

Yeah, I don't think I'll be giving 'wikileaks' any of my information. ..

doubleherpes ago

Then somebody should make a trusted alternative. Cuz the idea of making Tails more popular is probably the best idea ever.

What Would Snowden Do?

Riva ago

Oh i agree. I just think this is a good honeypot. People who want to do well, who want to help and elevate the cause. Handing the people who want to shut it down their information for the lofty goal of getting 'legitimized' by wikileaks? This is about facts and information, not about having a circle-jerk about verification.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Circle jerk! Lol yeah, it seems like one.

kybarnet ago

Assange did a live ask me anything, with video streaming about 3 days ago on Reddit.

As far as all Reddit communities go, even /r/whereisassange , all have agreed Assange is alive, and not under duress.

I would presume he would notify someone if he no longer had control of the twitter or, but I'll leave that up to you.

Likewise, I don't know if you understand how Tails or Tor work together, but it's virtually impossible to identify a users, and at no point can one identify what the users sent, only that 2 computers were using electricity within milliseconds of each other, and so on. That is the best they can do, and requires international warrants, analysis of the power grid, and so on. I think there might be 4 or so instances throughout time where they were able to do so successfully, and they already were tracking both targets, so they knew exactly which two computers to monitor before hand.

There is no way to track random users using Tails and Tor together, but they can track sites hosted at .onion or two high profile persons utilizing computers at known locations, so long as they got shit tons of international warrants, etc. But even then, they can't identify what was said, only that the computers were both being used within milliseconds, which done over repeated intervals has been sufficient to establish communication.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

"I'll only stick it in halfway" "I'll pull out!" "Let's get married tomorrow"

doubleherpes ago

Upvoated you but it doesn't show. Spoooooky!

Investigate1999 ago

I think that voat takes a while to show the results of votes and distinguishing.

EndThePizza ago

Yeah, you're going to find a lot of people rightfully skeptical and wary of this idea

dindonufin ago

How is this not concern trolling?

justanotherpizza ago

Until the original crypto signing keys are used I assume wiki leaks is a turned asset. Also this request is very strange, I have NEVER seen them "reach out " to pull in a derivative story from their leaks

Regardless I will follow this closely

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

What's the risk here? They laid out how you stay anonymous. They're not asking for your name.

Investigate1999 ago

I don't understand how they would keep the shills out, let alone prove to us that they aren't shills.

wecanhelp ago

I'm flairing this submission as IMPORTANT because a Pizzagate-specific subpage on, the original source of our initial leads, is an important development in the story, whether or not Wikileaks is compromised at this point.

Theupsidedown ago

Unless it's a long game to discredit pizzagate and wikileaks by extension, of course

wecanhelp ago

Do we still think, after Julian Assange's Reddit AMA video, that Wikileaks is compromised? This is not a loaded question, I'm genuinely interested in the thoughts of the community on this.

wh0care ago

some people still do think that, personnaly even if i still have little % of doubt about it, i think they are not...

i think some people (or/and maybe gov agencies) want to make us think that they are, IIIF they will release huge/comprometant things especially about PizzaGate soon (like pedophilia explicit linked to some important peeps) its a good things for whoever involved with it to make people think WL are in fact compromised (or under control of russians, like we see recent article saying russians can plant CP in computer's target blablabla..)...

This possible PsyOp could be for this and/or also for making people 1)stop making donations - their only ressources for $ 2)stop leakers to leaks to them..

like i said, i keep a little % of doubt that they could be compromised somehow, IF i was a leaker i would have choose others places to leak my stuff at the moment...but for believing their leaks, or/and for working ,legally, with them i dont see a problem ..this is my opinion at the moment, that i could eventually change if some new info coming for it...

dindonufin ago

i think some people (or/and maybe gov agencies) want to make us think that they are

This thought is absolutely correct. It's a textbook CIA psyop. They will do all they can to discredit wikileaks, trump, thiel (i see a post about him in the "hot" tab now), us, etc.

wecanhelp ago

Valuable input, thanks!

grlldcheese ago

It was such a good psyop that it's not gone yet.

They were probably just trying to damage his donations and dissuade more leakers.

Just like the 10th anniversary troll, i bet he looks like a fucking genius in a few weeks.

EndThePizza ago

I don't. I think that by now it's most reasonable to conclude that he's both alive and in control of wikileaks.

9217 ago

What is this madness, are you joking?

HarveyKlinger ago

If I thought Wikileaks wasn't compromised, I'd be in. But...