ArthurEdens ago

I feel the same way as you. Don't despair, this is all of our burden, not yours alone. We can only get rid of this together.

algernon4peace ago

Yes, I'm with you. This has broken my heart and they can not get away with this any longer.

It just blows my mind how, while they're off fucking toddlers and guzzling back piss, shit and cum, they can view themselves as any more enlightened then the most flaccid of farts.

wecanhelp ago

@Godwillwin, I'm removing this unsourced wall of text per rule 2. If you would like to resubmit it, please make sure to cite every claim you make with a respective source link. Thank you.

ArthurEdens ago

Just delete the shill posts. We're all sick of the unnecessary rules.

wecanhelp ago

We all very much aren't. The rules have been discussed and accepted by the community over the course of several weeks of open discussion. Top researchers have no issues with the rules, and the general quality of submissions has noticeably increased since we've had the capacity to moderate more or less consistently, according to the rules.

ArthurEdens ago

Can't argue with that, you're in charge

Jem777 ago

I just want to make a small comment. In the original leak by FBIanon the agent specifically states among everything already discovered and he has been almost 100% accurate. He mentioned that we should keep searching through the illegal server into Oil, weapons, human, child sex trafficking. To focus ultimately on Soros who "owns" the government into Tavistock. Tavistock is a CIA linked hidden MK Ultra training center. They proport to help the very things they intentionally create. Child Sexual abuse victims (DID), trauma based dissociative disorders, infant neglect abuse and worse. Research again established around WW11, CIA, do your research.

Godwillwin ago

The long post goes on to discuss Albania " Here's the summary: **Western and European power brokers--especially Tony Bair, Bill Clinton and even John Podesta--were supporting the Kosovo Liberation Army. To raise money for the conflict, the KLA established itself in selling drugs, weapons, and human trafficking. Now, 20 years out from this conflict, it's already been well- documented that the West was helping the KLA with weapons trafficking and drug smuggling. I will now show that Western power brokers were helping the KLA with human trafficking of the worst kind... and they were doing it by giving the Albanian mafia/KLA a front to do it through children's welfare charities like EveryChild. **"

A little background history from the long post on toppling Albania after toppling Romania "These teams lobbied as a unified front to the State Dept in 1992 (per the book, "Liberating Kosovo"): In August 1992, Gashi, Bukoshi, and Tahiri met at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva to map out their strategy...US Support was essential to the LKD's efforts in Geneva. They got support from a US (Republican) Representative, Ken Blackwell, and that gave them some cred. Then, they worked with other European diplomats. When the Kosovo group went to negotiate with Russia, they replied (in colorful language that I'll paraphrase), "Screw you, we agree with Serbia on this one. Sorry, go away." Negotiations between Europe, the US, and Russia tended not to go very well on the Kosovo front, and "negotiations" were disastrous due to significant disagreements.

Well, shortly thereafter (still 1992) the UN came out with a report claiming the ethnic Albanians were being persecuted. The UN claimed that Serbia--and Yugoslavia as a whole--were trying to commit massive hate crimes against this group. The Western media went to work painting them as racist, intolerant, bigoted, violent Serbians... which is how the historical narrative still goes today.

Well suffice it to say, this group of "poor, downtrodden ethnic Albanians" living it large overseas and ruling the country were thrilled with this UN narrative shaped by their friends in the US and Brussels. Yeah, the Serbs were probably dicks to Albanians. Yeah, they fought. But to whose benefit? These guys. They NEEDED this conflict to exist to further their goals of a separate Kosovo. It's like their Israel. So, in 1995, the Bosnian conflict emerged with NATO fighting by the side of the Bosnian Muslims, which weakened Serbia further and wiped out lots of the genuinely poor and legitimately downtrodden citizes of ALL groups. War sucks."

So the long post goes on to talk about and link evidence of the US relations the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) which is basically an organized crime group. Skipping that part because it's long but you can read the original post or google it. It's well documented

The long post goes on: "Now we know by now that the West's power brokers funded the KLA's weaponry. We know they helped create the KLA's heroin trade. And I'm now going to point out how the West helped create their human trafficking trade... by creating child welfare organizations for them to exploit, just as they did with the Romanian mafia.

But first: which Americans specifically helped the KLA?

Bill Clinton: The guy was president at the time. Known lothario. The guy has a statue of himself in Kosovo right now.

Hillary Clinton: Accepted 2016 campaign donations from KLA leader, Thaci, which was being conveniently funneled through Tony and John Podesta's lobbying group. Also, she--H. Clinton-- sent a memo from the Embassy during her time as Sec of State that cleared Sali Berisha (and several Gashis) for "law enforcement" and "border patrol" of Kosovo in 2009, despite being known for child trafficking. Not only did her husband create the rise of the trafficking gang, KLA, but H Clinton and the US State Dept continued it during her tenure. *Sali Berisha (former president and whose clan trafficked women out of Vlore with help from Lul Berisha and the Sicilian mafia faction) now working as "police officer" and "border police." Hilariously, sha added the disclaimer to the cable, "if Post subsequently becomes aware of possible human rights violations by the individuals listed above, Post should inform the dept and not proceed with training. (How stupid does she think we are?) By the way, here are the links I used to establish connections of Sali Berisha with Lul Berisha (same party, friends), Vlore, Sicily, Durres, etc..

Madeleine Albright: Commander of the KLA, Thaci, was known as "Madeleine's boy toy" (something to keep in mind when members of her cabinet were shielded from a pedo investigation of epic proportion). Her group, Albright Capital Management, put in several bids for control of Kosovo's telecomms industry later in 2012. This much is established and I'm including some rumors about other stuff that you can believe as you wish. [Note: granted, one source comes from but hell, I believe it]"

Mark Tavlarides: Clinton's legislative director for Clinton's National Security Council (and thus lobbied for Kosovo), then lobbied for Bechtel to get the 2012 telecomscontract, who did so by working as a lobbyist for the Podesta brothers.

John Podesta: Lobbyist for Thaci, who paid him like, 50,000 a month at one point. Here's Podesta, writing an opinion piece in 2007 for the Washington Post recalling his time as Clinton's Chief of Staff . "Standing with Kosovo again." Who runs Kosovo today? Thaci. Who operated a child trafficking ring? Thaci. Podesta is pushing for the international community to press for an "independent Kosovo," and citing his "recent visits there." Between this and the next section it makes sense why Breitbart accused him of covering up a child trafficking ring with his Media Matters firm.

Dennis Hastert: Podesta's good buddy arrested for pedophilia. He was Speaker of the House during this time who lobbied hard to ensure the KLA got a steady supply of US weaponry...probably because the sick fuck got a steady supply of kids. In fact, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmunds (who was intercepting Turkish intelligence in 2001, shortly after Kosovo ended) said the Turkish business groups were bribing him with kids, and was getting heroin money on the side... and Turkey was getting these things through Albania. So, the KLA likely fueled Hastert's pedo activities.

Joe Biden: "Thaci received strong support from the United States. He visited Vice President Joe Biden at the White House in July and has hosted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Kosovo." In fact, even in 2016, Biden went to meet with Thaci and was commemorated at "Camp Bondsteel," which is a military base to help the US transport out the things it wants delivered... like heroin... and maybe kids. Anyway, Biden lobbies HARD for Kosovo and went there often.

Obama: He keeps in touch with Thaci. They're buds. Mayor Rahm Emanuel (kingpin of all politics in Chicago, elevated Obama, father in Israeli intelligence) was super-keen on making besties with Kosovo and making sure the group had a stronghold in Chicago.

Rahm Emanuel: If you want to follow some breadcrumbs, look up Kosovo-organ harvesting-Israel-Chicago. My spidey senses tell me something's there."

So that's the link to US and KLA and the long post goes on to talk about the trafficking. I'll put that in another comment because this one is almost too long

DevilintheDetails ago

If this doesn't end with complete disclosure to the public and complete justice -no more throwing us a couple slime balls and saying problem solved- I may burn this whole fucking world down

algernon4peace ago

Yes! I am with you as well. I never thought i'd ever say these words, but let's start with the orphanages.

One thing we could try to figure out, is a way to get information to sympathetic locals. Let them know what these "work" opportunities actually are being offered to their kids.

But in the meantime, I agree shit needs to get burnt. Might I suggest we turn the underground bases and tunnels into pedo pits. or holding cells. Originally, i was going to say pedo-burning pits, but I guess their demon gods molach and baal are partial to this so, I say let's keep them alive and for the rest of their miserable lives, force feed them hippie new age spirituality videos all about loving one another and the earth --- on like a permanent loop. Maybe throw in some words of Compassion and Mercy from the Buddha and the most loving, gentle scriptures from Jesus on the subject of humility.

2impendingdoom ago

I keep feeling like i've been transported and woke up on the deathstar.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't even know what to say anymore, gww.

projection ago

Andrew Torbay (GAB founder) posted this yesterday

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Ephesians 6:12

It would seem that they were talking about exactly the sort of 'evil' we are witnessing now. I remember a forensic historian saying that if his work had taught him one thing, it was that from day 1, there has ALWAYS been some group trying to be on top of/to exploit another. It's a horrible truth, but here we are. I still believe in good hearted people fighting this darkness, they are an inspiration and cause for hope in itself.

Jem777 ago

We are going to be sick. R. E. Only wants to tell a part of the story. This includes all of them. Disgusting. They should pray. I would not want to have blood on my hands!