bopper ago Good grief (there's another thread in the 'hot' section with this posted). Bust these perverts.

bopper ago

This is supposed to be 'music,' Listed in same 'genre' as the music of the drummer of Satanized, who co-founded Little Baby's Ice Cream. Duh. Listen towards the end @ about 3:30 sounds like rape and torture of a young girl.

There's more, I quit digging. An article:

lpcollector ago

That music is just a stupid imitation of a group called Whitehouse from the early 80s. Almost all noise bands are just dumb cucks playing static at high volumes these days.

Pizzainmyass ago

Lolita on the second video? I really wish I didn't hear that. And vegan ice cream with coconut milk? These men know no boundaries.

bopper ago

Yeah, it kind of bothers me posting it, and esp. in 'mixed' company, men and women. Degrading.

justwanttohelp ago

please make a separate post in Pizzagate linking the founder of Little Baby's to the band!!

bopper ago

I'm worn out at the moment :) But it's very important. Go for it if you want/can.

bopper ago

So the co-founder of this Little Baby's Ice Cream was the drummer in the band Satanized. Here's a partial review of one of their albums:

"Sounding like an even more sexual Big Black and drawing from the same pool of subject matter that has inspired musicians like Whitehouse and Nicole 12 to produce works about aberrant sexuality and abuse, the group’s 2011 album Technical Virginity may as well be titled Songs About (ass) Fucking, an album that not only has references to the occult, but focuses rather extensively on very uncomfortable sexual imagery. " Emphasis mine.

bopper ago

From Bloomberg: Little Baby’s, which opened its first retail location two days after the video was posted, was flooded with hate mail. “All great art is divisive,” says Pete Angevine, a co-founder of the company who once played drums in a band called Satanized. “For an hour, or maybe a year, we were probably the most hated ice cream in the world.” Emphasis mine.

StopThePizza ago

This was posted in the comments section of another thread about this place. This commercial, the imagery but also just the words, are very strange. This does not make me want icecream, so what the hell are they doing here..